"LOVED your latest blog. Just thought I would send you a list of things I enjoy doing.
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Joan Chappell |
- Walking (when I can)
- Listening to Music
- Reading
- Listening to Plays on Radio 4, plus of course “The Archers”!
- Seeing friends
- Coffee Mornings at our Church on a Saturday morning
- Going to the Theatre, when I can
All things to be grateful for. I count my blessings each night."
Have you a list of gratitude, blessings or favourite things?
180. Love is not when you know you can live with somebody.... It's when you know you can't live without them...
From Adrienne Dellwo, your Guide to Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
When you hear that fibromyalgia is under-researched and poorly understood, it can leave the impression that no one is doing any research. Find out what doctors are really up to, below.
Also, a look at the differences between a disease and syndrome, and between tender points and trigger points.
Down in Featured Articles, I've included some good lists for you.
Take care of yourself!
What is fibromyalgia? The painful reality of life with FM
Please read the message from FMA UK
Dr Miriam Stoppard has set off a foray of correspondence in response to her original article. FMA UK request you follow this up with letters to MPs. Please take action as requested.
“How Stress Becomes Pain in Fibromyalgia” Pt. II: the Autonomic Nervous System
“The Autonomic Nervous System is the interface between the mind and body.” – Martinez-Lavin
This is the second in our series of blogs overviewing Doctor Martinez-Lavin’s short primer “Fibromyalgia: How Stress Becomes Real Pain”. (Note that Dr. Martinez-Lavin has a very specific view of Fibromyalgia, and his is one among many.)
Martinez-Lavin believes the development of Fibromyalgia is ‘related’ to physical, infectious, or emotional agents (illness, divorce, broken arm, etc.) that produce stress. He doesn’t appear to be saying the infections, psychological stress, etc., cause FM, but that the stress response system plays a critical role in this disorder.
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Suzanne Vernon |
The Solve ME/CFS Initative’s webinar series is back. Their research director, Suzanne Vernon, Ph.D, will start the series off with an update on the SolveCFS research efforts and the SolveCFS’s ‘unique’ Biobank.
The SolveCFS Biobank was one of the first biobanks created for ME/CFS. Suzanne Vernon predicted the SolveCFS Biobank would lower costs, speed up studies, enhance collaboration, and most of all, attract outside researchers. Has it? We’ll find out as Suzanne goes over the research emanating from one of the more comprehensive Biobanks created for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
A Different Kind of Pain
Not all pain is the same. Immune drugs can work very well for some types of pain.
That the immune system might play a major role in producing pain might seem obvious. Inflammation, swelling, and the symptoms of ‘sickness behavior’ including muscle and joint pains are all produced by the immune system when we catch a cold.
Even in Fibromyalgia – long thought to be a quintessential nervous system pain disorder – immune issues are popping up. The small fiber neuropathy found in that disorder could be caused by an autoimmune response, and recent studies have uncovered immune abnormalities involving cytokines.
“Given the paucity of effective treatments for CFS, there is an ongoing search for potential intervention targets based on the limited understanding of the mechanisms that govern symptom expression.”

One area we do pretty much understand about ME/CFS is cortisol – the subject of dozens of studies. It’s pretty clear now that it’s the cortisol awakening response, not total cortisol levels, that’s primarily off in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
A selection of articles
Best and Worst Fibro Drugs

Here's some help as you try to treat your fibromyalgia. This quick guide shows the pros and cons of available drugs.
Read Article ›
• Have More Restful Nights
• Why You Might Want to Try Yoga
• When Fibro Saps Sex Drive
Calm Burning Nerve Pain
Damaged nerves may cause sudden stabs, all-day aches, or even numbness. Learn how to avoid triggers and find relief.
View Slideshow ›
• What's Hurting Your Eyes
• 9 Pain Pill Mistakes
• Top Rubs for Achy Joints
How To Boost Your Energy and Fight Chronic Fatigue with Coenzyme Q10
If you suffer from fibromyalgia then chances are you’re also familiar with the symptoms of chronic fatigue. Chronic pain can make it difficult, sometimes impossible, to get a restful nights sleep. As those restless nights add up, our bodies struggle to run on empty tanks.
For anyone feeling the effect of chronic fatigue – Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an important supplement to be aware of. Don’t be scared away by the name. CoQ10 is really much simpler than it sounds. In a nutshell, it is an energy enzyme. Your body naturally produces it and it can be found in virtually every cell in your body, helping to produce the energy they need to perform their functions.
Among the vitamins that help our body perform its vital functions, the b vitamins are among the most important. Among other things, they help fuel our body by converting carbohydrates into energy. This fuel provides the energy required to perform many important cellular functions within the body.
One of the most important b vitamins, as it relates to Fibromyalgia, is vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 performs two critical functions that have a direct effect on many of the symptoms felt by fibromyalgia sufferers:
Find out what they are: http://fibromyalgiatreatmentgroup.com/fibromyalgiatreatment/fighting-fibromyalgia-with-vitamin-b12
His condition has given him word blindness (see Fibro Fog and C.F.S.). and is not physically strong.
Plus, he needs to use a wheelchair at times and needs assistance in climbing stairs, so you need to be reasonably strong.
Also you would need to take him to meetings, push him around Brighton so he can Campaign.
You can work flexible hours to suit yourself throughout the week and weekend and evenings. by going to meetings and door-to-door campaigning. Two or more hours a week would be a great help.
If you also have any of these skills it would be great; good I.T. skills. Facebook, Twitter. be able to take dictation, type up emails, letters, speeches; read emails, letters, update data to make sure nothing has been missed by word blindness. Updating Facebook, Twitter, Web site and do research on the internet, This job will be 90% computer/paperwork.
Contact Joe:- vote4joe2015@gmail.com if you think you can help in any capacity.
A personal note from Vicky
I love Brighton and Richard and I had a lovely walk from the Marina to Hove on Sunday last week. It was a glorious day.
COMPETITION Result!!! Jackie Bull is the winner. Congratulations!
Education: HIIT Workouts
Video of the week: Pilates Exercise Video of The week: Single And Double Leg Stretch
Success Story: Pru Rajani
GMI Daily Newsletter: 8/02/14
GMI Daily Newsletter: 8/03/14
GMI Daily Newsletter: 8/04/14
GMI Daily Newsletter: 8/04/14
GMI Daily Newsletter: 8/05/14
GMI Daily Newsletter: 8/08/14
GMI Daily Newsletter: 8/08/14
Many links I give offer advice on vitamins and supplements. These obviously work for some. I take quite a few myself, so I hope they do some good!
What about you? Do you find any particular ones help relieve fibro symptoms?
Fondest wishes to all
Contact: fmsstella@gmail.com
N.B. I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to fmsstella@gmail.com and you will be added to the emailing list.
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