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FMS eNews 16/08/14

Those of you who are knitters, please get going on the mini hats for this year's innocents drinks' Christmas project to aid AgeUK.  Last year I knitted over 300, and have done quite a lot towards this years effort.
Completed hats can be handed in at your local AgeUK Centre or Shop.
The hats don't have to be complicated like the one on the left.  They can be simple like the one on the right!  Or anything in between.

See the leaflet:


WORDz for the WEEK

181. Life's hopes, dreams and memories merge together, creating a beautiful mural.  A beautiful mural of God's handiwork!!


From  Adrienne Dellwo, your Guide to Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A lot of us are overweight. We know that. Most of us probably figure we'd feel better if we lost some weight, and some research has backed that up. But now, a brand new study takes another look at how weight effects us. See what it has to say, below.
Also this week, a look at the Chinese exercise/meditation activity qigong and what research shows about it for both FMS and ME/CFS.
Down in Featured Articles, you'll find a lot of information on some of the pain conditions that are common in us.
Take care of yourself!


Orthostatic Intolerance, Pain and the Mitochondria in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Dr. Newton Talks 
Highlights from Dr. Newton’s Video on Blood Flow

“I would suggest that abnormalities of the autonomic nervous system are the underpinning phenomena that explain most if not all of the symptoms that people with ME experience.” Dr. Julia Newton
Orthostatic Intolerance
Dr. Julia Newton started off a section on orthostatic intolerance(OI) stating that 90% of patients with ME/CFS experience dizziness or lightheadedness. She diagnoses OI using a symptom questionnaire (Orthostatic Grading Scale >4 = OI).


Where Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Part Ways (and Where They Don’t) 

Lately we’ve seen what appears to be a great deal of similarity in muscle issues in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. We know that Dr. Bateman and others believe ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia occur on a fatigue-pain continuum – that they are similar disorders that differ in the amount of fatigue and pain present. They both predominantly affect women, and similar  medications are used in both.
Both Dr. Natelson and the Lights, however, have found differences in ME/CFS + FM vs ME/CFS patients alone, and Natelson argues that they’re quite different disorders.
Now a recent study demonstrates an important way that this is so.


Telomeres, Wandering Minds, and Creating Cellular Health: the Last Best Cure V 
“The good news is that we are not our thoughts.” – Clifford Saron, PhD, Center for Mind and Brain, UC Davis

People with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia are advised to cut down the amount of ruminating they’re doing.   But according to a large Harvard  study, most of us – whether we’re healthy or ill – spend an extraordinary amount of time engaged in thinking about things other than what we’re doing.  We’re not ‘being here now’;  we’re either thinking about something that happened earlier, or thinking ahead to the future, or we’re judging and assessing what’s before us.   Our minds are darting around and around – here, there, and everywhere.


Herbs and Supplements for Fibromyalgia 

Many herbal products and natural supplements claim to ease fibromyalgia pain or fatigue. Get the facts before you give them a try.
Read Article › 

  • Lidocaine Injection May Help Fibro Pain
  • How Can Physical Therapy Help?
  • Finding a Fibromyalgia Specialist


Easy Exercises to Help Ease Your Pain

Exercise can help fatigue, increase energy, and improve sleep and mood. Try these simple moves you can do every day.
View Slideshow › 

  • Simple Tricks for Avoiding Everyday Pain
  • Painkillers, Narcotic Abuse, and Addiction
  • How Hypnosis May Help Relieve Pain


Fend Off Fatigue for Good 

If you're always complaining of exhaustion, it's time to take steps to get to the root of the problem. 
View Slideshow › 

  • Do You Snore?
  • Causes of Sleepwalking
  • Stop Grinding Your Teeth


2 Explosive Realisations About the Suffering with MECFS and Fibromyalgia

The pain was suddenly so severe, that I screamed, “Call an ambulance!” I was writhing in agony. What happened next was an explosive realisation – more about that in a moment.
But first, let me tell you, that after around 7 years of illness, I have been recovered for several years now. So long, that it is starting to truly feel like a thing of the past and the rawness of the experience, the suffering with Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS has somewhat worn off. In fact, I had to look up the dates to realise that it is 4 years now that I have been recovered.
We often feel frustrated that others don’t realise the depth of our suffering with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia. In fact, many people get so stuck in this frustration that they never move beyond this towards recovery.

See more at:


Her Emotional Healing Allowed the Final Slide into Full Fibromyalgia Recovery  
Beth’s Fibromyalgia Recovery Story – 15 Years 

Recovered After 10 Years of Fibromyalgia.  It’s been over to 15 years since I have been free of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. If you have told me that was possible in the earlier years of my diagnosis, I wouldn’t have believed you. Today, I share my story to let others know that recovery from Fibromyalgia is possible and additionally, that recovery doesn’t mean just surviving, but thriving! Here is my story of healing through a variety of strategies and my final fibromyalgia breakthrough from emotional healing on an energetic level.

See more at:


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Recovery Stories & Fibromyalgia Recovery Stories

See more at:


Three Symptoms of Fibromyalgia That Magnesium Could Alleviate

According to recent estimates, nearly 80% of Americans suffer from magnesium deficiency.  That’s a startling percentage for any country, let alone the United States.  You may be asking yourself, “Why does it matter?”  You may be surprised to learn that many of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency are similar to fibromyalgia symptoms.  Consequently, many of the symptoms of your  Fibromyalgia could be eased if in fact you are deficient and you take decisive steps to address the deficiency.
To be clear, magnesium deficiency is not likely to be the sole cause of your fibromyalgia – nor should addressing the deficiency be considered as the sole treatment.  You may be surprised, however, at the relief you may find from many of your symptoms after addressing the deficiency.  So lets take a look at three symptoms shared by both magnesium deficiency and fibromyalgia and learn how addressing the deficiency can provide relief.
  • Symptom #1:  Tenderness & Pain
  • Symptom #2: Fatigue & Weakness
  • Symptom #3:  Confusion & Cognitive Impairment

Read more:


Premier Biomedical Drug Feldetrex For Neuropathic Pain, Fibromyalgia Gains Key Patent Award

Premier Biomedical, Inc. has received approval from the United States Patent Office for their proprietary medication “Feldetrex,” a drug designed to relieve the symptoms of neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia.  The William Beaumont Army Medical Center Principal Investigator is now drafting a protocol in order to conduct a double-blind, placebo-controlled comparison of this medication and the leading FDA-approved regimen for these concerns, which will be submitted for IRB approval shortly.


Newsletter August 14th 2014

Welcome to this week's newsletter.  This week we are pleased to share the recording of the second Secrets to Recovery LIVE, broadcast on 28th July.  This session included a summary of our patient survey, an inspirational interview with James Sawyer, and Helen Lynam (Director of Nutrition) talking about Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and ME/CFS.


Pledge your support

Help us to make our voice heard in Westminster and in Brussels; please sign our petition against excessive EU restrictions on vitamin and mineral supplements.
“We the undersigned urge the European Commission and the Governments of the Member States of the European Union to implement the provisions of the Food Supplements Directive (2002/46/EC) in such a way as to ensure that consumers have access to as wide a range as possible of safe, popular and effective higher potency vitamin and mineral supplements; with provision for individual Member States to permit onto their own national market products at higher potencies than the limits set by the Union if they consider it appropriate to local circumstances.”


A personal  note from Vicky

Our competition winner Jackie Bull (left) who has introduced her sister in law Brenda to our classes.
Thank you to all those who took part in our competition, I appreciate your efforts.  Jackie has won free classes for the whole of August.
Happy Birthday to Jackie’s husband Alan, who also comes to class as he is having a ‘noughty’ birthday this month.

Education: How HIIT works
Video of the week: Pilates Exercise Video of The week: Single And Double Leg Stretch
Success Story: Linda Hurrell


Hello everyone,  We will soon welcome in the autumn term, hoorah. I always enjoy teaching in September, as students return from the holidays with a new found gusto! Across West Sussex, there is one course for new beginners, where we will start the Chen short form from the beginning on Mondays at 7.30pm in Horsham.  There are lots of ways to study Tai Chi and Qigong with us, feel free to contact me prior to making a start. You can view over the September 2014 calendar here. Thanks for reading and happy training, regards, Nicola.


GMI Daily Newsletter: 8/13/14


I had an eye test this week with the optician who first suspected my eye problem last year.  It was good to see her again and I shall be eternally grateful to her for detecting the problem before the cancer had time to spread to other parts of my body.  I am pleased to say that my good eye is still good and does not have any further problems.  I don't even need new spectacles!
Good wishes to all


N.B. I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources.  Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to  and you will be added to the emailing list.

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