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FMS eNews 12/09/15

I have had a battle getting today's blog up and running!  I had difficulty in uploading the pictures and I kept being told there was an error.  However, determination and perseverance overcame the few tears I shed in the process and here it is, despite everything.  My husband told me I should give up doing it if it caused so many problems but I want to continue, for a while longer.


WORDz for the WEEK

237. For every chance you take spare a thought for those who didn't.


Should You Eat More Protein & Vitamin E?  

We know that what we eat can have a big impact on how we feel, and new research puts forth a couple of nutrients that perhaps we should get more of. See what it says about protein and vitamin E's impact on our symptoms, below.
Also this week, a look at eating in general as well as food sensitivities, which we're prone to, plus a couple of new entries from the glossary.
Take care of yourself! 
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert


Are "Natural" Sugars Any Better Than Refined White Sugar?

Although the harmful health effects of sugar are now indisputable, we are still eating an incredible amount of it.
In fact, the average American consumes three pounds of the sweet white poison per week! And it’s easy to understand why. As we’ve written about before, sugar is addictive, with some brain scans suggesting that it’s just as addictive as drugs like cocaine.
In light of this knowledge, many people are attempting to choose a “healthier” sugar, opting for the more natural sugar options at the grocery stores. You’ve probably seen many of these yourself. So what are these natural options—and are they any better for you than refined white sugar?  Read more.
The advantages of HONEY.


20 Unusual Ways to Use Cinnamon

Nothing reminds us of the holidays quite like cinnamon does. But why restrict the aroma to Christmas cookies and wreath decorations? Cinnamon is one of the world’s oldest-known spices and is regarded to have healing properties by many cultures. Many of its benefits derive from the spice’s anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant prowess.
Cinnamon is no joke – it’s quite potent and can take your health to the next level. Whether you smell it, ingest it, or apply it, the health benefits of cinnamon are very real and more than skin deep. Try to incorporate it into your everyday routine to reap the most benefits. Not sure where to start? Follow one of the following 20 tips to get you going.
Brain Power Booster, Potpourri, Cholesterol Reducer, Pain Reliever - and 16 more benefits.


This week’s fibromyalgia and ME/CFS news (week of September 7, 2015)

Top stories …
Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare says drug-maker Pfizer failed to report hundreds of serious adverse reactions caused by Lyrica and other drugs.
Griffith University (Australia) researchers find that critical cell receptors are damaged in ME/CFS patients.
A 40mg generic version of Cymbalta is now available to patients in the United States.
Thousands of patients left scrambling: Fear of prosecution prompts Montana (U.S.) doctor to stop prescribing opiates to fibromyalgia and other chronic pain patients.
This heartbreaking tattoo reminds us that we aren’t always telling the truth when we say “I’m fine.”
Also, Research news … Books … Helpful Links … Odds & Ends … Personal stories … Off topic …


Monday Mindfulness – Week 7

Continuing to be mindful with Ian Peric of Priceless Vitality.

See you next week.


Fibromyalgia 101: Where to Find Reliable Information Online

Take two steps in the shoes of someone suffering from fibromyalgia and you’ll quickly realize it can be a painful, lonely road filled with more questions than answers. Fibromyalgia is often referred to as an invisible illness because the symptoms usually aren’t readily apparent to an outside observer. These symptoms include widespread pain, chronic fatigue, sleep problems, cognitive problems (i.e. memory loss or difficulty focusing), mood issues and much, much more.


The Post Infectious Syndromes Pt I

They came down with infection and never got over it. They’re experiencing fatigue, dizziness, abdominal pain, muscle and joint aches, headaches, sleep problems, weight loss and vision problems.  They’re not ME/CFS or fibromyalgia patients – they’re Ebolavirus survivors – but the resemblance is uncanny.
The Ebolavirus outbreaks are prompting examinations of the viruses after- effects in survivors. Given the high incidence of infectious onset in both chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia any examination of a post-infectious illness is interesting.
This blog  the first of two – focuses on three of these: post-infection Ebolavirus syndrome, post-infectious mononucleosis and Giardia syndrome.  It asks if the symptoms, course and possible causes of  these post-infectious disorders are similar or different?
Does one central post-infectious illness exist or are there many separate ones?
Read more


The High Cost of Fibromyalgia

"The aim of this review is to find and highlight the hidden but alarming data about the difficulty of the diagnosis and management of FM"Ghavidel-Parsa et. al?
[Cort]  The widespread pain and the many other symptoms (fatigue, post-exertional malaise, poor sleep, fibro-fog, gut problem, etc.) found in FM make it by any assessment a difficult disease to deal with. But how much of a burden does fibromyalgia actually place on patients and society at large? With an increasing focus being placed on using "burden of illness" to assess funding levels it's a good time to take a look at the costs FM imposes.


Herbs for Memory

Many people associate memory loss with ageing. But whether it's occasional forgetfulness or loss of short-term memory, one must be aware that there are specific factors that can cause it even at a young age instead of simply attributing memory loss to a natural decline in cognitive functioning. These causes include alcohol, drug or tobacco abuse, certain medications, sleeplessness, stress and depression, nutritional deficiency, head injury, stroke and dementia. [1] Whether to prevent or
treat memory loss, these natural herbs have served as timeless aids:
Top 10 Herbs For Memory
  1.  Gingko Biloba
  2.  Ginseng
  3.  Rosemary
  4.  Sage
  5.  Green Tea
  6.  Rhodiola Rosea
  7.  Bacopa
  8.  Gotu Kola
  9.  Periwinkle
  10.  Blueberries

Home Remedies For Back Pain

The most common cause of back pain is tight, strained muscles. Whether it’s from sleeping in an awkward position, a pulled muscle or from overwork, the following home remedies for back pain might help alleviate some discomfort. Please note – if the back pain is severe, lasts more than a week, comes with a fever, lower body numbness, incontinence or other symptoms, seek medical assistance immediately. Note also, this article is not medical advice nor a substitute for professional medical evaluation.
Chamomile Tea, Get Some Sleep, Sort Your Bed Out, Massage, Stretch and Press, Practice Better Breathing, Apply a compress, Pain reducing foods, Painkillers In Your Kitchen, Use Topical Analgesics


Would a TENS unit help improve fibromyalgia pain?
Answers from Jeffrey M. Thompson, M.D.

Possibly. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a therapy sometimes used to treat localized or regional pain. During TENS therapy, electrodes deliver electrical impulses to nearby nerve pathways — which can help control or relieve some types of pain. TENS is often used to treat osteoarthritis and chronic and postoperative pain.



Fibromyalgia, otherwise known as fibromyalgia syndrome, is pronounced 'fybro-my-aljya'. It is a collection of symptoms including feelings of fatigue and the sensation of pain across the whole body.
On this page
  1. Fibromyalgia overview
  2. Symptoms of fibromyalgia
  3. What causes fibromyalgia?
  4. Diagnosing fibromyalgia
  5. Treatment for fibromyalgia
  6. Fibromyalgia and lifestyle
  7. Fibromyalgia diet
  8. How can a nutritionist help with fibromyalgia?
  9. Further help



Despite frustration

With every good wish to everyone


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N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in which case the title is in PURPLE like the dividers.  This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link.  If you have any navigation problems, let me know.
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.

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