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FMS eNews 26/09/15

I hope you are making the most of the items I provide each week.  I usually only include a taster and you have to click on each link, which is normally the title, in order to read the whole article and get the full benefit of it. 


WORDz for the WEEK

239. If we aren't here for a reason, then why are we still here?


Link Between Surgery & Fibromyalgia 

Can you guess which type of surgery has been linked to the onset of fibromyalgia pain? If you said gynocological -- ding, ding, ding -- you're right! We explore this new link in the chain that connects FMS with women's hormones, below.
Also this week, a look at different groups of us -- women, men, kids & teens -- plus different roles we play and how to keep playing them in spite of our illness(es).
Take care of yourself! 
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert


PIP Chances Halved If You Live In Wrong Place Plus Coroner Confirms ESA Decision Caused Death

Living in the wrong place can halve your chances of being awarded PIP, Benefits and Work can reveal. And, for the first time, a coroner has ruled that being wrongly found fit for work caused a claimant’s death.
DWP statistics show that award rates for the whole period since PIP was introduced vary hugely depending on which Westminster constituency you live in.
Claimants living in Scarborough, for example, have just a 27% chance of getting a PIP award. Move 60 miles south to Scunthorpe and your chances leap to 59%.
We’ve got a downloadable list of the award rates in every Westminster constituency, plus some text you might want to use in your PIP appeal if you’ve been refused an award in one of the rotten boroughs.


7 Best Foods to Eat for Breakfast

Breakfast cereal manufacturers would like you to believe sugar-laden chocolate-coated cereals are the best way for you, or your kids, to start the day.
Meanwhile fast-food chains are actively trying to increase their share in the breakfast market with cleverly promoted but unhealthy breakfast options.
Skipping breakfast or making poor food choices cause crashes in energy, reduced mental performance, low mood and slow down metabolism leading to weight gain.  Choosing the wrong foods for breakfast can drastically impact how you feel mentally, physically and even emotionally for the rest of the day.
When you wake in the morning your blood sugar levels are low and this leads to a lethargic feeling, mental confusion and irritability. We reach for quick fixes such as caffeine to feel more alert and sugary foods to sweeten our mood.  Many people skip breakfast altogether, because they are running late or think it will help them lose weight. A reduced appetite first thing in the morning also causes many people to incorrectly believe their body doesn’t need any food.  However, studies have shown that missing this key meal actually leads to increased eating during the day, poorer food choices later on and increased likelihood of weight gain and obesity.
What makes a good breakfast? Read on . . . .


This week’s fibromyalgia and ME/CFS news (week of September 21, 2015)

 Top headlines …
“New draft guidelines by the [U.S.] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would – if adopted – sharply reduce the prescribing of opioids for both chronic and acute pain in the U.S.,” reports Pain News Network. (This story may be alarming for anyone who takes opioids for pain.)
Hemispherx Biopharma is now offering a Patient Assistance Program for the open-label AMP-511 study of Ampligen® in ME/CFS patients. The company recently announced Ampligen’s first cost increase in 17 years. The Patient Assistance Program will enable patients in the open-label study to continue to receive the drug through March 2016 at the same cost as when they entered the study. Hemispherx also recently published a study on which patients might be more responsive to Ampligen therapy.
A federal judge in California has transferred three lawsuits involving 69 patients who are suing Eli Lilly & Co. over Cymbalta’s withdrawal symptoms to Indiana, where the company is based. has chosen its “Best Fibromyalgia iPhone and Android Apps of the Year.”
This week on, Dan Neuffer explores the question, “Do People Really Recover from ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia?” Recovery stories have been popping up all over the Internet the past few months. Did these people really beat fibro/ME, or did they even have it in the first place?
And more . . . .


Emeritus Research. Daiichi Sankyo Mirogabalin study

Part 1. Shaken…not Stirred, By Purple Law Lady a.k.a 007.

I’m 007…really! That’s my identification number for the Daiichi Sankyo Mirogabalin study. Today, I went for my screening interview.
I got to Emeritus Research at 11am. The place looks like any other office…with 3 assessment rooms at the back, filled with medical equipment. It seems a little disorganised and haphazard; but I’m looking forward to being involved.
I had a meeting with a nurse practitioner and a doctor. They took a very, very long history, asking questions about almost EVERYthing to do with my medical history (including a questionnaire called the MINI, which I must say is just plain stupid!). I was required to give a urine sample (to check if I am pregnant), some blood work and an EKG. The doctor did a relatively quick physical and, of course, checked all my pressure points. All in all, with a few technical issues, it took about 2 hours.
The first part of the study is 13 weeks long. I have to come off the Lyrica that I am already on. Then I will be (randomly) assigned to one of 4 groups: Placebo, 300mg Lyrica, 15mg Mirogabalin or 30mg Miroglabin. There will be regular check-ups for the entire time.
After the 13 week trial, there may be an opportunity to enter the 52 week Miroglabin trial.
So, now, I’m waiting two weeks to see if I’m part of the study.
NOTE: Emeritus Research is still recruiting for the study, if anybody is interested. Click for  the Consent Form and information.  Contact Daiichi using this email address –
As well as the 1000 person study in the US and Canada, Daiichi is also recruiting in:
    Campse and Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia;
    Maroochydore, Sherwood and Southport, Queensland, Australia;
    Hobart, Tasmania, Australia;
    Malvern East, Victoria, Australia;
    Tallin and Tartu, Estonia;
    Baldone, Jekabpils, Liepaja, Ogre and Riga, Latvia;
    Auckland, Hamilton, Nelson, Tauranga and Wellington, New Zealand;
    Banska Bystrica, Bratislava and Dubnica Nad Vahom, Slovakia; and,
    Reading, Berkshire; Chesterfield, Derbyshire; Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Atherstone, Warwickshire; and
    Belfast, United Kingdom.


Part 2.  Dr No (or Not Yet)


Part 3. From Japan With Love


Monday Mindfulness – Week 9

Continuing to be mindful with Ian Peric of Priceless Vitality.

See you next week.


What Fibromyalgia Feels Like

Fibromyalgia means widespread pain in the muscles, but this syndrome causes many other symptoms.
1 Lab tests seldom validate your condition and the results often make you feel like a hypochondriac. Pressing on tender points can diagnose fibromyalgia, but the exam still does not explain all of your symptoms.
2 People with fibromyalgia often describe their symptoms as a flu-like infection that doesn’t go away. It leaves you exhausted and unable to think or find the right words (symptoms of fibro fog).
3 With fibromyalgia, you have trouble sleeping and wake up stiff and achy.
4 Your symptoms can be debilitating and you probably feel as though you have to push yourself to get anything done.


2015 Euro Health online questionnaire

“To compare the extent to which the national healthcare systems of Europe take the patient and the consumer into consideration in 2015 - including ENGLAND, NORTHERN IRELAND AND WALES"
For the 9th time since 2005, Health Consumer Powerhouse (HCP) is asking health campaigners across Europe to help it compile the annual EURO HEALTH CONSUMER INDEX. The 2015 INDEX will measure the user-friendliness of national healthcare systems across 35 countries in Europe.
If you would like to contribute your views on the condition of your country’s healthcare system in 2015, you will find a live link in the header above to the survey’s online questionnaire. This year’s questionnaire is short (16 questions), and should take no more than about 10 minutes of your time to complete.


Spinning Fibromyalgia: Brain Findings Suggest Dopamine May Be Key

Everyone comes to a disease with their own preconceptions. That fact never seemed more true than in this Canadian fibromyalgia brain study.  The researchers asked a good question and got a good answer and then made an interesting interpretation.
Although the interpretation may leave something to be desired the finding was fascinating and potentially important for FM patients and possibly people with ME/CFS as well.
Clin J Pain. 2015 Sep 3. [Epub ahead of print] Basal Ganglia Perfusion in Fibromyalgia is Related to Pain Disability and Disease Impact – An Arterial Spin Labeling Study. Shokouhi M1, Davis KD, Moulin DE, Morley-Forster P, Nielson WR, Bureau Y, St Lawrence K.
The Canadian researchers wanted to know if reduced brain blood flows in FM were associated with a range of symptoms. Those symptoms included pain (visual analogue score (VAS), pain disability (Pain Disability Index – PDI), overall impact (Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire – FIQ), catastrophic thinking (Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) and anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale – HADS).
A similar basal ganglia dysfunction appears to occur in FM and ME/CFS. Attempts to explain it differ dramatically.
The study found that reduced blood flows to one part of the brain – the basal ganglia – were highly correlated with measures of disability due to pain and the overall impact of FM (FIQ). (Note that the indices of catastrophic thinking and mood were not relevant.)


Do People Really Recover From ME/CFS and/or Fibromyalgia? An Inquiry - Dan Neuffer

The Recovery Question
There is much information out there on how to diagnose Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) (also described as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or ME). And whilst a diagnosis can be elusive for many people suffering with this illness, there is certainly no doubt that they are very ill, even if their doctors, family or friends don’t always share this certainty.
But there is little talk about recovery; how to identify if you have fully recovered from Fibromyalgia or ME/CFS. Why? Possibly because many people including doctors may believe that recovery isn’t possible – or at least not for them or for their patients. After my 4th year of trying to get well again, I certainly myself came to that conclusion and had given up hope.


Scientists Find Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Memory By 75%

Rosemary is a wonderful herb with a tradition of use spanning millennia. It has innumerable uses in both the kitchen and in herbal medicine.
Did you know that rosemary has been associated with memory enhancement since ancient times? It is true – and it has even been referred to from the latter part of the Elizabethan Era to the Early Romantic period as the herb of remembrance. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Ophelia says, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.” (Hamlet, iv. 5.) It has also long been used as a symbol for remembrance during weddings, war commemorations and funerals in Europe and Australia. [1] Mourners in old times would wear it as a buttonhole, burn it as incense or throw it into graves as a symbol of remembrance for the dead.


Is A Vitamin Or Mineral Deficiency Making You Tired?

Why you should sit up and take notice of your nagging fatigue.
You already know a lack of iron can drag you down.
But experts say numerous vitamin and mineral deficiencies can contribute to fatigue. If left unchecked, the same deficiencies that make it hard to keep your head up can lead to long-term health consequences – from brittle bones to impaired brain function.
"Fatigue can be like an early warning sign of potentially more severe problems down the road if you don't recognize and treat the problem causing the fatigue," says Dr. Anthony Komaroff, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a senior physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. "You need to explore all possible explanations for your fatigue." That goes for ongoing feelings of exhaustion to concerns about muscle fatigue being more pronounced or prolonged than might be expected from physical activity.
Some of the most common causes of fatigue – and easiest things to test for – involve deficiencies in three minerals and two vitamins, Komaroff says. After iron comes lack of magnesium, potassium, vitamin B12 and folic acid. "All of them can be corrected by giving supplements of the missing minerals or the missing vitamins," he says, or through dietary changes.


Chiropractic adjustment

Chiropractic adjustment is a procedure in which trained specialists (chiropractors) use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. The goal of chiropractic adjustment, also known as spinal manipulation, is to correct structural alignment and improve your body's physical function.




I've taken to knitting and crocheting poppies which will be sold in aid of AgeUK and the British Legion.
I'm taking a break from the bottle hats - I've done 820 of those - not quite the 1000 I had hoped to do, but good enough!
After November I will have to think of a new project.  Maybe I could crochet some purple butterflies!!!  Must hunt out some patterns.
Look after yourselves


or leave your comments below under Post a Comment


N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in which case the title is in PURPLE like the dividers.  This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link.  If you have any navigation problems, let me know.
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.

FMS eNews 19/09/15

September is Invisible Illness Awareness month.  Fibromyalgia is one of those illnesses.  Make your friends, acquintances and medical advisors AWARE.  They need to know. Forward Beth's video below, through this link -  Tell the world. Perhaps you could copy the link on Facebook, Twitter or whatever social media you use, and send it by email to everyone you know.  Thank you.


WORDz for the WEEK

238. There are times when you just need to hold on.  There are times when you just need to work harder.  But there are also times when you just need to let go. . .


Change of Season, Change of Habits 

Just when you've gotten into the habit of doing things to stay cool and functioning by summer rules, it's time for a change of seasons -- and an accompanying change of habits. Everything flips on its head this time of year.
This week, we'll look at the things you need to start thinking about as temperatures begin to drop, including keeping yourself warm and planning ahead for the holidays, including travel. (I know -- I never want to think about the holidays this early, either, but trust me when I say that a little preparation now will help you enjoy the holidays a whole lot more!)
Take care of yourself!
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert


1 Sugar That Fights Disease, Chronic Conditions and Heart Disease.

It's happening in small, private clinics...
And it's happening in the largest, most respected hospitals in the world...
A rising tide of doctors and health care providers are now urging their patients eat this "life-giving" sugar every single day.
They're not just recommending it to give a "slightly better alternative" to other sweeteners either. They're prescribing it to treat life-threatening diseases, heal chronic conditions, and keep people looking and feeling their very best.
What is this sugar?
If you guessed honey, then you're absolutely right. For we've all heard about how honey is a remarkable substance. We've heard about how it "doesn't go bad". Or about
how archaeologists found unspoiled, 2000-year-old honey in an Egyptian tomb.


13 Mistakes Fibromyalgia Patients Make

Navigating fibro by Amanda Gardner

Dealing with the constant, daily pain of fibromyalgia can be tough. But the task can be even tougher if you fall into some common traps.
Everyone makes mistakes, but there are some missteps that can make it even harder to cope with fibromyalgia.
Learn how to avoid them and make living with fibromyalgia that much easier.


 Top stories …

Pfizer loses its legal bid to force UK physicians to prescribe Lyrica for neuropathic pain instead of cheaper generics. The decision opens the door to “cheap copycats”of the drug. Pfizer, of course, is appealing the court ruling.
Here’s a fun headline for you: “I couldn’t get out of bed for eight months [due to ME] – Now I’m a burlesque stripper.” According to the woman featured in this story from the Mirror (UK), she’s lived a “normal life” for the past nine months … thanks to burlesque dancing! I bet your friends never suggested THAT as a treatment!
Fighting back: Two California women plan to appeal their losses in federal court last month over Cymbalta’s withdrawal symptoms. The women claim drug-maker Eli Lilly & Co. downplayed the severity of symptoms experienced by patients who stop taking the drug commonly prescribed for fibromyalgia.
And much more...


Raising Awareness September 2015 Banish The F Word UT

Fibromyalgia - A Chronic Illness that is invisible but life changing and debilitating. With 200+ overlapping symptoms and affecting an estimated 70 million people worldwide.

Please watch and like and share. September is Invisible Illness Awareness month - a good time to push this out to the public.


FM Surveys - will you help?

WANTED: People to take part in our surveys - reports will be published in the magazine and also made available to MP's, CCG's, GP's etc.
No names will be given out. If you want to take part and make a difference then please e-mail
Please can you help by sending in your email addresses if you would like to take part. 
Thank you


Monday Mindfulness – Week 8

Continuing to be mindful with Ian Peric of Priceless Vitality.

See you next week.


Sweet, sweet potatoes - by Benjamin Plackett

It's no surprise that sweet potatoes are at the top of nearly everyone's healthiest foods list. One baked, medium-sized sweet potato contains 438% of your daily value of vitamin A (a white potato contains 1%), 37% of your vitamin C, and some calcium, potassium, and iron too. All this at just 105 calories!
What's more, they also deliver 4 grams of dietary fiber—16% of the daily value—and absolutely zip in terms of fat.
And luckily there are many ways to whip them up. Here are 25 great (even kid-friendly!) sweet potato recipes.


From Autoimmune Drugs to Tai Chi: the NIH’s Approach to Fibromyalgia

The National Institute of Health (NIH) is easily the biggest funder of medical research in the world. Many research groups depend on the NIH for the majority of their funding.
Health Rising’s recent review of NIH funded studies on chronic fatigue syndrome revealed a small (14 studies underway) but rich list of  studies. From an analysis of the gut microbiome, to the effects of exercise on the immune system, to studies on Epstein-Barr virus  infection to cerebral spinal fluid studies, the NIH was looking hard for the cause of ME/CFS. If the NIH isn’t funding ME/CFS much the studies it does fund are focused strictly pathophysiology.
The fact that not one treatment study was funded suggests the NIH is still floundering in that area.
The opposite picture is present for FM. The NIH is placing very little emphasis, at least this year, on trying to understand why or how fibromyalgia occurs (5 studies) but is more focused on treating it (14 studies).


How To Make Your Own Homegrown Medicinals

Here’s a great tutorial we found for those who are just getting into herbalism and looking for a “way in” to begin the process of making things with herbs – starting with the real living plants that grow (for free!) around us, instead of just grabbing a product off the shelf in the supermarket!
Although store-bought herbal products such as tinctures have benefits such as a certain degree of standardization and quality control, there is much value in learning to prepare herbs yourself.
First of all – it is a survival technique and therefore an incredibly useful aspect of learning survival / off-grid skills. One interesting aspect of this is that many of the plants that are considered beneficial in herbalism are generally considered by others to be weeds and of “no value”! For example, when you learn about dandelions and all the amazing things you can do with them, you will be truly astonished that so many people just want to spray them with poisons and be done with them.


How To Make A Herbal “Sleep Like A Rock” Tincture

We’ve just found a great recipe for a herbal tincture for sleep.
The main ingredient is valerian – which has been used as a sleep remedy since ancient times and is a well known natural sedative.
The recipe also includes vegetable glycerin, which is an interesting alternative to alcohol that is typically used for making tinctures.
The article also includes a huge list of other other tips on the subject of helping you sleep without use of pharmaceutical drugs.
There are numerous herbs which people have found beneficial for sleep. We also compiled a more scientific-style article listing ten of the best ones, together with some of the medical research that has been done on them – and this will make great ‘supplemental reading’ for those interested in this subject: 10 Herbs For Insomnia

Ok, here is the link to the full tutorial for the herbal “sleep like a rock” tincture (web archive):
You might also be interested in these two related pages of ours – 20 Foods To Help You Sleep Better 
and 3 All-Natural Sleep Aid Drinks


4 Herbs That Relieve Joint Pain

Here’s a nice simple post we just found which lists 4 herbs which are reported useful for joint pain, together with a description of the benefits of each.
Joint pain is typically caused by inflammation, which may be a result of numerous causes from colds / fever through to injury. Another possible cause may be rheumatoid arthritis – which is reported to be caused by an overactive immune response.
The classic signs of inflammation are pain, heat, swelling, redness and loss / difficulty of mobility.
You will find that some of these herbs are not “instant fixes” – for example with Ginger, it is suggested to incorporate some fresh ginger into your daily diet and to be observant for any overall improvements after a few weeks.
Ok, here is the link to the original list of 4 herbs for joint pain:
You might also be interested in a couple of our other full length pages which relate to this subject:
Top 20 Natural Painkillers In Your Kitchen
10 Herbs For Joint Pain


End Fibromyalgia Fatigue with Chocolate

Chocolate can help fibromyalgia sufferers by reducing inflammation, increasing energy and promoting alertness.
Let the rejoicing begin!  Eating a small chocolate bar every day helps fights exhaustion!  What?!  You mean chocolate is good for your health!?  Absolutely!
Many people who have fibromyalgia crave chocolate. The reason for this is because Chocolate has high magnesium content. Something that most fibromyalgia patients lack.
Studies show that fibromyalgia sufferers are deficient in nutrients, such as calcium and magnesium. Raw cacao contains both of these, and thus can help you to restore those nutrients back to your body.
Calcium and magnesium both can help to regulate your muscles so that you can overcome muscle spasms once and for all.


Mind Body Sciences

More and more, ever so slowly, we are beginning to see the concepts of mind body medicine make their way into the conservative "Conventional Medicine" community.
Resistance to these concepts has been very strong despite glaring examples of success by highly placed members of that "community" such as Dr. John Sarno who authored "The Mindbody Prescription" decades ago.  Even as the scientific basis was established in the '70s, '80s, and '90s, our conventional medical practitioners stuck to their "traditional" guns.
Now, however, with newer imaging technology, that allows viewing the molecular level of our cells, this mind body science is moving to the forefront of research into cancer, alzheimer, and yes, even fibromyalgia. 
Read on . . .


Gluten-free diet

A gluten-free diet is a diet that excludes the protein gluten. Gluten is found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye, and a cross between wheat and rye called triticale.
A gluten-free diet is primarily used to treat celiac disease. Gluten causes inflammation in the small intestines of people with celiac disease. Eating a gluten-free diet helps people with celiac disease control their signs and symptoms and prevent complications.
Initially, following a gluten-free diet may be frustrating. But with time, patience and creativity, you'll find there are many foods that you already eat that are gluten-free and you will find substitutes for gluten-containing foods that you can enjoy.
[You don't have to have celiac disease to benefit from a gluten-free diet.]


Paresthesia Connection to Fibromyalgia

Paresthesia is a condition that results in a burning sensation, tingling, prickling, or even numbness. This condition often occurs in the hands and extremities of the body. The symptoms associated with this condition can vary in severity from mild to very severe. Depending on the reason paresthesia is present, the condition may last chronically or it will disappear after a short period of time.
With fibromyalgia, it is not uncommon for paresthesia to occur without the sensation of pain, but pain can be felt sometimes when it is present. The condition can also occur without any advanced warnings. This may cause concern in patients especially if they have never felt the sensations in the past.


Why The MAP is Your Road Map to Optimal Wellness

Why The MAP is Your Road Map to Optimal WellnessIf you’re new to the concept of the Matrix Assessment Profile – also known as The MAP – you may have concerns about how it works or how it benefits your health. In fact, we get a lot of questions. We’re happy to answer them for you here.
Here’s the background. The Matrix Assessment Profile was originally developed by NASA bio-engineers in order to eliminate low-grade health issues for astronauts in space. At Optimal Wellness Labs, we’ve taken that technology and used it to develop action plans to treat chronic health conditions for people all over the world.
This is not an event. It is a process. The MAP is a personalized 12-week road map to wellness based on the results of an individual’s biochemistry.
With 50 million cells in your body responsible for 6 trillion chemical reactions per second, it only stands to reason that your chronic conditions won’t disappear overnight. Prescriptions may ease your symptoms, but they don’t correct the underlying conditions.


How to Relieve Joint Pain Without Ibuprofen

Many people have aches and pains that require ibuprofen and no one would begrudge you for taking this pill for an acute migraine or severe pre-menstrual cramps. I’ve been asked if I believe in ibuprofen and I do, but only for occasional use. I’ve even recommended a 200mg tablet of ibuprofen be taken along with a cup of coffee (to enhance effect) but that’s only for a select type of headache pain, or for mild post-operative pain. Sounds crazy but combining caffeine with ibuprofen can provide pain relief better than the ibuprofen alone. I’m often asked if acetaminophen is just as good as ibuprofen for arthritis and joint swelling and the answer is NO, it is not. Acetaminophen may ease the pain but it has no impact on your swelling. Ibuprofen, a drug that is part of NSAID [Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug] family,  WILL reduce both pain and swelling. So ibuprofen is better than acetaminophen when it comes to an inflamed joint.  There are caveats with that of course, nothing in my world is black and white.
[For recommendations see Suzy's website.]



Sally Burch VIDEO Presentation for QUB ePatient Conference

The use of Patient Blogs as a Care Resource

See Sally's blog:



I do. I do. I am. I won't. And they did!  This week has been a dream rather than the nightmare I had last week!  

I wish you wellness


or leave your comments below under Post a Comment


N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in whichcase the title is in PURPLE like the dividers.  This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link.  If you have any navigation problems, let me know.
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified  professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.