WORDz for the WEEK
222. If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a sense of worth and a feeling that nurtures the soul.

Also this week, a headache treatment is tested for fibromyalgia, and lots of information on supplements and alternative treatments.
Take care of yourself!
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert
5 Delicious Ways to Get More Lycopene Into Your Diet
Lycopene is a phytochemical that has plenty of potential health benefits. Today I give you a list of five foods that are great sources of lycopene. Plus a look at my favorite healthy ways to cook fish.
Shereen Lehman, MS - Nutrition Expert
Green Tea, Autogenic Stress Relief, and More
Cathy Wong, ND - Alternative Medicine Expert
Lifestyle Management With a Chronic Illness by Harper Spero for HEALTH PERCH (with parenthesis by me - Purple Law Lady!)
During the first ten years of my life, my mom was on a mission to figure out why I had chronic ear infections, eczema, abscesses, and ongoing dental issues. Finally, when I was 11, I was diagnosed with Hyper-IgE, a chronic illness.
The National Institute of Health defines a chronic illness as a long-term health condition that does not have a cure. Some examples of chronic illnesses are epilepsy, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, cancer, HIV, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, cystic fibrosis, Crohn’s disease, and arthritis. (and Fibromyalgia, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other related illnesses).
Fibromyalgia and Urine Retention: Signs to Watch For
and other articles, Simple Home Remedies for Fibromyalgia and Hemorrhoids - and more.
The Future Fibromyalgia Drugs? Pharmaceutical Source Predicts Four Drug Approvals in Coming Years

“Reborn” – Reversing Fibromyalgia with Vagus Nerve Stimulation
The ‘vagus nerve’ is actually a bundle of different sized nerves. Aptly called the “wanderer”, the tenth and longest cranial nerve enters the brain at the medulla (Look up) and extends down into the chest cavity and into the abdomen. Eighty percent of the nerve is devoted to relaying information from the body to the brain. The “wanderer” affects the function of every organ and the immune system The autonomic nervous system’s Yin to the sympathetic nervous system’s Yang, the vagus nerve regulates the parasympathetic nervous system. It affects everything from the swallowing to digestion to speaking to blood pressure. Reduced heart rate variability (HRV) findings suggest an underactive vagus nerve may not be keeping the sympathetic nervous system (fight/flight system) under control in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM). The consequences of that are unclear but reduced HRV has been associated with increased pain, cognitive problems and poor sleep in FM and ME/CFS. Estrogen, interestingly, appears to accomplish it’s anti-pain functions via the vagus nerve.
The Tests That Matter: A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Community Report
The goal of this Community Report is to compile of list of tests that matter. Not necessarily tests which have lead to a diagnosis but tests which have resulted in a treatment approach that has produced results – made you a bit (or a lot) healthier. If a test has revealed a diagnosis the doctor proceeds to treat you for and it’s been helpful then it fits. If a test reveals an abnormality the doctor has no treatment for – it doesn’t fit. The first part of the poll lists tests recommended by the IACFS/ME primer (Table II). The second lists tests I’ve thought of. I’m sure I missed many. Please add tests that made a difference who are not shown in the “Other” box at the end of the poll.
Pyroluria – Real Disorder or Figment? A Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Inquiry
You can’t find it in WebMd. One website lists a good number of studies, few of which are found in PubMed. It’s called pyroluria. Opinions vary as to pyroluria’s status. It’s a “fringe disorder” that has gotten little or no traction in traditional medical circles. Is it real? Some scoff. Other orthomolecular doctors, nutritionists and alternative health practitioners believe it’s a real and underdiagnosed disorder.
Just discovered a fantastic, fascinating list of natural painkillers that are common kitchen ingredients! What’s interesting is that the list is not just a basic list – but also gives specific information as to the type of pain that researchers have found that these natural ingredients may assist with – and the way in which the food is used (not all of the remedies involve actually eating the herb / food in question!)
Herbs for Memory
Many people associate memory loss with ageing. But whether it's occasional forgetfulness or loss of short-term memory, one must be aware that there are specific factors that can cause it even at a young age instead of simply attributing memory loss to a natural decline in cognitive functioning. These causes include alcohol, drug or tobacco abuse, certain medications, sleeplessness, stress and depression, nutritional deficiency, head injury, stroke and dementia. Whether to prevent or treat memory loss, these natural herbs have served as timeless aids:
Top 10 Herbs For Memory
Gingko Biloba, Ginseng, Rosemary, Sage, Green Tea, Rhodiola Rosea, Bacopa, Gotu Kola, Periwinkle, Blueberries.
Tips for managing stress by nutritionist Lola Renton
Sources of stress are everywhere and it's pretty much impossible to avoid the typical triggers. That said, we do have some influence over how we respond to stress and we can learn to cope with its challenges. Paying attention to your health is often one of the first things to go out of the window when life starts to get chaotic - but the better you nourish your body, the better it will perform.
FM Newsletter - National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day 2015
May 12th was Fibromyalgia Awareness Day. The NFA is sending out a big thank you to all those who helped celebrate 20 years of change with our Feast, Friendship & Fibro dinner campaign. Locally we celebrated with dinner and drinks and raised money for the NFA.
Coping With Fibromyalgia Chest Pain
The chest pain that often comes with fibromyalgia can be overwhelming and difficult to deal with, but don’t despair – there are certain exercises that you can use to cope. By using the steps outlined below, you’ll find dealing with your fibro is easier and chest pain is greatly reduced.
Have you heard about NIAGEN™? As the first and only commercially available "NAD+ booster," NIAGEN made headlines late in 2014 when an animal study demonstrated it had unique mitochondria-enhancing and anti-aging activities. Now, researchers have announced promising early results of a new clinical trial that suggests NIAGEN may have the same beneficial effects in humans.
Your Brain Loves Magnesium L-Threonate
Have you ever forgotten a word or someone’s name that you should know? It happens to all of us, but what if you frequently find that you have trouble with ‘word finding’ or you keep forgetting to pay bills or get lost easily? Your kids will tell say you had a “brain fart” or “senior moment” but honestly, it’s nothing to kid about. Cooking, house work and daily self care skills start to decline. Next comes the conversation about senior living facilities, but wait, you are only 40 or 50 something! What’s going on?
Don’t be hard on yourself, keep in mind we live in an ‘information stimulation’ age. Watch the news for an hour, you’ll be so wired from all the sad stories ticking by you will notice the silence as soon as you shut off the TV. Devices? Mmm, love ‘em and hate ‘em. All these tweets, posts, emails and mental chatter allow for virtually no space between your own thoughts.
OR below, although for some obscure reason they appeared very very small when I viewed them even though they are the same pictures as above!!
- The Balloons!
- Pam with Jackie & Alan the organisers of the event
- Long table, before food - 1
- Long table before food - 2
- Opening cards
- The round table
- The long table with food - 1
- The long table with food - 2
- The bouquet
- Some of the gifts
- Stella & Pam
Well, May has almost ended and June will be here next week. I am hoping for some nice summer weather now!
Best wishes to you all.
Contact: fmsstella@gmail.com
N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in which case the title is in PURPLE like the dividers. This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link. If you have any navigation problems, let me know.
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgments, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to fmsstella@gmail.com and you will be added to the emailing list.