It's two years since FMS eNews started. How time flies! That's 104 issues. For nearly two years before that I did FMSSAS eNews. So I guess I have published almost 200 pages giving information about fibromyalgia. I hope you have learnt much from it all. It was a bit boring in the beginnig with no pictures! So I think things have improved over the years.
WORDz for the WEEK
198. In your quest for honor, let wisdom be your guide and truth be your transportation through life!!
From Adrienne Dellwo, your Guide to Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

This week, we look at a simple but important word - "no" - and why you may need to say it more often. Also, things to consider when you're traveling with these conditions and dealing with cold sensitivity when you know you're not going to see warm weather for a long time.
Down in Featured Articles, you'll find a lot of information on being emotionally healthy.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and get plenty of time to recover!
Take care of yourself!
The Chrysalis Effect News
My grandchildren Josh an Ollie have just sent their gift list up the chimney to Santa with faith in their heart he will deliver! Santa has a tough job. He has to deliver to every corner of the world and make dreams come true. So as Christmas is upon us it has given me an opportunity to reflect on The Chrysalis Effect Dream. The dream was to help people recover, no matter where they were in the world - to pioneer recovery worldwide. It is so exciting to know we have helped clients in many countries including Cuba, France, Germany, Sweden, Australia, Prague and in many states of the USA, from Massachusetts to Hawaii!!
Looking back, when we started, we had no working capital and no idea how we could actually help people wherever they were in the world, even if they were bed bound! It was difficult. I have always loved the old adage 'Difficult is done at once, the impossible takes a little longer'
Living Well with Fibromyalgia - December edition
Melissa Swanson (from This is My Life ~ Surviving Fibromyalgia) and our wonderful team of writers have produced a great first stop for all Newbies (and some extra support for us Oldies) with this issue of LIVING WELL with FIBROMYALGIA. So, after all the pain and fighting to be understood, you have a diagnosis – YIPPEE!
Umm…now what?
By no means does this issue contain everything a Newbie will need to know but it’s a pretty good place to start.
Read the magazine:
Operation Affirmation
. . . . Over the next 31 days, I will be publishing a different affirmation each day. Say each one to yourself all day long. Write them down, email them to yourself, and post them where you will see them every day. See for yourself that affirmations are a way for us to harness the mind’s power by directing our intentions toward our best selves and our happiest lives.
Love your day, love yourself, love your life!
Read the full intoduction:
Focus on Fibromyalgia
Representing Fibromyalgia Sufferers are Trisha McDermott and Robert Murphy, being interviewed with Dr Sinead Beirne on Ireland AM on 2nd December
View the video:
How to Cope with Fatigue and Fibromyalgia During the Holidays
Lets face it – the holidays are a time of both excitement and exhaustion. I love the season and the feelings of warmth it inspires, but for many (myself included) it can be exhausting – both physically and emotionally. For those of us already dealing with a shortage of energy, careful planning is critical to get us through the holidays alive.
Top 5 Fibromyalgia Treatments
Fibromyalgia patients have been reviewing their treatments on HealClick and we have been compiling them. With our database of reviews growing larger every day we’re starting to see trends as far as what treatments are reported as most effective. We’ve crunched the numbers and today we present the top 5 most effective Fibromyalgia treatments as rated by the HealClick community.
1. Medical Marijuana (Cannabis)
2. Gluten Free (Wheat Free) Diet
3. Topiramate (Topamax)
4. Yoga
5. Pregabalin (Lyrica)
Read more about them:
Personal Shopper
We hope you're having a great thanksgiving weekend with friends and family.
As a way to say thank you for using our health tracker and contributing to our community, today we're introducing the HealClick Personal Shopper, a free way to save time and frustration on your supplement purchases.
Once you've signed up for the program, we take your current list of treatments, brands, and dosages from your health tracker:
Next, we use your tracker to create a totally personalized Amazon shopping list:
Check it out:
Channeling Pain: Fibromyalgia Mouse Study Points to Muscle Problems
“These results will be clinically useful, because we provide a new opportunity for mechanism-based treatment for chronic, widespread muscle pain resulting from recurrent acid insults possibly associated with symptoms of fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome.” Chen et. al.
The question what causes acute pain or fatigue to turn into chronic pain or fatigue is on the minds of researchers everywhere. Some are finding clues in the central nervous system. Lloyd found that a genetic predisposition to increased immune activation in concert with high symptom levels plays a role in the transition from short-term fatigue to long term. Now, we continue our PEM series with a study seeking to uncover the molecular causes of the transition from short-term to chronic pain in the muscles. They used a mouse model of fibromyalgia to do it.
The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Sleep Survey
Several ME/CFS and/or FM experts have said that you can’t fix fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome without fixing sleep. Dr. Bateman, whose SolveME/CFS presentation on sleep we’re going to cover soon, said she’s tried literally everything she can think of to help with sleep in FM and ME/CFS.
Given the negative effects poor sleep has on our immune, neuroendocrine, and central nervous systems it’s not surprising it can be so debilitating. Perhaps the most haunting sleep study was one Andrew Gross referred to which found that just a couple nights of interrupted sleep – the kind many people with ME/CFS and FM regularly experience – was enough to make healthy people look like they had fibromyalgia.
Increased heart rates, reduced heart rate variability, fragmented sleep and lack of deep sleep have all been found in ME/CFS and FM sleep studies, and the best is probably yet to come when the Zinn sleep studies from Stanford get published
Read on:
Shake That *^#&! ing Stigma – The Shake the CFS Stigma Challenge Begins
Wouldn’t you just love to “Shake the Stigma”? You know the stigma that says chronic fatigue syndrome is just about fatigue (and mild fatigue at that). That everyone has it from time to time. That it’s a cover up for malingerers. That it’s not “real”.
Wouldn’t you just love for the National Institutes of Health to “Shake the CFS Stigma” and starting treating ME/CFS like a real disorder that deserves real funding?
The Simmaron Research Foundation thinks it’s time to “Shake the CFS Stigma” off – literally – and to challenge your friends and government officials to do the same.
Read more:
Cytokine and Chemokine Profiles in Fibromyalgia, RA and Lupus: A Potentially Useful Tool in Differential Diagnosis
Making a correct diagnosis is pivotal in the practice of clinical rheumatology. Occasionally, the consultation fails to provide desired clarity in making labeling an individual as having fibromyalgia (FM), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
A chemokine and cytokine multiplex assay was developed and tested with the goal of improving and achieving an accurate differential diagnosis.
What is Fibromyalgia? - THEN - Fibromyalgia Stretching Exercises
All the stretches listed below aim at strengthening the connective tissues and toning the associated muscles (among the most important benefits of stretching), hence providing substantial relief from the discomfort caused by this disease and are an excellent option for efficient fibromyalgia treatment. The majority of them are already known to you by their presentation in other posts, but their effectiveness is also welcome when it comes to deal with fibromyalgia! These are almost all the stretches for thighs, quadriceps, hamstrings, lower back (such as the knee-to-chest stretch), calves (especially the standing calf stretch – photo 5) and chest/shoulders (like the doorway stretch) and , performed either in a static/active, static/passive form or, more appropriately, in the dynamic mode.
Read more and view the video:
Turmeric & Curcumin Root
Eating good foods might be the cornerstone of good health. However, most people ignore the fact that simply eating the food isn't always enough. In order to take full advantage of the magnificent ingredients your food contains, it is important to help your body absorb those nutrients completely.
Simple consumption is not enough for many foods, among which is turmeric, a powerful healing remedy, if used correctly.
Read on:
Pifflers United - "Supporting Anyone Living With Chronic/Invisible Illness" Reports ActiPatch
Bioelectronic Therapy Relieves Chronic Pain In Fibromyalgia
Pifflers United Chronic and Invisible Illnesses Support Community, announced the release of results of a study of ActiPatch®, a new bioelectronic pain therapy device, in the self-management of fibromyalgia pain. The results demonstrated that when used in the area of worst pain, very significant clinically meaningful pain reduction can be achieved.
Celeste Cooper's site
As a patient, registered nurse, educator, and author, it is my greatest desire that you find information in our books, on this website, and through my blog that will encourage you, sustain you and empower you on the journey we share, learning to live life to its fullest regardless of chronic pain and illness.
Explore Celeste's site:
Fuel Mate
Do you have difficulty in filling your car with petrol? Makes your hands hurt? Help is here. A gadget that fixes the pump position while it fills your car, without having to hold it. Just keep your hand on it! Comes in blue, gold, red and silver. View the video to see how it works.
To order your Fuel Mate, send email to stating your colour preference and email address for Paypal invoice to be sent to. Payments accepted via Paypal or cash on collection only. Each fuel mate costs £5.00 which includes *P&P to any mainland UK address. *Free p&p until the end of the year so take advantage while you can!
The Future of FMSSES
The Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 8th November passed without incident. In fact it
could be said to have passed unnoticed as only five people attended. Fortunately, there were
sufficient remote votes received to make the meeting quorate. . . . . . . It is some four years since a check was made to discover who wished to remain in membership, and the time has come to repeat the exercise. If you wish to remain a member, please email your request to by 31st January 2015. After that date everyone else will be transferred to the list of Friends of FMSSES, so that they may continue to be informed of publications or specific
Isle of Wight Fibro Support Goup Newsletter
It's me again. It's only 5 mins since the last newsletter.... At least that's how it feels!
Well as I write this the clocks went back this morning, I was awake, and I swear I didn't feel a thing... No time warp experience at disappointing, oh well, that's it now, past the point of no return, it is now officially winter, and it gets dark at 5.30 or there abouts. I think the fact it is still mild at the moment has helped to soften the blow, but my garden looks a mess, I think my Son is going to get handed the garden tools tomorrow!
Winchester Fibro News
I do believe it has been some time since the last issue of our newsletter & o much has happened that I am at a loss where to start really.
See the rest of the newsletter:
A personal note from Vicky
What a week. My birthday was celebrated with a party for about 40 people where Richard used his new chefs skills to effect, putting on an amazing feast. A meal out with my son and daughter in law and a normal day working on ‘the day’ being treated to afternoon tea in my downtime. Lot’s of people enjoyed the cake and I’m overwhelmed with the number of cards, presents and Facebook messages.
The picture is of a cake a friend brought me, knowing how sensitive I was about the number! Just to rub it in she bought me a wine glass with that number on too. I’m pretty well preserved for my age I know and do believe it us just a number. I am privileged to have reached 60 as many people (including my younger brother) were taken before their time. On the plus side I get a tiny NHS pension and discount on the trains!
Video of the week: Swimming
Success Story: Trish Moram
Yesterday I had a dental appointment in the morning and a visit to East Surrey Hospital in the afternoon. Just as well I did most of the preparation for this on Thursday!
Greetings to all
N.B. I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.
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