230. If the future seems overwhelming, remember it only comes one day at a time.
Someone's FINALLY Saying the Right Things!
We so often hear things we don't like that it's especially exciting when someone gets it right! That's the case with a new review by a long-time fibromyalgia researcher. See what he has to say about not just FMS, but ME/CFS and the rest of the family, below.
Also this week, answers to some frequently asked questions.
Take care of yourself!
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert
Are Supplements Really Necessary for Good Health?
People take dietary supplements for a number of reasons. They're great for ensuring intake of vitamins and minerals, but are there reasons beyond that?
Find out.
Shereen Lehman, MS - Nutrition Expert
The Fog of Fibromyalgia
It seems I forget more and more each day; from doctor appointments to family birthdays, to whether I paid a bill or not. The information has simply vanished from my mind.
Thanks to fibromyalgia, I am often challenged by even the simplest of tasks and I feel like my memory is so bad that I can’t trust myself to remember everyday responsibilities.
People notice when I cannot come up with the name of my son’s teacher or remember my PIN number at the grocery store checkout. I am losing a bit of myself each day. This person I am now, well, she is what I am left with and it is impossible to hide her deficits.
Can Fibromyalgia Cause Osteoporosis?

When you’re living with fibromyalgia pain and fatigue, exercise may be the last thing on your mind. You may even believe that it can worsen your condition. But for fibromyalgia patients, avoiding physical activity can be a big mistake.
In fact, experts say that exercise is one of the best ways to treat fibromyalgia, and research backs it up. A sensible exercise program can keep your fibromyalgia pain from becoming worse and can even improve many of your symptoms. So, yes — fibromyalgia and exercise do go together.
Swanson Homeopathic Remedy Fibromyalgia Relief
Do you suffer from long bouts of inexplicable muscle pain, stiffness and difficulty sleeping? You could well count yourself among the growing number of Fibromyalgia sufferers around the world. This patented blend of completely natural herbs, as prescribed by Dr. Barbara Hendel - the leading holistic therapist - could offer you the release from pain you so desperately crave.
What is Swanson Homeopathic Remedy Fibromyalgia Relief?
Before we explore the healing ingredients of this exclusive new fibromyalgia remedy it would serve us well to first ask ourselves ‘what exactly is fibromyalgia?’
Unfortunately, fibromyalgia is one of those terrible conditions which is proving just as hard to diagnose as it is to treat. A long term condition which is prone to causing pain all over your body; it comes in several degrees, ranging from mild pain to severe debilitating pain and subsequent loss of mobility.
Research shows that It affects almost 7x as many women as it does men and because it exists on a sliding scale of severity, it is thought that it may affect as many as one in twenty people. The majority of whom continue to suffer in silence because they simply don’t know what the problem is.
Fortunately, help is at hand. Barbara Hendel MD (who has been working as both a leading holistic practitioner and as a doctor for over 20 years) has created this potent homeopathic complex, using what she believes to be the most effective and appropriate herbal remedies for the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. . . . .
17 Years: A Fibromyalgia Naturopathic Story - Part I
First came the spinal injury and the pain. Then came the enterovirus infection, the exhaustion, the brain-fog and IBS - and that was pretty much it for Edith.
Determined to fight her fibromyalgia naturally Edith came under the care of a naturopathic doctor.
Almost twenty years later - not well but much, much improved - Edith shares what she's learned and encourages people with FM and ME/CFS not to give up.
Check out the first part of Edith's story in the first part of a two-part blog series.
18 Natural Remedies For Headaches
When headaches become intolerable, many people resort to painkillers to ease the throbbing pain. However, while over-the-counter drugs may provide immediate relief to headaches, the fact remains that the cause of headache remains unaddressed.
It gets worse: A recent report by the BBC stated that “Painkillers are the cause of millions of headaches” – and that the process of taking them may become a ‘vicious cycle’ of medication overuse. . . . .
Now for the good news: We found a brilliant “mother ship” list of natural remedies for headaches, with really good explanations. Some of these are so stunningly simple that you may be surprised and overjoyed that the possibility of non-toxic relief is so close at hand.
10 Herbs For Migraines
For someone who has not experienced severe migraines, it's easy to dismiss migraines as "ordinary headaches". Far from it though, as migraines are also often accompanied by symptoms like throbbing pain, light and sound sensitivity, or even nausea and vomiting. The American Academy of Neurology further states that as simple as bright lights, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, reaction to certain foods or even medications can trigger migraine attacks. [1]
From the data gathered by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders, over 30 million Americans suffering from migraine use prescription drugs 2.5 times more than non-sufferers just to seek relief. Yet despite medications, sufferers still find it difficult to function normally amid migraine attacks. [1] And even if there are extensive pharmaceutical agents for migraines, many are unable to tolerate their side effects, do not respond adequately or eventually lose their effectiveness. [2] There are great financial obstacles to obtaining absolute scientific "proof" of the effectiveness of herbs - however below are 10 herbal remedies for migraines that have found support from scientific studies:
10 Super Tips For A Great Night’s Sleep
What are you doing up this late? Get to bed this minute! Seriously though – a good night’s sleep is very important in maintaining your health. Sleep is the time when the body needs to rest – and interestingly, some significant “deep healing” processes take place when we are asleep. Bad sleep quality affects awareness, memory, and coordination [1] – which can ultimately affect a person’s decision making and ability to perform daily tasks at home, work, or school. Sleep deprivation can also be extremely dangerous: Fatigue has been considered a contributing factor in up to 50 percent of motor vehicle accidents in the United States. [2] Also worthy of note – sleep makes you better looking. You will be even more gorgeous when you are all rested. Here are 10 science-supported tips for improving sleep quality:
The Voice of Encouragement
. . . . . . I think of Invisible Disabilities Ambassador, Katie Maskey. Katie is a wife, advocate, volunteer, businesswoman, philanthropist, fashion stylist and state titleholder. In 2004, a few months before taking the walk down the wedding aisle, Katie fell ill and underwent a few lung surgeries. From that point on, she has lived with chronic pain. She is passionate about raising awareness to shed light on those living with an invisible disability. Katie has become a voice as well.
As the reigning Mrs. Ohio United States 2015, Katie is determined to use her title for the good of others through her platform “P.R.I.D.E: Positively Responding to an Invisible Disability Everyday.” Whether she’s volunteering, serving the young women at the all-girls private high school in which she works, or helping other women to rise above life’s challenges and overcome their own invisible disability, she is passionate about empowering others. Katie is looking forward to spreading the “Invisible No More” message to everyone she encounters as an IDA Ambassador! . . . . . . .
As many as 50-80% of individuals diagnosed with fibromyalgia will develop skin problems, including rashes. These rashes can make you feel uncomfortable wearing clothes, sleeping at night, or feel unattractive. The typical rash associated with fibromyalgia syndrome is red and can be flat or raised and bumpy. In some cases there is also itchiness, soreness or a crawling sensation.
The exact cause of fibromyalgia rash is unknown, but scientists suggest that fibromyalgia causes an immune reaction that makes the skin more sensitive. The reaction releases histamine (a chemical involved in itchiness and skin sensitivity) and heparin (a substance that has blood thinning qualities and therefore promotes bruising).
If this is the case, antihistamine drugs (either in tablet form or applied topically) can help. In other cases, the rash may be an allergic reaction to the drugs you are taking. Your doctor can evaluate this possibility, and either change the drug or recommend a gentle moisturizing cream (like Sudocream), or a corticosteroid cream.
Besides rashes, fibromyalgia sufferers also tend to have dry skin (which further aggravates the rash and itching), especially in the hands and fingers. Skin wounds tend to heal slower, and numbness, tingling or burning sensations and sensitivity to touch and pressure are also reported. Skin rashes may also suggest another underlying problem: lupus. Also called SLE, lupus can mimic fibromyalgia because it has similar symptoms.
Fibromyalgia Is Real, and Medications Are Not the Only Answer
Have a good week.
Contact: fmsstella@gmail.com
or leave your comments below under Post a Comment
N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in which case the title is in PURPLE like the dividers. This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link. If you have any navigation problems, let me know.
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to fmsstella@gmail.com and you will be added to the emailing list.
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