Hello there
Isn’t it disconcerting just
when it seems there is a breakthrough someone pours cold water over it? But it only goes to show how important research
is and no-one should jump to conclusions as the first few items this week
Whoever said life was easy was an idiot, but whoever lived like it was
easy was a genius.
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With FM/a®, I finally have the validation and peace of mind, I need to feel like I can try to start living, again. |
Can Help Doctors and Patients Lessen the Burden of What Too Often
Ends Up a Lengthy, Costly, and Painful Diagnostic Journey
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At last, a real test for FM! It's nice to finally
be able to actually help my FM patients. |
Finally the
source code that uncovers the medical disease called fibromyalgia
is available via an objective, multiple biomarker-based diagnostic test that
has documented the altered immunology of the fibromyalgia patient.
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At EpicGenetics, we're thrilled to be making such a positive impact. |
Two separate
medical studies were conducted at the University of Illinois College of
Medicine at Chicago which investigated the uniqueness of the fibromyalgia
patient. Via the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago,
Department of Pathology, a CLIA certified laboratory, a rigorous
analysis of fibromyalgia patients versus matched healthy control
individuals revealed a distinct set of immunologic markers in those who have
fibromyalgia. This test proves that there are no boundaries when it comes
to age, gender or ethnicity in reference to the development of fibromyalgia.
BUT - Questions arise over new diagnostic
test for fibromyalgia
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Laurie Tarkan |
‘A new diagnostic test for
patients with fibromyalgia will soon be available, but some experts question
its value.
Fibromyalgia is a
potentially debilitating disorder that causes chronic, body-wide pain, fatigue
and “brain fog.” A diagnosis is based on a clinical exam and a patient’s
symptoms, but there is no objective diagnostic test available. Fibromyalgia
affects more than 12.3 million people in the United States, according to the
American College of Rheumatology.’ Read
on . . .
Junk Science – Junk Ethics
Posted by Fred Wolfe
In conclusion . .
‘Cytokine levels are
abnormal in many physical and mental conditions. The authors studied none of
those conditions. They provided almost no information about patient selection
or many other vital data for a comparison trial. The CONSORT statement on
publishing trials offers guidelines on the reporting of data. They didn’t
follow these guidelines. As a clinical study, it was very poorly planned and
carried out. As a pathology report it might pass. But the data did not in any
way addresses the validity and reliability of their ‘test’ to diagnose
fibromyalgia. I conclude that they (EpicGenetics and Dr. Gillis) were trying to
fool people into buying the scientifically unproven $744 test.
For such an ethical
violation, BMC Pathology should withdraw the paper. Want to diagnose
fibromyalgia? Talk to the patient. In less time than it takes to get the blood
drawn you can have the diagnosis (free!).’
What an anticlimax! But you can draw your own conclusions.
Dubious Diagnostics
- a summary of
the above
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, Simone Moszkowicz |
“There’s been a lot of chatting about a new a new diagnostic test for
FM (eg: http://akemisheartmindsoul.blogspot.com.au/2013/03/coming-soonnew-diagnstic-for.html,
The test, called the FM
test, measures production levels of certain cytokines, which are proteins that
play an important role in your immune system. The test was developed by Dr
Bruce Gillis, and in December 2012 ‘Unique immunologic patterns
in fibromyalgia’ was published as Behm et al., which found lower
levels of these cytokines in individuals with FM compared to healthy
individuals. The authors declared that ‘they have no competing interests.’” Read
the rest . . .
Simone Says . . .
I am asking everyone
to upload their VISIBLE Army photos to their profile picture on xocial
metworkng sites on the 12th of EVERY month, until May, when we do it for the
whole month of May (International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day is May 12), to
encourage and support Fibromyalgia Awareness.
Transcending: an effective remedy for
Transcendental Meditation works
Stress is one of the leading causes of
fibromyalgia Often patients
notice the onset of fibromyalgia symptoms after periods of severe or traumatic
stress. Fibromyalgia also often coincides with reduced levels of the “happiness
hormone” serotonin in the brain. Chronic stress is widely known to reduce
serotonin production.
Pati Chandler’s Newsletter 3-3-13
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Pati Chandler |
SLEEP - That
Illusive Factor
What's that?" If this is your answer
to your doctor's question, then chances
are really good that you're not getting enough of it, or the right kind of it.
And if you're not getting enough of the quality sleep that we all need, then
your pain will not likely go away, no matter how many prescriptions, treatments
or pills you may take for pain!’
You might like Pati’s book Fibromyalgia
‘When you
order a copy of my newest book, Fibromyalgia
Basics, from my website, securely from Paypal, or by check or
money order, I'll be happy to send you a personalized signed copy. Visit Amazon.com's "Look Inside" feature, and read parts of my
book to check it out. Visit Tate Publishing Bookstore and find an E-Book for only $10.99, including directions on
how to install your book on a Kindle,
Nook, ipad or iphone! ‘
From Adrienne Dellwo, your Guide to Fibromyalgia &
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
My recent experience with
delayed prescriptions.
How old were you when ME/CFS
hit? See why that could influence what type you have.
| ||
Search Related Topics: chronic
fatigue syndrome research understanding
chronic fatigue syndrome chronic
fatigue syndrome symptoms
Fibromyalgia can come with
painful periods. See why, and what might help.
Search Related Topics: overlapping
conditions living
with fibromyalgia living
with chronic fatigue syndrome
Read the many comments and
leave your own!
Search Related Topics: fibromyalgia
research understanding
fibromyalgia fibromyalgia
Does Having FMS Really, Totally Set us Apart
from the Rest of the World?
From Meshea Crysup’s Blog
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Meshea Crysup |
I know...
I really, really know...
just waking up sometimes seems too much to ask when you have Fibromyalgia. I also really, really know that some days we are better off if we give in and just get more sleep. But I also really, really know this is not the case every day!
Apart from all the physiological reasons...the importance of exercise when you have FMS...all true...there is a much more BASIC reason: FMS robs us of so much...we have to refuse to let it rob us of whatever time we have to LIVE!
I really, really know...
just waking up sometimes seems too much to ask when you have Fibromyalgia. I also really, really know that some days we are better off if we give in and just get more sleep. But I also really, really know this is not the case every day!
Apart from all the physiological reasons...the importance of exercise when you have FMS...all true...there is a much more BASIC reason: FMS robs us of so much...we have to refuse to let it rob us of whatever time we have to LIVE!
Latest articles
The majority of North
Americans feel chronic or intermittent pain is inevitable. Do you or a loved
one have daily pain? Here are some natural ways to eliminate pain, several of
which you will actually greatly enjoy.
behaviors take on a multitude of forms, but almost all can be overcome by
replacing them with positive behaviors instead.
Most people haven't even
heard of choline, an essential B vitamin that's crucial for heart and brain
health, and for pregnant women. Here's what you need to know, and the foods
you can find it in.
BE QUIET Benefits! Find
out how some fascinating studies confirm that silence in your external
environment and inside of your mind is essential to your health and
well-being. Then discover how to achieve healing silence in all aspects of
your life.
Weekly Menus, Shopping Lists, and Tips Designed
Specifically to Help You Reduce Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Save You Time &
Get the support you desire and take all the guesswork out of what to
eat, what to buy, and what to prepare when, to improve and maintain your health
with our weekly meal plans.
http://www.foodsforfibromyalgia.com/programs/fibromyalgia-meal-plans.html v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v
Feb. 29th, 2013
Newsletter! 1st March?
March 4th, 2013
March 6th, 2013
March 7th, 2013
Newsletter - March 1st 2013
Functional Exercise Is Critical For Immune Health – Dr Osbourne’s
Newsletter, March 1, 2013
It is no mystery that gluten can cause and
contribute to muscular loss, muscular weakness, and muscular
inflammation. The consequence of this damage can prevent your
immune system from being able to properly protect you. You see, muscle is
a reserve tank for healthy immune function. Unfortunately, taking
gluten out of your diet is not enough to restore good immune and muscular
health. That is why I constantly put so much emphasis on building and
maintaining adequate lean muscle. Read
on . . .
Top Foods To Avoid On a Gluten Free Diet
For those just getting started on a gluten free diet, the task can be very daunting. Identifying what to and what not to avoid is where most people get stuck or frustrated. Below we have put together a video and a list of some of the most common foods that will get you into trouble while following a gluten free diet…Follow this link
Creating The Right Diet For Fibromyalgia
By MaryAnn
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MaryAnn DePietrol |
How Does A
Healthy Diet Help?
Maintaining a healthy diet is important for everyone, but for patients
with fibromyalgia it is especially critical. Proper nutrition can help fight
fatigue and improve sleep and overall health. Some patients with fibromyalgia
also find eating certain types of foods, such as fried food or food high in
sugar makes symptoms worse. See more . . .
Using Yoga For Fibromyalgia
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Tiffany Tseng |
Can Yoga
Really Help With Fibromyalgia?
Yoga has been often noted for its healing properties and role as a low
impact and sometimes strength building exercise. In this case, the yoga classes
in question are of the gentle, restorative nature. Depending on the studio, it
can be called gentle hatha, or just hatha yoga.
Gerald Taylor’s Newsletter, 27th
Feb, 2013 warns against carbon monoxide poisoning
It was
with much sadness that I read about an elderly couple who died in caravan
alongside their daughter and dog from suspected carbon monoxide poisoning. It
was such a tragic story that it was important to write about and raise
awareness of the potentially life-threatening risks.
The Department of Health estimates that about 40-50 people die of CO and about 4,000 attend accident and emergency every year in England and Wales alone.
The Department of Health estimates that about 40-50 people die of CO and about 4,000 attend accident and emergency every year in England and Wales alone.
Don’t forget to upload
your Visible Army photo to your Facebook/Twitter etc page on 12th March – next Tuesday.
Happy Mothering Sunday
tomorrow for all of you who are MUMS.
Fondest wishes to everyone
N.B. I would
like to point out to you that the information in my eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other
sources. Links are given to the
original articles. I take no
responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think
they might be of interest to my readership.
Sites I refer you to are for
information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not
even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make
your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely
can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with
its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or
legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include
various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health
considerations. Anyone wishing to
reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from
the originators.
Wordz for the Week
are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my
personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related
to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t
already get reminders when each new eNews is posted, please send an email to fmsstella@gmail.com as you will be added
to the emailing list.
I previously sent
out emails as FMSSAS eNews. Past issues
of FMSSAS eNews can be found at www.fms-sas.co.uk/fmseNews.html and on a
blog at http://fmssas-enews.blogspot.com These ceased at the end of November 2012 when
I resigned as a trustee. This blog commenced on 8th December 2012.
Contact me:- fmsstella@gmail.com