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FMS eNews 19/07/14

I did try to make the most of the recent hot weather, but I was done, as in cooked, and done in as in exhausted.

Consequently I didn't do much sunbathing, but stayed indoors, where it was cooler and either nodded off in my chair or actually slept in bed!  Thunder storms and a fan have freshened the air, so life goes on . . . .


WORDz for the WEEK

177.  We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong.  The amount of work to achieve either is the same.


From Adrienne Dellwo, your Guide to Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

It's a question we all have when we're sidelined by these illnesses - am I going to get better? See what we know about the possibility of recovery, below.
Also this week, research looks into the causes of fibro fog, and how neurotransmitters may be involved in your symptoms.
Down in Featured Articles, we keep looking into your brain and nervous system, learning about specific neurotransmitters and different parts of the nervous system that cause problems for us.
Take care of yourself!


Puzzle Pieces Coming Together

“There have been some things that have really helped me … to move my thinking forward….The picture is coming together.” Dr.. Bateman from a talk at OFFER
Take the pieces of a big puzzle – piece a few together, scatter some of the rest on the floor, and then throw the box and the rest of the pieces away – and that’s what we’ve had with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. We’ve had a few pieces of the puzzle, some of which fit together (and some of which didn’t appear to) but nowhere has the broad outline of the puzzle – the disease – been apparent.


Dr. Craig on Fasting For Better Health in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
"Intermittent fasting has been crucial in my long-lasting CFS recovery." –  Dr. Courtney Craig

The pleasure of eating good tasting food is undeniable, but food can have a dark side for people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia (FM).
Digesting food, for one thing, takes work – lots of it.  In energy-depleted disorders like ME/CFS and FM the energy that goes into digestion could conceivably have been used for healing.
If you have blood volume issues, eating can cause your blood to rush to your stomach leaving you depleted elsewhere.  The cramping, bloating and other gut issues common in Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS take their toll as well.
Dr. Cheney once wryly said that if only ME/CFS patients didn’t have to eat they would get a lot better.  Eating small meals is definitely the way to go for many people with these disorders, but what about occasionally cutting out meals altogether? Would that help?

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Fighting Pain in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis with Trigger Point and Myofascial Therapy

 ME is a painful condition.  Phillida, who has had ME in the past, trained in various physical therapies such as massage and reflexology and took an MsC in Complementary Therapy at Westminster University in the UK as a way of using the respite care she was provided while caring for her daughter who was having a bout of severe ME at the time.
At the December 2013 meeting of the Wellington support group Phillida explained  how  two of these massage techniques, trigger point therapy and myofascial therapy, can be useful in relieving some ME pain.
Some parts of these therapies can be self-applied; for others you will need a friend or a trained therapist to help you. Crucially, these are gentle techniques which will not hurt you or make you worse, and they may be very useful. They are not cures, but they may help lighten the load of some symptoms.

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Challenging Loss in Chronic Illness: A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patient Finds Grace in Small Things (GiST)

When I started GiST, I had no faith in my ability to create a better life for myself. At the beginning, I was so low physically, psychologically, and emotionally after dealing with cancer, negative work conditions, depression and anxiety, and a then yet to be acknowledged alcoholism. 
I felt beholden to GiST, though, so I made sure I wrote down five things I at least didn’t hate every day during that first year, and I slowly became someone who could see beauty and light again, against all my actual expectations.
The daily reminders turned from a chore I grumbled through to a way of seeing throughout my days, transitioning me from a state of hopelessness to one of vision. Grace in Small Things helped give me not only my life back but also one that I could love and feel the power to grow within.)

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What Is GiST?

Grace in Small Things is a place to acknowledge and grow gratitude that is open to people of all philosophical and religious approaches.
Looking for a simple, quiet way to transform you life? This might just be it. JOIN US!

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Living Better With Fibromyalgia 

Find out about treatment options and get personalized tips to help you live a full life.
Get Started › 
  • A Visual Guide to Fibromyalgia
  • Finding the Right Fibro Doctor
  • Can Bad Weather Affect Joint Pain?  

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10 Habits That Can Reduce Chronic Pain

Daily pain can make it hard to get through your to-do list. Easy changes, like exercise and quitting smoking, may really help.
View Slideshow

  • Natural Treatments for Back Pain
  • 7 Foods for Healthy Joints
  • Managing Pain When You're Depressed 

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Repair Damaged Mitochondria and Reduce Fatigue Up to 45%

Clinical trials have shown that NT Factor® can actually support the repair of damaged cell membranes – in effect reducing the cells’ biological age and restoring mitochondrial ability to generate energy.  This is true whether the reduced energy/fatigue is from an illness like ME/CFS or fibromyalgia, a side effect of chemotherapy, or simply a result of aging. 
Studies done with severely fatigued patients in each of these populations demonstrated that NT Factor can support reduction of fatigue levels by as much as 45 percent.(1-3) 

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The Truth About Vitamins and Minerals - Choosing the nutrients you need to stay healthy

Vitamins and minerals are so important that health fails if you don't get a steady supply of them. Do you know what you can do to make sure your body gets enough of all the vitamins and minerals it needs? Or how these nutrients lower the risk of diseases, including stroke, diabetes, and cancers?
You can find out in Vitamins and Minerals, a Special Health Report from the doctors at Harvard Medical School. This instructive and empowering report will give you a practical understanding of the roles these nutrients play in protecting health and preventing illness.

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Natural News lab tests confirm juicing to be safe and remarkably free of heavy metals

Late last year as I was conducting atomic spectroscopy tests on foods and nutritional supplements, I publicly asked whether juicing would turn out to be a safe practice due to the removal of all the fiber during the juicing process. Many heavy metals, it turns out, stick to plant fibers such as fruit pectin. Mercury is especially good at sticking to fibers, which is why I was able to show that strawberries and peanut butter are both excellent at binding with dietary mercury.

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One of our BIGGEST Challenges 

Our newsletter this week is packed with an enormous amount of value and I encourage you to spend some time and read each section. Even if the material does not directly pertain to your situation, please consider the other people in your life.
By far one of the single biggest challenges I see for my clients and those that follow Depke Wellness are tied directly into food sensitivity. You may ask yourself, why is this such a significant issue when you do not feel this is a problem for yourself personally? The answer to this is simply this, if you have a food sensitivity it is approximately a 86% chance that you are almost completely asymptomatic to this. That is correct, most of you living with a food sensitivity do not even know this is a significant health issue for you. 

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Fibromyalgia misconceptions: Interview with a Mayo Clinic expert

Get the facts about these common fibromyalgia myths. Learning all you can about fibromyalgia is the first step toward gaining control of your symptoms. 

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Simmaron’s Immunology Workshop on ME/CFS, Part I

Immunologists came to the Simmaron Foundation’s Immunology Workshop to decide if immune tests should be standard practice in ME/CFS diagnosis and treatment
Simmaron Research Foundation is focused on redefining ME/CFS scientifically. They produced the Immunology Workshop at the 2014 IACFS/ME Conference in order to get a consensus from immunologists and practitioners on whether immune testing should help guide diagnosis and treatment in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). Immunologists were invited to give presentations and then queried regarding whether immune tests should be incorporated into diagnostic protocols for this disorder.  Dr. Unger, the head of the CDC’s CFS program, was invited to attend.
Overviews of  some of the presentations make up Pt I of the Immunology Workshop Overview.

See more at:


Feeling stuck on the recovery path?

Welcome to this week's newsletter.  Firstly, thank you to the 135 people that have already completed our survey.  If you haven't already done so, you can do so at OHC Survey 2014. The deadline is 9 am next Wednesday 23rd July, so please do so now, if you would like to help shape the evolution of OHC.  We will be sharing a summary of the findings with you in the next Secrets to Recovery LIVE and a written report later in the summer.

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A personal  note from Vicky

I know I have inflicted the saga of the kitchen on a lot of you.  I’m pleased to say that apart from some making good and the fitting of the shelves it is now finished.  My husband has started his Chef course for a month so I’m looking forward to him practising his new skills. 
I had an interesting day at the Back Pain Show at Olympia.  They had some interesting gadgets to play and education sessions.  The best thing I experienced was a massage chair but at £5800 I managed to resist!

  • Education: Be Activated
  • Video of the week: Douglas Heel of Be Activated demonstrating the power of ‘Be Activated’ 
  • Success Story: Keith Fuller May

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New ESA And PIP Dirty Tricks Campaigns

In this edition we reveal that the DWP have resorted to new dirty tricks to cut ESA and PIP numbers. These include alleged mass reporting of ESA claimants for fraud and attempting to change the law by the back door to reduce PIP mobility awards.
We also report claims that the Tories are planning to make mental health treatment mandatory for ESA claimants in the work-related activity group.
Plus we have news of the DVLA look-up service that allows anyone to check online to see if their neighbours are claiming mobility benefits.

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Upcoming Online Event 

GMI Daily Newsletter: 7/15/14

GMI Weekly 7/16/14

GMI Daily Newsletter: 7/18/14

We are attending a Diamond Wedding Anniversary today.  Next week it's our's, but not yet Diamond.  That will be in 2018, if we live that long!
Have a great weekend, and the week to come.
Fondest wishes


N.B. I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should 
always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.

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