250. Listen to every word everyone says, but remember the words that count.

But never fear! I have a plan. I came up with it years ago, and fortunately, I wrote it down and put it on the Internet where I can't lose it. And now I'm going to share it with you! That's below, along with a few articles I've updated recently.
I hope you're resting up from the big turkey dinner and avoiding the stores at all costs. Take care of yourself!
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert
2 December 2015 newsletter - Latest News
DLA To PIP To Take A Year Longer But One Quarter Still Expected To Get No Award
The DWP is now losing battles on all fronts, as the last fortnight has proved repeatedly.
Because whilst the big benefits news has been George Osborne’s massive u-turn over tax credits, there have been a host of smaller reverses for the DWP.
The forced transfer from DLA to PIP is already running into serious delays – though there has been no change so far in the estimate that a quarter of current working age DLA claimants will get no award of PIP; Maximus is failing to carry out enough work capability assessments, because not enough health professionals want to work for them, and support group numbers are rising as a result; the courts have ruled against the benefits cap for carers and mandatory work schemes are being axed as more and more big companies and charities bow to activist pressure.
On top of all that, Ken Loach is making a film about benefits sanctions. He says that the situation is now even worse than when he made ‘Cathy come home’.
5 Mental Shifts that Improved My Health

changing my thoughts. These five thought shifts have made a huge difference in my life.
Find out what they were. . .
The lower your income is, the more difficult it is to be particular about what you feed your family.
This probably isn't an earth-shattering revelation to anyone, but if you feel like experimenting, try to buy a week’s worth of healthy food for a family on a budget of, say, $50-75. Food manufacturers that target lower income shoppers with more affordable products tend to include more GMOs and toxic ingredients in their offerings.
It just isn’t possible to stick to my usual food restrictions. Generally speaking I avoid:
- Non-organic dairy because of the hormones and antibiotics as well as the GMO feed given to the animals
- Non-organic meat because of the hormones and antibiotics as well as the GMO feed given to the animals
- Anything containing corn, soy, or canola in any form because it is almost certain to be GMO
- Anything with chemical additives like artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives
- Anything that is likely to have been doused in pesticides
- Anything containing neurotoxins like MSG, fluoride, or aspartame (along with other artificial sweeteners)
It is a matter, then, of weighing the pros and cons, and figuring out what things, for you, are the most important, while also deciding which standards can be sacrificed. These decisions will be different for everyone, based on their personal health concerns, their genetic propensity for certain diseases, and the members of the family for whom they are buying the food.
Read on . . .

- How to save money on Cymbalta
- Swedish psychiatrist uses vaccine to treat ME/CFS
- Company pays $1 million fine after ripping off fibromyalgia sufferers
- More evidence that medical marijuana relieves fibro pain
- A new facebook group dedicated to sharing best practices for relieving fibro symptoms
- Applying for handicap parking if you have FM/ME/CFS
- How visual stress could be used to help diagnose ME/CFS
- Plus research news, personal stories, the Ultimate Spoonie Giveaway and more!
We are proud to announce a joint venture has been agreed between personal trainer Adam Foster of First Call Fitness, and FMAUK to produce a fitness DVD that will be aimed at people with fibromyalgia. This fitness DVD is near the end its production but we will let you know when it becomes available with preorders available from here: http://www.thefibroguy.com/shop/pre-order-the-invisible-monster/. It will feature people with fibromyalgia and positive techniques that have been used by members of a support group. There will also be a documentary DVD focusing on fibromyalgia.
Fibroduck's Christmas Update
Duck the Halls!
A very flappy Christmas season to all our supporters.
We'd like to thank you all for continuing to support our fund raising for a UK-based biomedical study into finding a cause, test and effective treatments for Fibromyalgia. The first half of our year was very productive, with a number of groups and individuals fund raising on our behalf (see the end of update for our thank you list)
The big news is we now need just £5k to begin the research we have planned !
So lets make 2016 the year this research finally gets underway, we’re so close now and it’s all thanks to you guys out there doing your brilliant fundraising!
Read more . . .
Select it on the Bookcase.
1st December - Oh yes, advent calendars, thoughts of Christmas and best of all ..... our December issue of the magazine, but we are giving you even more .... Our New Year's Honours supplement.
Take a look at the amazing people who have been nominated for our prestigious awards this year and please make your votes count.
We hope you have found the past 12 month's issues informative, inspiring and helpful and had some fun along the way. X Beth
PDF Version
FFM Supplement - New Years Honours 2016

Today is the last day for voting, but you can only vote if you are a member of the Fibro Flare Magazine Facebook Group
Some candidates may be familiar to you!
Please vote on Facebook if you are a member..
PDF Version
Is Perfectionism Behind Fibromyalgia?

One study looked into the ties between the personality trait of perfectionism and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), irritable bowel syndrome, and fibromyalgia. The results were illuminating.
Beat the Winter Blues
Slipping into a seasonal funk? The weather may not be the only reason. Here are 20 common winter habits that could be sabotaging your mood.
Let's face it: Unless you're a ski bum, winter's frigid temps and shorter days can really bring on the blues. "The cold and gray present significant challenges to all of us," says Carol Ewing Garber, PhD, an exercise physiologist and professor of movement sciences at Columbia University in New York City. But the weather outside isn't the only reason you may feel down in the dumps.
The Surge Protectors: the Next Big Thing in Pain Drugs?
Everyone knows that a) better pain relievers are desperately needed and b) the era of the opiates is ending. The question is what will replace them?
Perhaps the hottest entree in the pain drug stakes attempts to turn off the pain at its source. It won't be easy but if it can be done the world of pain treatment will change forever.
Check out a status report on possibly the next big thing in pain relief
The Fatigue in MS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia - Is it the Same?
Multiple sclerosis (MS) can be REALLY fatiguing. in fact some studies suggest fatigue is the most bothersome symptom for many.
That could be good news for people with ME/CFS/FM. Since MS gets a lot more funding it conceivably could help explain the fatigue in ME/CFS/FM or even point the way to MS treatments. That's if the same kind of fatigue is found in all three diseases.
Is it? That's what I asked when a review of MS fatigue showed up.
Check out what I found out
WARNING: Aspartame Has Been Renamed And Is Now Being Marketed As A “Natural” Sweetener: Amino Sweet
The highly controversial Aspartame has been regarded by some as one of the most dangerous ingredients used in our food supply – while “official” sources continue to maintain its safety and continue not to mention the “negative” studies.
Aspartame has in fact been linked to seizures and a host of other major health issues including fatal cardiovascular events in women. Recent studies (we’ve found them!) have shown that not only does artificial sweetener intake have an association with diabetes, it also increases the risk for heart, kidney, and brain damage. . . .
It’s important to know what you are eating – and important to understand the way marketing works: In a move to cover up it’s bad reputation, aspartame may be disguised as a new name in your favorite foods – aminosweet.
Read all of this article - it's vital.
Still Consume White Flour? After Reading This, You Won’t
Cakes, soups, pastries and chicken nuggets – what do all of these have in common? These foods all have white flour as one of the main ingredients. Because flour is such a common ingredient, most people don’t think twice when purchasing it or purchasing food containing it.
However, regular processed white flour is one of the unhealthiest “foods” you can introduce to your body. Its nutritional content – or lack thereof – leaves so much to be desired, even with all the “fortifications” the manufacturers have added to it. The next time you add white flour to your shopping list, remember these five facts:
Newsletter Issue 3, December 2015
- Perspective: From LDNscience® Founder Moshe Rogosnitzky
- Interview With The Experts: Dr. Leonard Weinstock Discusses LDN for GI Disorders, Restless Leg Syndrome, and Sarcoidosis
- An LDN User Story: Wendy Lowe Shares Her Experience Using LDN for Multiple Sclerosis
Headaches: Reduce stress to prevent the pain
Stress can make your head hurt — and a headache can really stress you out. Either way, to reduce the pain, rein in the stress. . . .
Recent Posts
- 5 Benefits of green tea supplements
- What are the symptoms of an iodine deficiency?
- Why do people take Biotin for hair?
- 5 Benefits of zinc supplements for your skin, hair and nails
- What are the symptoms of a calcium deficiency?
- 5 Benefits of Aloe Vera juice for your diet
Read more about each, and more besides . . .
Guaifenesin, derived from the guaiac tree, has been used as medicine for centuries, although it didn't receive FDA approval until 1952. An expectorant, guaifenesin is most commonly used to treat coughs. It works by loosening the mucus in your lungs when you have chest congestion due to colds, flu or allergies.
Now you may be wondering what in the world guaifenesin could possibly have to do with the treatment of fibromyalgia. Excellent question!
The guaifenesin protocol for treating fibromyalgia was developed by Dr. R. Paul St. Amand in the early 1990s. The protocol was based on his belief that phosphate deposits throughout the body were the cause of fibromyalgia and that FM symptoms could be reversed by removing excess phosphates from the body, which he said guaifenesin would do.
Read more. . .
How to Improve Memory by Suzy Cohen
You don’t get alarmed when you you lose your keys, but what if you constantly forget what you were trying to say a few seconds ago. Full blown dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is disabling and difficult on family members. Today I am offering suggestions from my Functional Medicine standpoint which should protect your brain and help you regain memory molecules.
- Eliminate harmful foods.
- Eliminate drugs that mess with your mind.
- Exercise.
And more . . .
Could a sea sponge hold the key to cancer prevention?
- Cutting edge breakthroughs for cancer and joint pain… from the bottom of the ocean
- The future of nutrition – bacon flavoured seaweed!
- Plus a seafood that eases joint pain…
This is the part of the year that many people turn their attention to their health. Most of us are tired of all the year’s hard work, and some of us plan to adopt New Year's resolutions to be healthier and lose weight during the upcoming year. 21st-century living poses so many significant challenges to our ability to obtain enough nutrients to stay healthy and energetic that most people can benefit from taking a good multivitamin and multimineral supplement.
See more . . .
This is the view from our bedroom window on 2nd Dec 2010. Glad it wasn't like that this year!
Keep warm, in case it happens again.Stella
Contact: fmsstella@gmail.com
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I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to fmsstella@gmail.com and you will be added to the emailing list.
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