233. A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.

This week, we'll explore unrefreshing sleep and other sleep-related issues, including sleep disorders we can face and how to make your bed more conducive to sleeping as well as possible.
Take care of yourself!
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert
I was scrolling through my Facebook feed a few days ago, and I noticed a post from a woman on one of the fibromyalgia/ME/CFS support groups, asking fellow members if they’d ever used prescription stimulants to relieve fatigue. Over the past couple of years, I’ve seen this same question asked a number of times, and every time, it makes me feel worried and sad for the person who is posting it.
I’ve never used prescription stimulants myself, and I do not judge people who do, but my gut tells me that adding stimulants to a person who is already experiencing sleep disturbances may not be a good mix. My prediction is that she’ll end up on a roller coaster of taking stimulants to get through the day and then tranquilizers at night in order to bring herself down so she can sleep.
That can’t be a good combo.
When I saw her comment, I made sure to share with her a new supplement that I added to my regime about six weeks ago, and now I’m also sharing it with you. Without a doubt, D-Ribose, a form of sugar produced naturally by the body, has been the best supplement I’ve taken since being diagnosed with fibromyalgia (and I’ve tried lots of them).
Monday Mindfulness – Week 3
Continuing to be mindful with Ian Peric of Priceless Vitality.
See you next week.
How to Help People Newly Diagnosed With Fibromyalgia
Many individuals diagnosed with Fibromyalgia have problems adapting to their limitations. One of the most important aspects of helping someone deal with this condition is to really LISTEN to what they have to say. Fibromyalgia is often referred to as the invisible disease, because you cannot see it – unless a person’s demeanor is expressing pain. It is a very real, and very disabling illness, and sufferers are frequently accused of ‘having it all in their mind’. It usually takes years before someone is diagnosed, and this is only after all other explanations have been exhausted. Simply listening to someone who is newly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and showing them that you believe what they say can really help them.
How to Relieve Fibromyalgia With Essential Oils
Characterized by multiple sore and tender points and a diverse array of symptoms, the pain of fibromyalgia is chronic and unrelenting. Pain migrates to all parts of the body and varies in intensity. Fibromyalgia patients describe the pain as tingling or burning, numbness, throbbing, twitching or stabbing. Pain and stiffness are often most pronounced in the morning.
Fibromyalgia symptoms are aggravated by excessive physical activity, cold or humid weather, lack of restorative sleep, mental or physical fatigue, physical inactivity, stress and anxiety. Pure and natural essential oils contain anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, antispasmodic and antidepressant properties that are beneficial when managing fibromyalgia pain.
14 Foods That Fight Inflammation
Is there an anti-inflammatory diet? by Amanda MacMillan
Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response; without it, we can't heal. But when it's out of control—as in rheumatoid arthritis—it can damage the body. Plus, it's thought to play a role in obesity, heart disease, and cancer.
Foods high in sugar and saturated fat can spur inflammation. “They cause overactivity in the immune system, which can lead to joint pain, fatigue, and damage to the blood vessels,” says Scott Zashin, MD, clinical professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
9 Ways to Quit Sugar for Good
Sugar detox by Esther Crain
Here's a shocker: the average person takes in 22 teaspoons of sugar daily—more than three times the amount suggested by the American Heart Association. And although it has never been considered a health food, new evidence shows sugar can do even more damage than previously thought, setting you up for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. But weaning yourself off sugar can be daunting. It's tough to dodge because it hides in so many foods, and it provides an almost addictive buzz, thanks to a surge of the neurotransmitter dopamine after it enters the body, says research neuroscientist Nicole Avena, PhD, author of Why Diets Fail (Because You're Addicted to Sugar) ($19; amazon.com). Still, slashing sugar is one food trend worth trying. Find out all about sugar rehab, plus tactics to make your commitment stick.
Medical Marijuana - Opportunities and Barriers: An ME/FM and FM Perspective
Medical marijuana has been approved in 23 states and recreational use is allowed in Alaska, Oregon, the District of Columbia, Colorado and Washington State. Residents in Ohio, Nevada and California will vote on measures to make recreational use legal in the next year and a half.
A survey of fibromyalgia patients last year conducted by The National Pain Foundation and NationalPainReport.com suggested that medical marijuana was not just a little more effective in treating FM that the three FDA approved drugs for FM, it was a lot more effective.
Check out reviews of medical marijuana on Health Rising and add your own
Anecdotal reports of medical marijuana's effectiveness in reducing pain and helping with sleep and even epileptic seizures abound. Check out an account a registered nurse with fibromyalgia recently sent to me.
Giant List Of Herbal Remedies
Herbs For Parts Of The Body
10 Herbs For The Eyes
10 Herbs For The Heart
10 Herbs For The Kidneys
9 Herbs For The Liver
10 Herbs For Lungs
10 Herbs For The Pancreas
10 Herbs For Skin
10 Herbs For The Stomach
10 Herbs For Thyroid
Go to website for links
Dreaming of a Good Night's Sleep? By Karen Lee Richards
Chronic insomnia is a serious problem for many people. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 22% of Americans experience insomnia every or almost every night. For people who have fibromyalgia or ME/CFS, that percentage is significantly higher. More than 75% of people diagnosed with FM and approximately 60% of those with ME/CFS have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep and/or awakening from sleep feeling rested and refreshed.
ProHealth founder, Rich Carson, is one of those people. Tired of fighting the nightly battle for sleep, he set out to develop a product that would help not only himself, but also the millions of others like him for whom sleep remains just a dream. Rich tells his story...
Good luck
Contact: fmsstella@gmail.com
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N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in which case the title is in PURPLE like the dividers. This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link. If you have any navigation problems, let me know.
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to fmsstella@gmail.com and you will be added to the emailing list.
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