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FMS eNews 15/06/13

Hi Everyone
I survived the week, and I got a reasonable eNews compiled. Hope it's useful to you. The family is re-united, and refreshed after their holiday.



123. All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.


From Adrienne Dellwo, your Guide to Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Adrienne Dellwo
Do you have "pain buttons" that send pain shooting around your body? One reader asked a question about these awful things, and the answer is below.
Also this week, some tests you might want to ask your doctor about, and how fibromyalgia could be making you age too fast.
Down in Featured Articles, you'll find lots of information about supplements.
Take care of yourself!


A Poignant Poem

A MAP to diagnosis

If after reading this poem you're not perfectly clear
I'll tell you much more if you click the link here


FROM THE EDITOR, Pamela Bennett

After a winter that seemed it would never end, and a spring that barely was, the warmth of summer is finally upon us!
This past week I was in DC for a policy forum held by the National Patient Advocacy Foundation. The focus of this meeting was on patient centric care. Patients shared their experiences which caused tears to well in my eyes and anger to burn in my heart, experiences from a health care system that is broken for many.


I have a confession to share with you!!

I've been so busy building all my events that I haven't really paid much attention to where the time has disappeared to.
One of my clients asked me 'How long have you been practising in
Reflexology?' I suddenly realised that it's going to be 10 years next year,  I've been telling everyone it's about 7 years!!!
I guess it's true when you are having fun the time goes quicker.”
Read more about Debbie's plans.


Why We Should Care. Have you signed these Petitions?

Give people on carers allowance working tax credits sign @
(close to 700 signed already)

Stop the abolition of disability living allowance sign @
(over 46000 signed already)
Cumulative Impact Assessment of Welfare Reform, and a New Deal for sick & disabled people based on their needs, abilities and ambitions sign @
(over 41000 signed already)
Save the UK justice sign @
(getting very close to the 100 thousand needed to make change happen )
You are and do make a difference. You are and will make change happen.
Join us, support us and help to make change happen today.
Read the full article


You may like to sign this one too

Fatigue is not a disease! In March 2013, Sophie Coldwell 
died of leukemia.
She never received a diagnosis, because when she told her 
doctor she was tired, he said, "You have chronic
 fatigue syndrome."  30% of MS patients are also 
told they have "CFS." 10% of patients with brain 
tumors, and who knows how many people with incipient heart disease, diabetes, 
and cancer receive a diagnosis of CFS. It is time we got rid of "fatigue" as a 
diagnosis for everybody's sake. 

Please sign the petition and share it with your friends and family.


Creating The Right Diet For Fibromyalgia - How Does A Healthy Diet Help?

Maintaining a healthy diet is important for everyone, but for patients with fibromyalgia it is especially critical. Proper nutrition can help fight fatigue and improve sleep and overall health. Some patients with fibromyalgia also find eating certain types of foods, such as fried food or food high in sugar makes symptoms worse.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, patients with fibromyalgia should stick to a diet that is high in fiber and includes foods, such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Patients should also watch fat content and avoid too much animal fat.


Using Yoga For Fibromyalgia - Can Yoga Really Help With Fibromyalgia?

Yoga has been often noted for its healing properties and role as a low impact and sometimes strength building exercise. In this case, the yoga classes in question are of the gentle, restorative nature. Depending on the studio, it can be called gentle hatha, or just hatha yoga. Read the rest of the article.



Study Finds CoQ10 Cuts Heart Failure Mortality in Half

Coenzyme Q10 decreases all causes of mortality by half, according to the results of a multicentre randomised double blind trial presented today at Heart Failure 2013 Congress. It is the first drug to improve heart failure mortality in over a decade and should be added to standard treatment, according to lead author Professor Svend Aage Mortensen (Copenhagen, Denmark). 

And it's good for fibromyalgia too!


Hurtful Comments and Chronic Pain

In a moment of frustration I (Tracy) posted this on my Facebook page dedicated to Chronic Pain, Tracy Rydzy- Oh What a Pain:
Sometimes I wonder, when something comes up that is difficult to accept or hurtful or upsetting because of living with chronic pain, do people try to be jerks about it or are they really too stupid to understand?
One of the pages’ followers, Cassandra, responded with her opinion and I think it will resonate with many readers. We co-wrote the following article:


Urgent – taking action to protect consumer choice in herbal products

Consumers for Health Choice works hard to ensure that consumers get the widest possible choice of traditional herbal medicines. A European Union law called the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive, which entered into force in 2011, threatened this choice by severely restricting the availability of these products. Read more . . .


June 8th, 2013 Newsletter

June 9th, 2013 Newsletter

June 10th, 2013 Newsletter

June 11th, 2013 Newsletter

June 12th, 2013 Newsletter

June 13th, 2013 Newsletter

June 14th, 2013 Newsletter


I shall be away next weekend so eNews will be published on Thursday, if at all!
Until then, look after yourselves



Contact me:-


N.B. I would like to point out to you that the information in my eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only.  They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will.  Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new eNews is posted, please send an email to as you will be added to the emailing list.
I previously sent out emails as FMSSAS eNews. Past issues of FMSSAS eNews can be found at and on a blog at These ceased at the end of November 2012 when I resigned as a trustee. This blog commenced on 8th December 2012.