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FMS eNews 15/03/14

I sometimes worry that I give you too much information!  But I guess you can treat it like a newspaper or magazine.  Whoever reads every word from beginning to end?  We don't, do we?  We just read the bits where the headlines and titles spark an interest.  You can do the same here.  Pick out the items that most interest you.  But, of course, the more you read the better informed you become, and better able to understand and cope with your fibro. 


WORDz for the WEEK

159.  Make visible what, without you, might have never been seen.


Harmful Gut Bacteria - by Norah Wickerson

Norah Wickerson
If your digestive system is not working excellently then the absorption of all protein and many nutrients will be compromised.
This is very likely to get worse over time. The frequent troublesome symptoms that may be thought of as IBS such as episodes of constipation, diarrhoea, excessive wind, excessive burping, abdominal bloating and abdominal pain should not be ignored. If you continue what you are doing then your symptoms are likely to continue and may even get progressively worse.

Read more -> 


From Adrienne Dellwo

Adrienne Dellwo
For years, some scientists have said Epstein-Barr virus reactivation was involved, somehow, in chronic fatigue syndrome, while other scientists have said it couldn't be, because it's a common virus and the immune system can knock it down no problem.
Now, we have evidence that could explain why EBV is a problem for people with ME/CFS even though it's not for everyone else.
That's below.
Also this week, what to consider when you have to have surgery, and complementary/alternative treatments for us.
Down in Featured Articles, you can learn a lot about the medications we take.
Take care of yourself!


When to Get Help for Middle-of-the Night Awakening

You set the alarm for 6 a.m., but for the third day this week you wake up at 1 a.m. instead. You know you need more rest, but falling back asleep takes a long time. When you finally do doze off, before you know it, your alarm clock is ringing.

If that sounds familiar, you may have a common form of insomnia that makes it hard for you to stay asleep.


12 Tips for Coping With Fibromyalgia

Stress may trigger fibromyalgia symptoms. Minimizing stress can improve your quality of life. Some proven stress busters are yoga, exercise, sleep, and meditation. Breathing deeply and exhaling slowly can also help. Or keep in mind activities that you enjoy or that make you feel better. When stress strikes, do one or two of them.


The Best Mattress for a Better Night's Sleep

Buying a new mattress? Here are tips for finding the right mattress for you.

You spend about a third of every day in bed. Whether that time is spent blissfully slumbering -- or tossing and turning -- depends a lot on your mattress.
"A mattress can impact a person's sleep," says Michael Decker, PhD, RN, associate professor at Georgia State University and spokesman for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
One way that your mattress affects your sleep has to do with the network of fine blood vessels, called capillaries, that runs underneath your skin.


Yoga on the Path to Wellness

We each have our own measure of physical and/or emotional pain. Yoga is a highly effective pathway towards healing that pain.  

When undertaken with full intent and determination, and with proper guidance, yoga enables us to:
Not only withstand the emotional as well as physical challenges of our lives, but go beyond them to a state of equanimity.
Improve our body's physical condition for optimum performance healing itself as circumstances require.
Develop a steady, calm and powerful mind as well as a clear "sense of self".
The perception of yoga as just an alternative form of exercise only resides in those who have yet to practice under proper guidance. Give yourself the gift of a true path towards wellness of body, mind and spirit. As little as 15 minutes a day can make a real difference.


Nine Mistakes People with Fibromyalgia Make

Mistakes Fibromyalgia Patients Make Dealing with the effects of fibromyalgia (FMS) can be hard enough as it is but there are certain things that patients can do that will enhance their symptoms. It is important to learn what not to do in order to prevent un-needed fibromyalgia flare-ups. Avoiding common mistakes can help you better control your FMS pain and other symptoms.
After all, treatment for fibromyalgia is not just in medicines. It’s a lifestyle.

Read more->


The Fibromyalgia Treatment Group Sponsors Health Rising – An Interview with Cindy Sparling on a Natural Approach to FM

A Natural Approach
 to Fibromyalgia
Health Rising is very glad to announce the Fibromyalgia Treatment Group is our third corporate sponsor.  Like so many ME/CFS and FM efforts, the Fibromyalgia Treatment Group’s work was  triggered by a personal experience with FM: Cindy Sparling, the President of the FTG, came down with Fibromyalgia after a car accident. Like others it took her years to get diagnosed and after prescription drugs didn’t work, she and her husband turned to natural alternatives to get relief. Ultimately the FibroLief product containing tumeric, boswellia, white willow, acetyl-l-carnitine, Rhodolia, COq10, Bacopa, Benfotiamine, Vit 3 and other natural ingredients was borne.

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Fibrolief can help:

  • Reduce Aches and Pain
  • Improve Energy and Stamina
  • Increase Mental Clarity


The next Girls Night In in Sussex is at the Thomas A Becket in Worthing!


Comfort Eating and Fibromyalgia

I have recently been asked about comforting eating. Goodness! that is a BIG topic ... I can totally understand the desire to comfort eat. After all, we are given food as comfort at an early age.
How many children have you known who have been given a biscuit or sweets to make them feel better after a fall of other upsetting incident? Is that how you were comforted as a child?

Read more->


Neurologic​al Functional Disorder

Is this related to fibromyalgia?  If you suffer from both Fibromyalgia [FM] and Neurologic​al Functional Disorder [NFD], will you please contact me?  I know of one such person and we would be interested to know if there are any others.  So please email me if you have been diagnosed with both conditions, or if you think you might have them both.  More information about NFD can be found here -> 



Becky Jarvis
Late this afternoon, MPs debated the Hospital Closure Clause. Since then, the office team has been trying to work out what to make of how it went. It’s quite complicated, and there’s still quite a lot of analysis to be done.
Here’s some questions 38 Degrees members will need to consider together over the next few days:

Find them here->


‘The Vital Impact Online Workshop’ for practitioners

You will discover:

"The Vital Impact you can have with clients with M.E, CFS and Fibromyalgia when you integrate your specialisms with the new cutting edge approach of Well-being Coaching. Stand out from other practitioners with this proven programme." 


Living With Pain: Chronic Pain Acceptance

You may have heard the term “chronic pain acceptance”.  At first, it may sound a little sad – as though you are being asked to simply give up. But that is not what is meant by the term. It has more to do with moving on from the struggle, the fight, and frustration of trying to get rid of or cure your pain… to living your life, even though you have pain.


Moving Beyond Anticipatory Pain for Effective Chronic Pain Management By: Dr. Stephen F. Grinstead

If you’re living with a chronic pain condition you may have noticed that sometimes you are so fearful about doing even the most basic tasks of daily living, that you become immobilized. It can also manifest as overwhelming anxiety, so much so, that a phenomenon gets triggered which amplifies your perception of pain. I call this Anticipatory Pain.


From Carol Eustice

Quote of the Week:

"Resolve to be thyself: and know that he who finds himself, loses his misery. ~Matthew Arnold "


ME/CFS Yahoo Group

Brighton Hove ME link is an independent online space purely for members to link up with other ME/CFS sufferers living in the local area.

 You are welcome to use this space for chit chat, sharing experiences or posting about things that interest you.
 People often use the space differently. Some link up online. Others prefer to exchange phone contact or meet up in person.
 If you want to join us for a cuppa we have regular monthly social meet ups.
 If members choose to take on a role that is helpful to this group (as many do) other members are not indebted to this.
 It's always great to have new people join. Lots of us find living with ME/CFS can be a very isolating experience and just knowing others in the same boat can be helpful. 


Daily Newsletter, March 8th, 2014

Daily Newsletter, March 10th, 2014

Weekly Newsletter, March 11th, 2014

Daily Newsletter, March 12th, 2014

Daily Newsletter, March 13th, 2014


So, that's the lot for now.  The sun is shining again this morning so I hope that is a good omen for the coming week.
Fondest wishes to all



N.B. I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.