219. When you really do need help, life will give it to you. HAVE FAITH!!
The countdown is over. We have arrived. May 12th is next Tuesday.This edition of FMS eNews is dedicated solely to Fibromyalgia Awareness. Normal service will be resumed next week.
See previous references to Fibromyalgia Awareness in the FMS eNews Countdown.
Feb 28th - Fibromyalgia Awareness Joint Project logo revealed
Mar 7th - My Facebook cover announced
Mar 14th - Horsham plans
Mar 21st - Sign a Petition
Mar 28th - Bed hair Day selfies
Apr 4th - April Fibro Flare Magazine
Apr 10th - Be-purpled photographs
Apr 25th - Fibro Conference and Fibro Family Fun Day, Sat May 9th in West Dulwich & Light up the Night Challenge
May 2nd - Promise of this edition!!!
Fibro Flare Magazine, May 2015
One Year Ago - Fibro Flare Magazine
May 2014, the very first issue of Fibro Flare magazine was published.
We would like to say thank you very much to all our readers. Thank you to all who have contributed their stories, poems, recipes and funnies etc. They have helped us to make the magazine what it is today. Celebrate and have some fun with us and you could be lucky enough to win one of the prizes pictured … or perhaps a surprise or two not pictured! (Limit 1 prize per person to give more people a chance)
(This edition is devoted almost entirely to Fibromyalgia Awareness Day and the events planned for it. Some are mentioned elsewhere in this edition of FMS eNews - and FMS eNews gets a page in the magazine.)
See proactive version here.
May 12 International Awareness Day Founder, Thomas M. Hennessy Jr. April 16, 1954 - Sept. 9, 2013
“If a cause and cure are to be found for ME, FM, MCS, GWI, "Chronic Lyme Disease" and other related C.I.N.D. illnesses in the near future, government and medicine must be made fully aware of their scope and impact.
Despite the efforts of a number of dedicated groups and individuals, there are still vast pockets of ignorance and misunderstanding. To this day, many patients run directly into a medical establishment that, in general, knows very little about these serious threats to human health.
It is therefore crucial that all those affected by the illnesses make their voices heard, especially on May 12th of each year.”
Mr. Thomas M. Hennessy Jr. Founder of R.E.S.C.I.N.D., INC. (Repeal Existing Stereotypes about Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases).
May 12 International Awareness Day Founder, Thomas M. Hennessy Jr. April 16, 1954 - Sept. 9, 2013

Despite the efforts of a number of dedicated groups and individuals, there are still vast pockets of ignorance and misunderstanding. To this day, many patients run directly into a medical establishment that, in general, knows very little about these serious threats to human health.
It is therefore crucial that all those affected by the illnesses make their voices heard, especially on May 12th of each year.”
Mr. Thomas M. Hennessy Jr. Founder of R.E.S.C.I.N.D., INC. (Repeal Existing Stereotypes about Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases).
The purpose of this event is to list all the events world wide that are occurring in the month of May in support of May 12th International Awareness Day.
May 12th Awareness Events 2015
May 12th has been designated as International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CIND) since 1992. The diseases included in CIND include Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia (FM), Gulf War Syndrome(GWS) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).
This document will be used to record events planned for 2015. If you have an event to add, please either email info@may12th.org or post the details of your event on Facebook

This document will be used to record events planned for 2015. If you have an event to add, please either email info@may12th.org or post the details of your event on Facebook
(Although written in 2009, it is still relevant)
History of Fibromyalgia Awareness Day from the NFA
In 1993, May 12 was designated as the International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CIND) by Tom Hennessy, the founder of RESCIND, Inc. (Repeal Existing Stereotypes about Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases),to memorialize the birth date of Florence Nightingale, the English army nurse who inspired the founding of the International Red Cross. Nightingale contracted a paralyzing, CIND-like illness in her mid-thirties and spent the last 50 years of her lifevirtually bedridden. Despite her illness, she managed to found the world’s first School of Nursing.
Some FM Awareness videos.
A fibromyalgia awareness living in fibrohell
One life to live - not to exist. Why oh why do you not believe?
Fibromyalgia Awareness and Chronic Fatigue Awareness
Fibromyalgia Awareness and chronic fatigue Awareness This awareness video is just a few of the things we have to go through, how fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue can affect your whole world. what sleep deprivation can do to you. what an invisible illness can do to your mind body and spirit. how people think you are lazy. it is about suicidal thoughts People with fibromyalgia are sensitive souls and are the most compassionate people you will ever meet. and remember this could happen to you!!!
Fibromyalgia: Healing Begins
International Fibromyalgia Awareness Campaign
Fibro what we live everyday
What’s Happening for International Awareness Day 2015

CN Tower, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaHere is some of the stuff going on near you:
The CN Tower in Toronto, Ontario, Canada will light up blue, purple and green as part of International May 12th Light Up the Night. Each light show will run for 8 minutes at the top of every hour. You can watch via Toronto’s skyline webcam located at http://toronto.webcampak.com
Three Times a Charm – ThunderClap!
If you follow my Twitter or Facebook page, you will know that I am supporting and promoting May Twelfth‘s Thunderclap ‘Tell the World!‘
What is Thunderclap?
Thunderclap is a tool that lets a message be heard by saying it together. When we reach our goal number, Thunderclap will share the same message on EVERY supporters’ Twitter and/or Facebook page at the same time! You and others will share the same message together, spreading an idea through Facebook and Twitter that cannot be ignored!
May 12th ThunderClapYou can take part in this right on your computer! NOW.
May 12, 2015 Light Up the NightSee what is going to be illuminated.

‘Being fat and ugly doesn’t count as disabled’ note: Why we need to raise awareness of invisible disabilities
I was shocked to read about a PhD student at the University of York who was left upset and in disbelief when she came back to her car with her 13 year old son to find a note attached abusing her for parking in a disabled space.
‘Being fat and ugly doesn’t count as disabled – (park elsewhere)’ read the note found by Sarah Metcalfe’s son.
I hope you have managed to participate in SOMETHING that promotes Fibromyalgia Awareness, or at least learnt about how others are doing it! Although much is done for this special day AWARENESS is something we should promote throughout the year.
Congratulations (off topic) go to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their daughter Princess Charlotte and to David Cameron on winning a majority in the UK elections and on becoming Conservative prime Minister.
Condolences to the people of Nepal who suffered from the devastating earthquake.
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to fmsstella@gmail.com and you will be added to the emailing list.
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