This blog now has a page at Fibromyalgia Information Relief
Thanks go to Ann Masterson for giving us publicity.
197. Failing to confront your fears is shrinking from life at the very moment that you should be embracing it.
Stories about Young Carers
We have received the following media request. Please pass it on. If you are interested in providing your story, please contact the office by Monday 10th December
I'm working on a story about young carers. Nearly a quarter of a million children in England and Wales are caring for a relative, according to stats. My piece will be a report on what these young people are doing that’s so amazing and how they should be supported. I would like to do a bit of myth-busting with this article - i.e. undo incorrect assumptions people make. I would also like it to inform readers about the reality of the situation and give them an insight into what life is like for young carers. Finally, as I say, I want it to outline some key ways in which young people are being supported and ways in which they should be supported, but currently are not.
Ideally, I would like to talk to young carers themselves or people who have cared for adults when they were children. Also, other experts working with this group of people.
Thank you for reading this. If anyone has any questions then please email the office on
Fibromyalgia Information and Relief Made Simple
Fibromyalgia Information: What is it? Is it curable?
Those are the most frequent questions my patients ask me! 30 years experience as Pain Consultant makes fibromyalgia easier to understand and treat.
I have developed a special interest in fibromyalgia because I have never agreed with the common statement: "It's all in your head!"
A comprehensive site explaining fibromyalgia:
Welcome to
"I don't see the point in measuring life in terms of time anymore.
I'd rather measure life in terms of making a difference" - Stephen Sutton
An inspirational message from a brave young man, one we at Fibropartners have taken to heart and what this website is all about 'Making a Difference'.
FIBROPARTNERS has been created by the partner of a long term sufferer of Fibromyalgia, to promote awareness of how important and beneficial to all who have it and live with it, understanding and supporting your partner who has fibro is.
This awareness applies not specifically to Fibromyalgia alone but any Chronic Condition.
There are numerous websites that are devoted to offering support & advice to the sufferers of the conditions but there are few, if any, that are aimed at supporting the partners/family also, so that they in turn can give the support needed to their partners.
FIBROPARTNERS aims to be different and unique by providing support and information to those who have the condition and those who live with it.
Read more - explore the site:
Triggering Effects: Andrew Lloyd on Infections, Genes and Getting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Prof Andrew Lloyd, University of New South Wales- Acute infection & post-infective fatigue as a model for chronic fatigue syndrome.
An innovative study that tracked the development of CFS/ME after several different initial infecctions has revealed surprising findings about the role of the immune system and role of genetic variations in the susceptibility to post-infective fatigue.
How Many Marbles Do YOU Have? A Children’s Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Book
“Without having to say I was in pain, or I didn’t feel good or I was tired, I could simply say I was out of marbles.” – Melinda Malott
Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia are difficult enough to understand for adults, but children are another story. Explaining why mom or dad can’t do the things other moms and dads are doing is a challenge, to say the least, but Melinda’s book, “How Many Marbles Do You Have? Helping Children Understand The limitations of Those With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia,” provides a simple, understandable way to do that.
Yes, Fibromyalgia is Real – and Here’s Why
When I saw that the video “Fibromyalgia: It’s Real It’s Manageable What You Can Do” had been viewed almost 85,000 times I had to check it out. In it, Dr. Andrew Gross, the head of the Rheumatology Clinic at the University of California at San Francisco presents a a birds-eye view of fibromyalgia.
The grace in this video – which has been viewed over 100,000 times – is Gross’s engaging presentation style. If you want enroll somebody in your life in the idea is that fibromyalgia is a real and serious disorder – this might be the video to do it.
At the same time the video is by no means comprehensive; Gross’s treatment approach to FM is decidedly conservative and it’s getting a bit dated. Still, for an easy to understand lecture on the basics of FM, it may be the best out there.
Releasing Pain: Fibromyalgia and the John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach
'As with every recovery/recovering story we note that both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are heterogeneous disorders and that what works for one person may not work for another. Health Rising is not affiliated with Sheldon’s practice in any way.'
An insight into the John F. Barnes Myofascial Release ApproachTM
I believe some ground-breaking research in the scientific world provides an exciting opportunity for those suffering from fibromyalgia to address the cause of pain. The most important understandings concern the body’s forgotten system – the fascial system and the glial cells (thought of as the fascia of the brain).
Read more:
Fibromyalgia Leg Pain
Do you suffer with fibromyalgia leg pain? Pain that is associated with the tender points and trigger points in multiple sites?
Although we often refer to them as tender POINTS, they are actually more like tender AREAS.
I have yet to meet someone with fibromyalgia that has merely a POINT of pain or tenderness. (However, the 18 tender points test is still used as ONE part of diagnosing fibro) And because tender points differ from trigger points, refer also to the 'trigger points' article for a more in depth discussion on TRP's in fibromyalgia.
Now most people with fibro describe an 'area' of pain that radiates to the surrounding tendons or trigger points. Often there is an involvement with an associated tendon, ligament or TRP (trigger point). This is what causes the pain to radiate or extend.
Read more:
Can yoga really work for those of us with ME/CFS? This video explains the why of how it works but it is up to each of us to establish and maintain a proper yoga practice with full intent and determination.
Can yoga really help those of us with ME/CFS? This video explains the how and why it works but it is up to each of us to take up and maintain a proper yoga practice with full intent and determination to realize its full benefits.
View videos - and more:
Curcumin Made 65X More Bioavailable - Modern Take on a "Golden" Spice Busts Brain Fog, Joint and Body Pain
Have you had a "Fibro Fog" day lately? Hazy focus, slow thinking and spotty memory can be frustrating when you're trying to take care of business. What about a "joint and body pain" day? Morning stiffness, creaky flexibility and muscle aches make it hard to get up and go.
Of course, for fibromyalgia and CFS/ME sufferers, on the worst days these brain and body complaints combine - diminishing work performance, day-to-day activities and overall quality of life.
Turmeric, a legendary "Golden Spice," may help. Used for thousands of years in both Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese health systems, turmeric's active compound, curcumin, has been shown in scientific research to have multiple biological activities that may sharpen mental performance while soothing away muscle aches and joint discomfort.
Read more:
Why Am I Always Tired?
If you are always tired there could be many reasons for it, varying from physical and mental conditions to lifestyle, diet and changes in your environment. Being constantly tired all day obviously has a negative impact on the quality of your life so it is important to identify why you are feeling tired and what you can do about it.
What are the possible reasons for you being always tired?
Find out:
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT To the FMSSES AGM on 8th November 2014 at Chichester Park Hotel

Our Fibromyalgia Road Show has come to a stop. Events are more difficult to arrange with less
manpower and our expenses are rising all the time. To add insult to injury I have been hacked and my
address book was wiped clean. Also some folks will know I lost my husband to a blood clot last
November, so it has been a rotten year for me personally.
Believing we had a full active compliment of dedicated helpers, at the last AGM we all agreed to change our name to Fibromyalgia South East Support. As it happened this has meant more work with sadly less trustees.
See the rest of the newsletter here:
Useful contacts list:
See also:
A personal note from Vicky

Be Activated is a way of activating muscles which have switched off - almost like replacing a blown fuse or rebooting a computer. It looks at the body’s compensations as it loses it’s ability to engage the prime movers of the body. These compensations reduce the ability of the body to work at it’s highest effectiveness and thus increase the risk of injury.
Education: Diet Vs Exercise
Video of the week: The Shoulder Bridge
Success Story: Monica (video)
Read the whole blog:
Audiobook Library Service
[books] We provide an audiobook library service to adults and children who find it difficult to read or hold a book due to an illness or disability.
We are passionate about making books accessible to everyone and for many of our members our audiobooks not only provide a link to the wonderful world of literature but can be a relief from pain or anxiety, lifting them out of what are often challenging circumstances. The service caters for children and adults with a wide variety of print impairments. We have a huge library of over 7,000 titles in a wide selection of genres, as well as a large educational library for those still at school. Whether you are interested in history titles, such as The Island Race by Winston Churchill, or a good mystery novel such as the Agatha Raisin series by M. C. Beaton, we have something for everyone.
Choose from thousands of fantastic audiobooks to download to an iPod or other portable device to listen on-the-go!
Find out more:
Last week I recommended Beth Urmston's magazine, Fibro Flare. It's big - 115 pages but well worth the read
Congratulations to her team for producing it. She asked me to write an article for the next edition, which I did. So that should appear in the December edition.
For now - fibro hugz to all
Keep good and be well
N.B. I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.
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