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FMS eNews 01/08/15

I HAVE managed an eNews for you this week even though it is shorter than usual.  I have been involved with wedding preparations, as expected.  Add to this a failure on my laptop which wiped my early attempts at the blog and the pain in my arm which has been quite bad.  I had the steroid injection in my shoulder on Thursday and the arm is now almost pain-free.


WORDz for the WEEK

231. When you have the love for life coursing through your veins, the troubles that will come don't create so much pain.


Creatine & Other Supplements

Many of us use supplements in addition to, or instead of, meds. Find out why creatine is on the list of frequent recommendations for these conditions.
Also this week, other supplements and information about taking them safely.
Take care of yourself!
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert


7 Healthy Ways to Serve Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are chock-full of good nutrition, including lots of vitamins, minerals, fiber and beneficial antioxidants. 
They're especially high in vitamin A and beta-carotene. Plus they've got plenty of calcium, potassium, lutein, and Vitamin C. 
Sweet potatoes also offer dietary fiber, and each medium-sized sweet potato has about 100 calories.
Sweet potatoes are easy to prepare and so delicious. Flip through the slideshow to find great ideas and recipes.


107 Everyday Uses for Coconut Oil

There’s been a lot of hype about coconut oil lately, and there are so many claims being made that it sounds nothing short of a miracle. Well it’s really not a cure-all, and what works for other people may not work for you, but it still is pretty dandy to have around. With a little bit of resourcefulness and a dash of creativity, you can find over one hundred everyday uses for coconut oil.
Want this full list in a PDF? Get it free when you download the Everyday Roots Book.


10 Foods for Fighting Fibromyalgia (with recipes)

As advances in science have given us a better picture of the impact of diet and nutrition on our health – it has become clear that the two are closely linked. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Richard Carmona, because of “unhealthy eating habits, and physical inactivity, we may see the first generation that will be less healthy and have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.”
Understanding the impact of diet and nutrition on the body is especially important for those of us suffering from a chronic illness like fibromyalgia. While our fibromyalgia isn’t necessarily caused by diet or nutrition alone – they can influence our symptoms for better or for worse. Knowing which foods help and which foods hurt can put us on a path to a healthier, more comfortable life.


The Next Lyrica? Thousand Person Fibromyalgia Drug Trial is Underway 

It’s not often that you see a 1,000 person drug trial for fibromyalgia or any other disease but one recently begun  in the U.S. and Canada. A Japanese drug company, Daiichi Sankyo, is making a huge bet on a new drug called mirogabalin for fibromyalgia and other diseases. A major fibromyalgia drug trial is underway in the U.S and Canada If mirogabalin sounds vaguely familiar it should.  Daiichi Sankyo believes mirogabalin is a significant upgrade of pregabalin, e.g. Lyrica. Both drugs bind to calcium channels that have been implicated in the production of neuropathic pain. 
Mirogabalin is believed to bind to a calcium channel subunit that has strictly analgesic; i.e. pain reducing properties. Lyrica, on the other hand, also binds to another subunit that has central nervous system effects that may be responsible for its side effects. Mirogabalin, Daiichi Sankyo believes will be more potent, have fewer side-effects and be longer-acting than Lyrica.


The NIH’s Blindspot: The Real Reason ME/CFS and FM Funding Stinks 

The Bottom Forty at the NIH The first part of this blog series was focused on chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Now, in an effort to understand why these disorders get such poor funding, the focus broadens to the bottom forty of the two hundred plus conditions and disease categories the NIH provides funding levels for. The bottom forty diseases at the NIH get a small fraction of its funding. The NIH spends about $440 million/year on the bottom forty diseases. Compare that to the NIH’s total budget ($30 billion) and you can get a rough estimate of how little the money it spends on them. Where do ME/CFS and FM rank in all this? Chronic fatigue syndrome is the 10th and fibromyalgia is the 18th worst funded disease category/condition at the NIH.  If you take away three non-disease categories (hyperbaric oxygen, climate change, global warming) the NIH funds, ME/CFS becomes the fifth worst  disease funded by the NIH.  That’s a pretty low rank for a disease studies suggest affects a million people and causes tens of billions of dollars in economic losses.


The Real Reason Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Get Lousy Funding 

The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome’s decades long funding problems have prompted much speculation and finger-pointing. If only the CDC had taken the Incline Village outbreak seriously, or if Stephen Strauss had never showed up at the NIH, or if Bill Reeves hadn’t take over the CDC or if Fauci, for god sakes, hadn’t lead the NIAID for the last couple decades – then things would be different.  If only we’d had a good definition, an FDA approved drug, or top researchers then things would have changed. Then we would be doing well. I assert that the crucial problem ME/CFS and FM faces is rarely addressed I submit that these are all symptoms of the problem – not the problem. I assert that even if we had a better name, better leaders at the federal level, FDA approved drugs, better researchers, etc. we would still be facing a low funding ceiling – perhaps not as low – but still too low. I suggest that absent fixing a crucial problem, ME/CFS and FM have, from the beginning been essentially doomed to poor funding. First let’s look at some of the proposed causes for chronic fatigue syndrome’s funding problem. 


Is This The End Of Diet Soda? Huge Study Links Aspartame To Major Health Problems; Sales Drop…

As concerns about health epidemics plague the nation, demand and sales of diet soda have plunged as consumers try to make better choices. As reported recently, Aspartame (the main sweetener for diet soda – check the labels) is regarded by scientists as one of the most dangerous ingredients used in our food supply, who have linked it to seizures and a host of other major health issues including fatal cardiovascular events.
In a newly published study [1] (presented in 2014 at the American College of Cardiology, Washington D.C.), 60,000 women were sampled over ten years. It was shown that women who drink two or more diet drinks a day have much higher cardiovascular disease rates and are more likely to die from the disease.




I hope I might have some wedding photos for you next week!  The weather looks set to be good, so fingers crossed.

Take care


or leave your comments below under Post a Comment


N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in which case the title is in PURPLE like the dividers.  This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link.  If you have any navigation problems, let me know. 
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgments, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.

FMS eNews 25/07/15

Under 'Health Monthly' you will see that the homeopathic remedy, 'Fibromyalgia Relief' is back on site.  At least it was when I last looked.  I have found this most helpful.


WORDz for the WEEK

230. If the future seems overwhelming, remember it only comes one day at a time.


Someone's FINALLY Saying the Right Things!

We so often hear things we don't like that it's especially exciting when someone gets it right! That's the case with a new review by a long-time fibromyalgia researcher. See what he has to say about not just FMS, but ME/CFS and the rest of the family, below.
Also this week, answers to some frequently asked questions.
Take care of yourself!
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert


Are Supplements Really Necessary for Good Health?

People take dietary supplements for a number of reasons. They're great for ensuring intake of vitamins and minerals, but are there reasons beyond that? 
Find out.
Shereen Lehman, MS - Nutrition Expert


The Fog of Fibromyalgia

It seems I forget more and more each day; from doctor appointments to family birthdays, to whether I paid a bill or not. The information has simply vanished from my mind.
Thanks to fibromyalgia, I am often challenged by even the simplest of tasks and I feel like my memory is so bad that I can’t trust myself to remember everyday responsibilities.
People notice when I cannot come up with the name of my son’s teacher or remember my PIN number at the grocery store checkout. I am losing a bit of myself each day. This person I am now, well, she is what I am left with and it is impossible to hide her deficits.


Can Fibromyalgia Cause Osteoporosis?


How Exercise Fits Into Fibromyalgia Treatment

If it hurts to move, why would you want to move more? Here’s why: Certain exercises have been shown to improve fibromyalgia symptoms.
When you’re living with fibromyalgia pain and fatigue, exercise may be the last thing on your mind. You may even believe that it can worsen your condition. But for fibromyalgia patients, avoiding physical activity can be a big mistake.
In fact, experts say that exercise is one of the best ways to treat fibromyalgia, and research backs it up. A sensible exercise program can keep your fibromyalgia pain from becoming worse and can even improve many of your symptoms. So, yes — fibromyalgia and exercise do go together.


Swanson Homeopathic Remedy Fibromyalgia Relief

Do you suffer from long bouts of inexplicable muscle pain, stiffness and difficulty sleeping? You could well count yourself among the growing number of Fibromyalgia sufferers around the world. This patented blend of completely natural herbs, as prescribed by Dr. Barbara Hendel - the leading holistic therapist - could offer you the release from pain you so desperately  crave.
What is Swanson Homeopathic Remedy Fibromyalgia Relief?
Before we explore the healing ingredients of this exclusive new fibromyalgia remedy it would serve us well to first ask ourselves ‘what exactly is fibromyalgia?’
Unfortunately, fibromyalgia is one of those terrible conditions which is proving just as hard to diagnose as it is to treat. A long term condition which is prone to causing pain all over your body; it comes in several degrees, ranging from mild pain to severe debilitating pain and subsequent loss of mobility.
Research shows that It affects almost 7x as many women as it does men and because it exists on a sliding scale of severity, it is thought that it may affect as many as one in twenty people. The majority of whom continue to suffer in silence because they simply don’t know what the problem is.
Fortunately, help is at hand. Barbara Hendel MD (who has been working as both a leading holistic practitioner and as a doctor for over 20 years) has created this potent homeopathic complex, using what she believes to be the most effective and appropriate herbal remedies for the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. . . . .


17 Years: A Fibromyalgia Naturopathic Story - Part I

First came the spinal injury and the pain. Then came the enterovirus infection, the exhaustion, the brain-fog and IBS - and that was pretty much it for Edith.
Determined to fight her fibromyalgia naturally Edith came under the care of a naturopathic doctor.
Almost twenty years later - not well but much, much improved - Edith shares what she's learned and encourages people with FM and ME/CFS not to give up.
Check out the first part of Edith's story in the first part of a two-part blog series.


17 Years: A Naturopathic Fibromyalgia Story – Part II 

The Miracle of Amino Acid Therapy “Amino acid therapy has been the most beneficial treatment I’ve received in the past 20 years living with FM” Amino acids are the building blocks of protein.  The body needs them to make protein structures that build and maintain the tissue in our bodies.  Some amino acids act as neurotransmitters which is the basis of my successful treatment. Some, our bodies make, and others called essential amino acids must come from the food we eat.  Now, if you can’t digest properly, especially protein, that can cause you problems, which is a big issue for me.  My ND when he first saw me, knew I had digestive problems because of the two sores I had on the corners of my mouth.  He immediately put me on a quality digestive enzyme Panplex 2 Phase.


18 Natural Remedies For Headaches

When headaches become intolerable, many people resort to painkillers to ease the throbbing pain. However, while over-the-counter drugs may provide immediate relief to headaches, the fact remains that the cause of headache remains unaddressed.
It gets worse: A recent report by the BBC stated that “Painkillers are the cause of millions of headaches” – and that the process of taking them may become a ‘vicious cycle’ of medication overuse. . . . .
Now for the good news: We found a brilliant “mother ship” list of natural remedies for headaches, with really good explanations. Some of these are so stunningly simple that you may be surprised and overjoyed that the possibility of non-toxic relief is so close at hand.


10 Herbs For Migraines

For someone who has not experienced severe migraines, it's easy to dismiss migraines as "ordinary headaches". Far from it though, as migraines are also often accompanied by symptoms like throbbing pain, light and sound sensitivity, or even nausea and vomiting. The American Academy of Neurology further states that as simple as bright lights, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, reaction to certain foods or even medications can trigger migraine attacks. [1]
From the data gathered by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders, over 30 million Americans suffering from migraine use prescription drugs 2.5 times more than non-sufferers just to seek relief. Yet despite medications, sufferers still find it difficult to function normally amid migraine attacks. [1] And even if there are extensive pharmaceutical agents for migraines, many are unable to tolerate their side effects, do not respond adequately or eventually lose their effectiveness. [2] There are great financial obstacles to obtaining absolute scientific "proof" of the effectiveness of herbs - however below are 10 herbal remedies for migraines that have found support from scientific studies:


10 Super Tips For A Great Night’s Sleep

What are you doing up this late? Get to bed this minute!  Seriously though – a good night’s sleep is very important in maintaining your health. Sleep is the time when the body needs to rest – and interestingly, some significant “deep healing” processes take place when we are asleep. Bad sleep quality affects awareness, memory, and coordination [1] – which can ultimately affect a person’s decision making and ability to perform daily tasks at home, work, or school. Sleep deprivation can also be extremely dangerous: Fatigue has been considered a contributing factor in up to 50 percent of motor vehicle accidents in the United States. [2] Also worthy of note – sleep makes you better looking. You will be even more gorgeous when you are all rested.  Here are 10 science-supported tips for improving sleep quality:


The Voice of Encouragement

 . . . . . . I think of Invisible Disabilities Ambassador, Katie Maskey. Katie is a wife, advocate, volunteer, businesswoman, philanthropist, fashion stylist and state titleholder. In 2004, a few months before taking the walk down the wedding aisle, Katie fell ill and underwent a few lung surgeries. From that point on, she has lived with chronic pain. She is passionate about raising awareness to shed light on those living with an invisible disability. Katie has become a voice as well.
As the reigning Mrs. Ohio United States 2015, Katie is determined to use her title for the good of others through her platform “P.R.I.D.E: Positively Responding to an Invisible Disability Everyday.” Whether she’s volunteering, serving the young women at the all-girls private high school in which she works, or helping other women to rise above life’s challenges and overcome their own invisible disability, she is passionate about empowering others. Katie is looking forward to spreading the “Invisible No More” message to everyone she encounters as an IDA Ambassador! . . . . . . .


As many as 50-80% of individuals diagnosed with fibromyalgia will develop skin problems, including rashes. These rashes can make you feel uncomfortable wearing clothes, sleeping at night, or feel unattractive. The typical rash associated with fibromyalgia syndrome is red and can be flat or raised and bumpy. In some cases there is also itchiness, soreness or a crawling sensation.
The exact cause of fibromyalgia rash is unknown, but scientists suggest that fibromyalgia causes an immune reaction that makes the skin more sensitive. The reaction releases histamine (a chemical involved in itchiness and skin sensitivity) and heparin (a substance that has blood thinning qualities and therefore promotes bruising).
If this is the case, antihistamine drugs (either in tablet form or applied topically) can help. In other cases, the rash may be an allergic reaction to the drugs you are taking. Your doctor can evaluate this possibility, and either change the drug or recommend a gentle moisturizing cream (like Sudocream), or a corticosteroid cream.
Besides rashes, fibromyalgia sufferers also tend to have dry skin (which further aggravates the rash and itching), especially in the hands and fingers. Skin wounds tend to heal slower, and numbness, tingling or burning sensations and sensitivity to touch and pressure are also reported. Skin rashes may also suggest another underlying problem: lupus. Also called SLE, lupus can mimic fibromyalgia because it has similar symptoms.



Fibromyalgia Is Real, and Medications Are Not the Only Answer



The Hen Party went well last Saturday.  This pic is of the three generations, myself, my daughter and the 'Bride to be'.  Her sash proclaimed 'Hen Party in Progress'.  Wedding next Saturday.  FMS eNews might be late/delayed.  I shall be busy this week!  We'll see!

Have a good week.  


or leave your comments below under Post a Comment


N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in which case the title is in PURPLE like the dividers.  This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link.  If you have any navigation problems, let me know. 
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.

If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.

FMS eNews 18/07/15

School holidays are here.  If you are going away I hope you have a great time wherever that may be.  If you are staying at home there are lots of things you can do with kids to keep them occupied, happy, amused and even educated.  Try these sites for ideas:-

School Holidays

100+ tips for cheap school holiday family fun

100 School Holiday Activity Ideas

WORDz for the WEEK

229.  Life is like a schoolyard bully, it picks on you as much as it can or as much as you let it.  But if you beat it once it will never 'rule' over you again.


Everyday Issues; Life Hacks

Chronic illness forces you to reevaluate everything about your life, from major lifestyle changes to the little things that help you get by every day. This week, we're looking at a lot of those little things.
We'll start with everyday objects that do double duty as massage tools, then move on to the small tweaks and hacks that make certain jobs easier or help relieve your symptoms.

Take care of yourself!
Adrienne Dellwo  - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert


10 Ways to Destroy Junk Food Cravings

Junk food cravings are the worst. You know the food isn't good for you and it really doesn't taste all that good. But -- you just can't help yourself. Well, until now. I can help you beat those cravings.

Shereen Lehman, MS - Nutrition Expert


15 July 2015 Newsletter

Budget News, ESA Death Statistics And DLA In Hospital
Dear Reader,
The budget was definitely bad news for sick and disabled claimants, but not as bad as many had feared. At least we were spared the taxing of disability benefits or forcing every claimant to pay the first 10% of their housing benefit.
But it was bad enough.
The four year freeze on working age benefits will leave many people struggling to survive. The decision to change support for mortgage interest payments from a benefit to a loan, with many of the details left unclear, is causing huge concern.
And the ending of the work-related activity component for new ESA claimants will not only hit people becoming sick or disabled in the future. It may also mean many current ESA claimants will be too terrified to try out paid employment, for fear they will not be able to return to ESA at the same rate if their attempt fails.
Watching the Labour party descend into chaotic infighting, as leadership hopefuls row over whether to support the budget or not, is also proving to be a deeply dispiriting spectacle for many of our members.
Read on . . . .


Welcome to the next generation of health care!

Dear Friends,
Be one of the first to enjoy the benefits of the Community Pain Center (CPC), the only patient-centric, one-stop destination web portal for actively managing your health and chronic pain!
Within the CPC site you will find a wealth of products and services, educational materials and self-management tools to save you time and money, improve your access to care and lead you to better health outcomes.
The CPC has a host of interactive, motivational and useful resources, tools and services to promote improved health and wellbeing. Watch over the next few months as the CPC grows into a community focused on an integration of experienced health related companies, non-profit organizations, educational providers, leading health care professionals, extensive evidence-based treatment options and informational content, one-on-one assistance, and so much more!
Please bear with us as we diligently work, incorporating your feedback and input, to fully develop the CPC into the comprehensive health care community you want and need it to be.
Remember you are instrumental in this process by sharing your suggestions and comments so that we can create the optimum environment for you to realize your best health. Please go to the contact section and share your ideas and suggestions.
We are honored to be able to offer the chronic pain community “hope and help” as we actively work together to provide assistance and motivation, as well as empower you to learn how to better manage your health.
Wishing you improved health,
Lynne Kennedy Matallana.


Inflammation – The Silent Enemy Inside Your Body

It is a well-known fact that most illnesses are associated with, if not directly brought about, by breakdowns in our body’s immune system. Recent research suggests that the greatest culprit in such breakdowns in the immune system are actually caused by a normal bodily process which is inflammation.


Parliamentary debate "Treatment of Fibromyalgia" 

On Wednesday 1 July 2015 the parliamentary debate "Treatment of fibromyalgia" presented by Alok Sharma MP (Reading West, Conservative), in Westminster Hall. Meeting started at 9.30am, ended 11.45am.
The Fibro Flare Awareness Group appeals to you to write to your MP to continue to raise awareness of fibromyalgia.  You can find a sample letter here  that you can edit for your particular situation.  Then go to They Work for You  and put in your postcode. This will take you to your MP's page.  Click on the green button to 'Send a message'.  You can then paste in your letter, put in your personal details and send.
Beth Urmston who has started this initiative would like you to inform her of any replies you might get. Her email address is
See Facebook page  You can join if you are not already a member.
You can listen to the debate by clicking on the header of this item or here.


It Can’t Hurt to Ask

The Australian Parliament is asking for public submissions into chronic disease prevention and management in primary health care.  This is our opportunity to write to them and ask them to fund research into Fibromyalgia and cater for patients who require home care, visits and support from medical professionals.
Despite an estimated one million Australians living with Fibromyalgia, there is limited services, support and information available. The gaps between research and daily care are unacceptable.
(Wow! The Australian Parliament is asking for public submissions into chronic disease prevention and management.  Come on UK parliament - wake up and take note!)


'Fibromyalgia is real' Press report

The Kildare Post reports on the relaunch of 'Fibromyalgia is real'


Treating Muscle Spasms in Fibromyalgia


10 Herbs & Supplements to Try If You Have Fibromyalgia

While prescription pain medications can help take the edge off of fibromyalgia pain – they are not without their risks. Most prescription medications have a long list of adverse side effects. Opioids, in particular, can lead to dependency problems for some patients. A recent Time magazine article noted that there are an estimated 100 million people in the United States suffering from chronic pain, with roughly 5 to 8 million of them using opioids for long-term treatment of pain. The
article also highlighted a disturbing trend in the rise of opioid abuse, noting, “Between 2007 and 2010, the number of hospitalizations for opioid addiction increased four-fold”. [1]
Woman with neck pain from fibromyalgiaSo what other options are there for safely treating the symptoms of fibromyalgia or chronic pain? For many, natural approaches have proven to be a safe and effective alternative (or complimentary) treatment. Some of the most common natural treatments for fibromyalgia include herbs, supplements, acupuncture, yoga, tai chi, mindfulness techniques, massage therapy and more. While no single method will completely relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia – trying multiple approaches consistently can, over time, result in significant positive changes and more lasting relief.


21 Important Facts About Vitamin B12 Deficiency

You can eat a ton of veggies and still not get enough vitamin B12. Here are the risks, symptoms, and ways to treat a deficiency.

The energy vitamin - by Esther Crain
Vitamin B12 is a powerhouse. It helps make DNA, nerve and blood cells, and is crucial for a healthy brain and immune system.
Your metabolism wouldn't run smoothly without it. But B12 isn't like other vitamins. It's only found in animal products like eggs, meat, shellfish, and dairy. Up to 15% of people don't get enough B12, and they're more likely to be vegetarians, have celiac disease or other digestion problems, or be an adult over 50. The signs of vitamin B12 deficiency include exhaustion, rapid heartbeat, brain fog, and other symptoms, says Maggie Moon, RD, a Los Angeles–based nutritionist and owner of Everyday  Healthy Eating. Read on to find out more about the causes, symptoms, and cures for a vitamin B12 deficiency.
Next: Vegetarians and vegans are at risk


The Neuroinflammation Man: Jarred Younger on Inflammation, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 

Unlike others, Younger was never phased by the lack  of attention given fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.  In fact it was something of a spur to him. He started studying fibromyalgia twelve years ago when little was known about it. He  found the field intellectually stimulating because little was known about it and because so many people had it.  It was a field, he felt, he could make a difference in. He’s a new breed of researcher” – a researcher who started out and stayed in this field.
He placed a big bet – his career – on it and that bet appears to be paying off.  Hopefully other younger researcher will take note and follow. His road most recently lead from Stanford where his pioneering studies into the effectiveness of low dose naltrexone and fibromyalgia opened a new treatment option for many to the creation of his own Neuroinflammation, Pain and Fatigue Lab at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.  The lab is engaged in wide variety of projects, many of which revolve around the subjects of inflammation and neuroinflammation.


21 Top Uses For Epsom Salt

Epsom Salt is the popular name for magnesium sulphate, a natural mineral that occurs in pure form in many places in the earth’s crust. Epsom salt has numerous therapeutic uses and has been valued in medicine since old times. It is very commonly used as a bath salt, and is also taken internally to treat numerous conditions. It is also present in some mineral waters and is considered valuable by both orthodox and alternative health professionals.
Magnesium is regarded by scientists as essential to life, playing a fundamental part in living cells – and a surprisingly large proportion of people do not get enough magnesium: 57% of the US population does not meet the US RDA for dietary magnesium intake!


How To Sleep Soundly On Hot Summer Nights, In One Simple Chart

Summertime is packed with some of the year's best barbecues, outdoor adventures and vacation time, but it also comes with hot and humid evenings that can be virtually impossible to sleep through.
Recognizing that the peak of this steamy season is imminent, the team at The Sleep Matters Club in the United Kingdom compiled a helpful infographic sharing 16 ways to ensure a solid night's sleep when you just can't seem to beat the heat.
When it comes to sleep hygiene, keeping your bedroom cool, dark and quiet is essential for a solid night's sleep. But believe it or not, those three qualifiers (which represent pretty much the opposite of summer) are still within your reach.
Check out The Sleep Matters Club's infographic below to find out how to sleep like a baby tonight -- even without AC.


July 15th News
  • Inpatient Pharmacy Pain Management Service Yields 'Impressive Outcomes'
  • More Americans Practicing Yoga, Meditation To Control Pain, But Supplements Still Lead Alternative Therapies
  • WEB EXCLUSIVE - Surgeons Tackle Chronic Pain at World Hernia Meeting

5 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Vitamin D

Depression could be a symptom of vitamin D deficiency
You eat a balanced diet, get plenty of sleep, sweat several times a week, and slather on the SPF before catching any rays.
You’re making healthy choices in nearly every aspect of your life, but could be neglecting one very important issue that increases your risk for high blood pressure and diabetes by two and a half times, says Michael Holick, MD, author of The Vitamin D Solution and professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics at Boston University Medical Center. In fact, one billion people worldwide are short in vitamin D, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.




Today I am going to my granddaughter's 'Hen Party'.  She is getting married on 1st August.  Hope the sun shines that day!  Sorry!  Not supposed to mention the weather.



N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in which case the title is in PURPLE like the dividers.  This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link.  If you have any navigation problems, let me know.
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.