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FMS eNews 29/08/15

Last week I asked if anyone had used LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone).  I had no response!  If you have used LDN please send me an email now and tell me of your experiences, good or bad.
Listen to Dr Jill Cottel talking about the use of LDN.  See under Vimeo below.
Also Facebook has a page for LDN Research.
This week I have had another request from a lady who is a hypnotherapist.  She would like to know of anyone who has tried this to treat FM or ME.  She says "I saw that you were prepared to request info.  I hope you will consider doing this for me, as I am so committed to finding methods that will help.  
If  there are useful responses, I will collate these and will report back.  I would like to know:
1.  Have you tried hypnotherapy?
2.  If you did, was it for a specific symptom such as sleep problems, or maybe it was more general, or for something else entirely (not about your Fibro or ME/CFS).  Please do not give me personal details or in depth information.  It would be helpful to know, eg Managing pain, General relaxation, panic attacks, Getting off to sleep, and so on.  
3.  Did it help you?
4.  If it did not help, why do you think that was?
5.  If you have not tried hypnotherapy, why is this – you might think it does not work, perhaps you are concerned about some aspect of it, do not know how to go about it – or similar.  Again, please do not give personal details, stay general!
It is not necessary to give your name or details, just contact via Stella.
If enough people are able to make contact, I would be more likely to collate valuable info.  If this happens, I’ll be happy to let you know what I find."

We could be instigating some useful research here.  Please help if you can.  It would be advantageous if results of ANY treatments, medicinal or alternative, were to be submitted, to see if we can establish what is actually helping people with FM or ME (please say which), or is having any adverse effects.


WORDz for the WEEK

235.  The journey in between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.


Take Control of Your Joint Pain & Most Feared Life Threatening Chronic Diseases

While Boosting Your Vitality, Energy Levels & Mental Clarity so that You Can…
“Live & Move Freely in as Little as 14-Days”
The Best Part:  You’ll Eliminate Dangerous Pills, Painful Shots, Waiting Rooms & Going Under the Knife

Read the article to find a solution.  Green Tea, Pistachios and Kiwi are highly recommended.


5 Delicious Ways to Get More Lycopene Into Your Diet

Lycopene is a phytochemical that has plenty of potential health benefits. Today I give you a list of five foods that are great sources of lycopene. I've also got a list of lutein sources and 5 ways to improve a bad diet right away.
Shereen Lehman, MS - Nutrition Expert


7 Tips for Restless Legs Syndrome

Dancing in the dark?  Muscle movements are regulated by dopamine (a neurotransmitter) in the brain and spinal cord.  Dopamine tells leg muscles to relax at night, so without enough dopamine, muscles can remain hyperactive.  In order to make dopamine, you need amino acids (either phenylalanine or tyrosine) from protein, and you need iron.


Figuring out Fibromyalgia

Maggie says she has suffered from fibromyalgia for more than 10 years. She explains how difficult it was to get an accurate diagnosis, because X-rays and blood tests revealed no answers. Maggie describes how the chronic pain she experiences in her legs, hips, arms, wrists and head make it difficult for her to enjoy her life like she used to. She adds that a lack of information regarding fibromyalgia makes her situation even harder for her.
“It’s awful, because people just don’t understand,” she says. “It’s been going on for so long that people think I’m just making up my symptoms.”
Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain and tenderness, which can be accompanied by fatigue, impaired memory and other physical issues. Additionally, fibromyalgia may occur with other chronic pain conditions, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. The exact cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, but researchers believe it could be the result of several factors, including genetics, illness and physical or emotional trauma, which lead to an abnormal processing of pain.
Watch the video.


LDN Research Trust - Low Dose Naltrexone

To help people with all autoimmune conditions. 
To raise funds to enable LDN to be clinically trialled. 
To ensure that LDN can be made readily available on the NHS.
LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) has been used successfully in the treatment of autoimmune conditions since 1985. This safe, inexpensive, generic drug could potentially treat 100,000's of those who suffer from life limiting conditions such as MS, Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Fibromyalgia, Autism, Crohn's, Parkinsons, Bipolar Disorder, Alzheimers and many more medical conditions.
The LDN Research Trust is a non-profit making UK registered charity, run solely by volunteers who are all working towards making LDN available to everyone who could benefit from its use.
LDN is a "Prescription Only" medication.


Monday Mindfulness – Week 5

Continuing to be mindful with Ian Peric of Priceless Vitality.

See you next week.


Conditions Associated with Fibromyalgia

In many cases, fibromyalgia is accompanied by other illnesses. In fact, there are specific medical conditions that do increase the likelihood that you will, at some point, develop FMS. 
Continue reading

Other articles:-
Fibromyalgia Itching

Fibromyalgia and Dizziness

Fibromyalgia Food Diet

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis 


Catch Some Zzzzzs

If you're having problems falling or staying asleep, your evening habits might be to blame. 

But you CAN stop those sneaky sleep saboteurs in their tracks. Here are 20 things you shouldn't do before bed.


Fibromyalgia – The Savella Story 

Milnacipran (brand names: Savella, Ixel) is the third and last drug the FDA approved for the treatment of fibromyalgia in the United States. The fourth serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), to be introduced in the U.S.,  Savella stops the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine in the nerves synapses – making more of those neurotransmitters available to the 
central nervous system. Savella is the most “balanced” SNRI in that it increases serotonin and norepinephrine equally. Unlike other SNRI’s it does not affect dopamine levels. Antidepressants are now commonly used to treat chronic pain… SNRI’s are usually considered antidepressants (although they are also often used to treat anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and ADHD) but two SNRI’s, Savella and Cymbalta (Duloexetine) have also been shown to be effective in treating chronic pain in some patients without mood disorders.


Four ME/CFS Recovery Stories

"My message to all CFS/ME/Fibro sufferers is don’t lose hope—recovery is possible, even if not easy." Dan​
All were successful contributing members to society. Alexandra was a nurse, Dan was married, had kids, a good job and was in excellent physical shape. Mathew was a successful entrepreneur running a business with twenty employees. Only Maureen had had some health problems: she had suffered a series of colds and other problems in in the past year or so. All became so ill they had to quit their jobs. Several became home bound, two were bed bound at times. All eventually recovered completely from ME/CFS. 
They all recovered in different ways but some commonalities are present.


Top 10 Essential Oils for Sleep And Insomnia

Check out this great list of essential oils that are known for their calming qualities. Valerian has been used as a sedative since old times, lavender is a classic sleep remedy, as is chamomile.
There are lots of interesting ways to apply essential oils. For example, did you know that you can add a few drops to a tablespoon of base oil (try organic coconut or almond oil) and then massage the soles of your feet? Try this with lavender 20 minutes before sleep time… You can also try adding a few drops of your fav oils to a bath (heavenly!), using a diffuser or adding them to a massage oil. You can even drop a few drops on clothing or bedding and let the terpenes and other molecules work their magic… 
Learn (tons!) more about the essential oils listed with our super in-depth guides. We go beyond…

  • 1. Lavender
  • 2. Valerian
  • 3. (personal fav!) Neroli
  • 4. Clary Sage
  • 5. Vetiver
  • 6. Roman Chamomile
  • 7. Patchouli
  • 8. Sandalwood
  • 9. Cedarwood
  • 10. Marjoram

We also have full pages on 20+ other popular oils here
We also have a list of 10 Herbs For Insomnia.
All links on the webpage.


10 Healthiest Drink Recipes In The World

Today we bring you an amazing free collection of recipes for healthy drinks courtesy of our friends over at Natural Living Ideas! We’ve also added a few more of our own faves to boost the collection even more!  You’ve probably seen a few of these if you have been following our blog for a while, but it’s good to have them all in the same place so that you can bookmark the page or even create a folder full of them. Why not create a Pinterest page and pin them all? 
(We did this – check out our pinterest page Healthiest Drinks In The World)
In an age of artificial ingredients and diminishing trust in mass-produced food, people are turning to these options because they give confidence – you know what you are eating and you know that it is good for you. Knowing that you are meeting a high standard of self-care will help put a smile on your face as you meet the world.
These drinks will also be fantastic options to serve to guests at your next party, because in addition to being healthy, refreshing and delicious, they also have amazing visual appeal.


Recruitment of patient and public voice representatives for NHS England Patient Safety Groups

The NHS England Patient Safety Domain is recruiting a number of patient and public voice (PPV) representatives to the Patient Safety Expert Groups and Patient Safety Steering Group. The groups have been established to work with partner organisations on national patient safety issues.
There are currently vacancies for PPV representatives on the:

  • Patent Safety Steering Group
  • Children and Young People Patient Safety Expert Group
  • Medical Specialties Patient Safety Expert Group
  • Mental Health Patient Safety Expert Group
  • Women’s Health Patient Safety Expert Group

If you are interested in applying for one of these posts, more detailed information and application forms are available in the links on the webpage. The closing date for applications is Friday 11 September 2015.


Do you really have diabetes? 

People are always stunned when I tell them that their STATIN medicine can actually cause them to wind up with a DIABETES diagnosis. I've been warning my fans for 7 years now, telling them that these drugs have the capability to increase your blood sugar. . . . . . .

Do you have diabetes or statin-induced hyperglycemia?
You need to know. There's a difference between hyperglycemia and diabetes, a BIG difference, one that could save you years of suffering, and tons of money you would otherwise spend on diabetic medication, appointments, monitoring devices and treatments. All you have to do is recognize the signs of these 'new diseases' brought on by your medicine. Then make informed choices about dietary supplements, and vital nutrients that restore balance. It's not just about diabetes, you need to hear what I share about ALS, ED, chronic fatigue, fibro and much more.    

Now here's my GIFT to you... A FREE ebook I wrote! 


How to Make a Lotion for Leg Cramps & Growing Pains

This lotion recipe came about as a solution to the growing pains my kids develop from time to time.
I infused oil with arnica, which is helpful for inflammation and joint pain, and comfrey leaf, which can be used to treat sprains, strains and other sore muscle woes.
The magnesium oil part came into play after a talk with our naturopath. My son had been experiencing some back pain during a growth spurt (he’s 13 and already 5’10”) so she suggested I try magnesium oil. It worked wonders on him after only two applications! (He routinely takes supplemental magnesium too.)
However, magnesium oil can be a skin irritant over time, so I wanted to cushion it in a skin soothing lotion or cream containing aloe. I rounded it out with a little bit of lavender essential oil, for relaxation, and peppermint essential oil, which is also good for muscle pain. (Plus it makes it smell good!)
So, that’s the story behind the recipe, now let’s get into how you can make your own!


Dr Jill Cottel from the US shares her experience as an LDN prescriber - Low Dose Naltrexone



Can yoga really heal and restore one’s mind, body and spirit?

Yoga to overcome physical challenges such as obesity, pain, aging, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, cancer surgery recovery and chronic disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and many, many others?
Yoga to overcome emotional challenges such as anxiety, depression, codependency, issues of self-worth and grieving?
Yoga to overcome behavioral challenges such as addictions, overeating, alcoholism, shyness and reclusiveness?
Listen to these people tell their personal stories about overcoming physical, emotional and behavioral challenges with a proper yoga practice, undertaken with full intent and determination.
Watch and listen to these personal stories of healing and then think about what challenges you would like to overcome.


New September Term Starts Soon

 September is always a time to start something new, with renewed vigour and vitality after the summer break.  Join one of our classes now to help boost your immune system, strengthen the body, calm the mind and have fun throughout.
Welcome to the new term, at the start of every school year we start a number of new beginner Tai Chi and Qigong courses over an 8 week duration.  Our class schedule starts back from Monday 7 September.  You can view the school calendar here.



I know about loads of things that are bad for me!  Bread, sugar, aspartame etc, and I have cut down on a lot.  However, I am a bit naughty sometimes!!!  Nevertheless I have managed to lose 10kgs.  Even my optician noticed I had lost weight.  That was a bonus - my intention was merely to eat more healthy food - and I feel better too!  I think probiotics and green tea helped.

Wishing you good health
Look after yourselves

or leave your comments below under Post a Comment


N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in which case the title is in PURPLE like the dividers.  This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link.  If you have any navigation problems, let me know. 
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Websites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia patients and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.

FMS eNews 22/08/15

One of my readers has asked if any of you have used LDN - Low Dose Naltrexone, which is sometimes prescribed for the treatment of fibromyalgia.  She would like to hear about actual experiences of its use whether positive or negative.  If you have used this drug please send your responses to me and I will forward them to her.  Thank you.


WORDz for the WEEK

234. Live your life inspired by love and guided by knowledge.


Music is a wonderful thing, and you may be surprised how much research it's getting for fibromyalgia pain. You might also be surprised by the results. You'll find that below.
Also this week, we'll look at a lot of seemingly simple things that can really improve your life.
Take care of yourself!
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert


What are Omega 3 Fatty Acids? 

Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fatty fish like salmon), have been a mainstay of alternative health practitioners and have been endorsed by the American Heart Association to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease Fatty acids like DHA and EPA are considered "essential" fatty acids because the body cannot manufacture them and must obtain them through diet. 
Watch Video 



When we’re chronically ill, it’s easy to play the blame game. Every new symptom becomes part of the complicated mishmash of our illness. If our shoulder hurts, we think it must be a weird new fibro pain.  If we feel dizzy, we chalk it up to excessive brain fog. If we’re super tired, we figure we must have overdone it the day before.
But as I learned earlier this month, sometimes that kind of thinking is a big mistake. Not everything is fibro’s (or ME/CFS’) fault.


Monday Mindfulness – Week 4

Continuing to be mindful with Ian Peric of Priceless Vitality.

See you next week.


Top Picks - 6 Fibromyalgia Triggers you Should Limit or Eliminate Right Away

Knowing what your triggers are for fibromyalgia is an important step in your battle to feel better. Each person will show symptoms in different ways and each person may be affected by triggers differently. Continue reading

This and many more fibromyalgia articles on this page.


Mornings Made Easy

You might think you're saving calories, but skipping breakfast could set you up for overeating later in the day. Try one of these 20 energizing morning meal ideas.

Read more  


Fibromyalgia and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: the Neurogenic Inflammation Connection 

On the face of it fibromyalgia (FM) and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) appear to be very different disorders. 
Both can cause severe pain but in fibromyalgia the pain is generally widespread and less intense (relative to CRPS, anyway) and more intense and localized in CRPS. Both can be triggered by injuries but in CRPS the area surrounding the site of the injury often turns color, starts sweating, swells, loses hair and becomes intensely painful – so painful that in the most severe cases amputation has been done. That kind of vivid, localized  and intense response does not occur in fibromyalgia. The local manifestations of complex regional pain syndrome, Is a similar process occurring in fibromyalgia? CRPS is not always localized, though. The inflammation and/or pain present can spread to other parts of the body. Nor are visible signs of  inflammation lacking in FM. People with FM can experience swelling, reddened skin and similar symptoms. Could these two diseases form the opposite ends of a chronic inflammatory pain spectrum?  An Australian researcher, Geoffrey Littlejohn, believes yes.


600 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World’s Most Important Herb

We found a simply astonishing page all about Turmeric and had to share! I honestly think it is one of the best pages about a herb I have ever seen (and I’ve seen a fair number!) The link is after our commentary.
There are several things that are amazing about the page we discovered. First – of course – the fact that there is scientific research to support the notion that turmeric may be beneficial for a staggering 600+ conditions. It is one of the world’s most studied items for medicinal potential, with over 4000 scientific studies being recorded overall.
Then there is the fact that the mighty turmeric has been in use for over 6000 years, with an incredible safety record. Note also, the effects of turmeric have been found by scientists to be greatly enhanced when it is taken in combination with black pepper.


10 Super Tips For A Great Night’s Sleep

What are you doing up this late? Get to bed this minute! Seriously though – a good night’s sleep is very important in maintaining your health. Sleep is the time when the body needs to rest – and interestingly, some significant “deep healing” processes take place when we are asleep. Bad sleep quality affects awareness, memory, and coordination [1] – which can ultimately affect a person’s decision making and ability to perform daily tasks at home, work, or school. Sleep privation can also be extremely dangerous: Fatigue has been considered a contributing factor in up to 50 percent of motor vehicle accidents in the United States. [2] Also worthy of note – sleep makes you better looking. You will be even more gorgeous when you are all rested. 
Here are 10 science-supported tips for improving sleep quality:


How To Make A Pain Relieving Coconut Oil Arnica Salve

We just found a great recipe for a pain relieving salve that uses arnica and coconut oil – and had to share! The link is at the foot of this article, after my commentary as per usual.
As you can see from the image, the page actually lists not one but two arnica salves, one with soothing lavender & peppermint, the other including cayenne; which contains capasaicin, a substance which has been found to act as a pain reliever. We also featured another page recently with a cayenne cream formula.


Avoiding Cabin Fever with Fibromyalgia

If you find yourself spending lots of time at home because of too much pain, low mood or lack of energy you may also find you have cabin fever. While ‘cabin fever’ is not a true psychiatric condition, its effects are very real. When you spend a long time in one place with little to do, your mind tells you that the environment you are in is not optimal for functioning properly. You feel restricted and have difficulty tolerating the lack of freedom to do what you wish to.
Signs of cabin fever include feeling cooped up, having problems with memory or concentration, lack energy or motivation to do anything, or become irritated for no obvious reason. If you experience any of these issues, there are a few things and tips you could use.


The Benefits of a Pet When Suffering from Fibromyalgia

I was never allowed a pet when I was young. Both my parents are allergic to cats and dogs, so my childhood goldfish named Dragon was as close as I got to a friendly companion.
Now that I’m a grown up, I have two cats. I was looking for independent animals that could take care of themselves and wouldn’t need too much looking after, and I seem to have ended up with the two neediest cats in the world. They’re more like dogs or small children, so desperate for love and attention!
But, for all their whining and demands, there are so many benefits of having a pet – especially if you suffer from a chronic illness like Fibromyalgia.


Clinically Studied Joint Relief Product for FM & ME/CFS 

 Stiffness in the morning, swelling during the day, and aches in the evening: All-day joint discomfort can disrupt an otherwise active and healthy life. Those with ME & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia (FM) are all too familiar with arthritis concerns and rheumatic changes that can inflame joints and soft tissues. Combined with feelings of daily fatigue,  these aches and pains can be completely debilitating for some ME/CFS and FM sufferers.
Drugs for joint pain abound, but many are associated with side effects, including digestive distress and liver risks.1 Evidence suggests some herbal remedies may be easier to tolerate while still providing potent anti-inflammatory activity that helps bring soothing relief to joints. Perhaps even more promising, research has shown that when certain botanicals and nutrients are combined, they appear to have complementary activities that may boost and multiply their benefits.


Adrenal Burnout? Naturally Boost Your Energy & Manage Stress By Terry Lemerond† 

Imagine if you awakened every morning feeling completely inadequate to meet the demands of the day. How would you feel if even a little physical or mental stress left you feeling drained? Problems such as these have an enormous negative impact on relationships, careers, and personal happiness. And the root cause is very often impaired adrenal and/or thyroid function. 
In fact, I have probably been asked more questions about the adrenal and thyroid glandular systems, and the symptoms of underactive adrenal and thyroid function, than just about any other health topic. So many people feel helpless in dealing with their exhaustion following any "fight or flight" stress response. We know that adrenal burnout and an underactive thyroid can have long-term, serious consequences. I also know the symptoms can be confusing regarding whether the issue is with thyroid or adrenal. Are you wondering if your adrenal glands are less than optimal? It is more widespread than you may think. Fortunately, there are amazing natural ingredients that can rejuvenate the adrenal glands and help you live the kind of life you may have only imagined. The adrenal glands - and how to heal them - are the subject of this Terry Talks Nutrition. 




I am delighted to tell you that our granddaughter (who got married on 1st August) is now a qualified Veterinary Nurse.  She got her final exam results this week.  We are so proud of her. She did a two year course on Animal Management at Brinsbury College followed by a three year Vet Nurse course at Plumpton College on day release from the Veterinary Practice where she has been a trainee assistant nurse.  She is so happy.

Bye for now



or leave your comments below under Post a Comment


N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in which case the title is in PURPLE like the dividers.  This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link.  If you have any navigation problems, let me know. 
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgments, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.