Two more weeks to go before Fibromyalgia Awareness Day!
Fibro Conference and Fibro Family Fun Day, Sat May 9th in West Dulwich

Conference 12.00 - 3.30, Fun Day 14.00 - 17.00
- FM information and support
- Alternative therapists offering free trial treatments
- Bouncy Castle
- Face painting
- Food & Drink
- Stalls, and much more
International Awareness Day Events 2015
This is our 2nd annual Light Up the Night Challenge.
The challenge is to get as many buildings as possible in your country to light up with one of the 3 colours used on May 12th -
blue, purple or green. We want public buildings/places like City Halls, Niagara Falls and we want individual homes lit up too!
These are the illnesses for each colour:
- Blue - Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) sometimes shown as ME/CFS
- Purple - Fibromyalgia (FM)
- Green - Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) or Lyme
Lighting up for 12th May - International ME/CFS & FM Awareness Day
See the places that will be lit up.
Note from Stella:
I hope you didn't suffer withdrawal symptoms last week! You can make up for it now with this bumper bundle. I actually enjoyed my IT-free holiday and realize that I normally spend an inordinate amount of time 'on the computer'. There were almost 500 email messages awaiting my return and I haven't a hope of dealing with them all. I have tried to select the ones that are most important. If you have tried to contact me and got no reply, please try again. Apologies for any inconvenience I have caused.
WORDz for the WEEK
217. Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.

Also this week, a look at some of our symptoms, including what causes them and what to do about them. That continues down under More from
Take care of yourself!
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert
FMS Diagnostic Marker?; Dealing with Doctors
A couple of times a year, a new study proclaims a possible diagnostic marker for fibromyalgia. So far, none have been validated and accepted by the medical community. This new one, though, could be a big help to doctors trying to figure out what's going on in a patient -- which in turn helps people in pain get to the treatment stage faster, and hopefully, with a better result.
That's below.
Also this week, we'll look at dealing with doctors, from finding a specialist to overcoming common problems and getting through medical appointments without symptom flares. That continues down under More from
Take care of yourself!
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert
This is the most important, and the closest, election in a generation for claimants.
The Tories are threatening “dramatic” and “life-changing” benefits cuts, while Labour are saying as little about benefits as they possibly can. And neither party is likely to get into power without support from other parties, who have their own views on benefits.
Yet there’s a real lack of information about where each of the parties stand on the issue. And what the options are for voting to protect yourself from savage cuts.
So, now most of the manifestos are online, we’ve decided to bring out ‘election special’ newsletters in the weeks between our usual fortnightly mailouts. The aim is to help you decide whether to vote – we hope you do – and who to vote for.
You’ll hear from us once a week until 7 May. But as soon as the election is over we’ll go back to our normal, once a fortnight schedule.
We need immediate attention in the education of all GPs about this debilitating multi-systemic disease - FIBROMYALGIA

Sign the Petition
Millions of people are regaining control of their health with Essential Oils
Learn how (and why) at The Essential Oils Revolution!
With 31 presentations containing relevant evidence and practical advice from our experts, The Essential Oils Revolution will help you use essential oils effectively and confidently. This event is the first-ever, online, brand-generic event to include experts from every field, including aromatherapy, direct sales, medicine and research.
Just Say No! - by Purple Law Lady
(This is a re-post. Maybe it can give some Aussies a place to start...)
It seems to me that the government departments that deal with disability payments (from all different countries) have a policy to just reject all claims (like the insurance company in The Rainmaker).
I know that every time I have applied for anything from Centrelink (the Australian version), I have been rejected; and each time, I have either had to appeal or follow-up with many, many phone calls. But each time, I have received (finally!) what I was supposed to receive.
So, today's post is going to try to make it easier for Aussie FM sufferers to get the Disability Support Pension. (If you are from another country and can write a post that will help others from your country, I am happy to publish it)
- Parkinson's Drug for Fibromyalgia
- Fibromyalgia and Reiki Therapy
- Is Morton’s Neuroma related to Fibromyalgia?
Capsaicin for fibromyalgia
Is There a Link Between Fibromyalgia and Chest Pain?
Understanding Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Is it to Blame for my Vertigo?
Taking a Deeper Look at Fibromyalgia
5 Ways Stress Can Affect Fibromyalgia Sufferers & What To Do About It
In today’s hectic world – there’s no avoiding it. Stress is a part of our lives, no matter how much we might wish it weren’t. In some cases, stress can be a positive thing. Stress triggers physical, mental and emotional reactions to situations we experience on a daily basis. It releases hormones, elevates our heart rates and makes us breath a little faster. These help get oxygen to the brain and better equip us to physically, mentally and emotionally handle stressful situations as they arise.
When our stress levels are elevated for only short periods of time – they are not particularly detrimental to our health.
Unfortunately for some of us, our stress levels may remain perpetually elevated – depending on our circumstances and our ability to manage stress productively. When our stress levels remain high without any outlet or form of relief for extended lengths of time it is called chronic stress.
4 Traps to Avoid If You Have Fibromyalgia
Navigating life with an invisible illness like fibromyalgia is full of challenges and obstacles. Fibromyalgia can affect many aspects of your life – from your physical well being to your relationships with family and friends (and everything in between). Learning how to live with these life-altering changes doesn’t come easily or quickly – but many have learned through experience how to make the most of life with fibromyalgia.
While doctors and medical practitioners offer valuable advice and guidance in treating chronic pain, sometimes the most helpful advice for actually living with fibromyalgia comes from those who have walked a mile in your shoes. Fellow sufferers can offer valuable insights on what to expect on a day to day basis and tips for handling the life-altering realities of fibromyalgia.
Check out what an enterprising fibromyalgia and pain researcher is doing, how the immune system is involved in pain, and the most exciting pain research going on in an overview of an interview the Pain Research Forum did with Claudia Sommer, MD. . . . . .
She was one of the first researchers to elucidate the small fiber neuropathies found in fibromyalgia. Like others, the finding of the nerve damage in the skin of fibromyalgia patients surprised. One of the exciting thing about the small fiber neuropathy finding in FM is that they’re an antidote to the naysayers asserting FM does not exist. Something is causing those nerve fibers in the skin to disappear.
Could A Mitochondrial Enhancer Replace Cymbalta in Fibromyalgia?
How a Mitochondrial Booster Became an Antidepressant
Acetyl0 L-carnitine (ALCAR) is best known as an energy supplement and mitochondrial booster the but folks in this fibromyalgia clinical trial were looking for more than increased energy; they were looking for relief from pain and depression as well. They pinned ALCAR not as an energy booster per se, but as a central nervous system protectant – and they had good reason to do so.
Acetyl L-carnitine
Acetyl- L-carnitine’s (ALCAR) transport of the important metabolic factor Acetyl CoA into the mitochondria increases energy production. Similar in structure to acetylcholine, it also stimulates acetylcholine production and enhances cellular membrane health.
A Missing Subset in ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Revealed? Take the Disease Course Survey
Several studies suggesting that people with recent onset chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) differ immunologically from longer duration patients may have uncovered a new subset. No studies that I know of, however, have examined a subset that’s been evident at least anecdotally for quite some time: the relapsing/remitting subset – people with ME/CFS who become well for extended periods of time only to relapse later on. While this survey is an attempt to learn more about this subset it is for everybody. Whether you have the relapsing/remitting form of ME/CFS or the non-relapsing remitting form please take it.
I have a friend, Anne, who has had fibromyalgia for several years. I first met her on a course. Most mornings she would arrive late, flapping about and full of excuses.
She appeared to be well-known and respected by the others on the course. They would ply her with questions as soon as she walked in the door. Now, I don’t perform well when I am verbally bombarded as soon as I arrive somewhere; I need three or four minutes to gather myself before facing a barrage of questions. Anne, on the other hand, seemed to cope well with the onslaught, until one day, when she seemed to be on another planet.
I was surprised at the difference in her. Overnight she had morphed into some sort of “dappy female” She seemed to be unable to answer even fairly basic questions. Not only that, but she was giving – what appeared to me – silly, meaningless excuses about it being due to her illness: fibromyalgia. Whoever heard such a ridiculous idea?
Hmm. Yes. Well. The boot’s on the other foot now, isn’t it? I have had to start using that same excuse. Only it’s not an excuse, it really is an explanation. I have fibromyalgia: I suffer from cognitive dysfunction, also known as fibromyalgia brain fog, or simply fibro fog.
Coping with Fibromyalgia and Anxiety
6 Tips for Being a Mom with Fibromyalgia

I am sure every parent out there can agree that raising children is one of the most wonderful adventures you will go on, and also the toughest job you will ever have. Add a chronic illness to that and the difficulty increases tenfold. But being a parent and suffering from fibromyalgia can also bring a lot of blessings and joy. As the mother of a busy, active almost 2-year-old son, I have discovered...
How to Be a Better Friend, Spouse, or Relative to Someone with FM
Do you know someone who was diagnosed with fibromyalgia (FM) or a chronic pain illness? Perhaps they are disabled from working due to several conditions associated with these illnesses. Sometimes it's difficult to know what to expect of yourself and the person you care about with the chronic illness. Perhaps the following practical suggestions can help you better support your friend, spouse, or relative who has FM or a chronic pain condition.
The Finchley Clinic Newsletter - EU Directives
Everyone who cares about their good health should read this newsletter, as well as Part II which we will be sending out in about a week.
Perhaps you think that the EU doesn't affect your life, and rights. And perhaps you don't think it matters if 75% of our laws are drafted by and then implemented by entirely unelected officials, who are not accountable to single person on the planet
That’s fine. But if you feel that having the right to take the health supplements of your choice, having the right to be provided information on them, the freedom to take responsibility for, and make decisions for yourself about your health, and that companies should have the freedom to publish legitimate opinion, provide traditional usage descriptions, and well documented information are all important liberties that should be safeguarded , then you would be highly mistaken not to be informed about some of the terrible EU laws that oppose these fundamental rights. The following directives affect us all, whether we like it or not. . . . . .
- The Food Supplements Directive (2002/46/EC).
- The Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (2004/24/EC)
- The EU Labeling Directives (2003 and updated in 2014)
- The Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation (No 1924/2006)
- The Human Medicinal Products Directive (Directive 2001/83/EC).
Information about the Workshops
Well I’m back after an amazing trip. I’ll bore you about it in class and post some pictures on the Facebook page. If you are on Facebook please ‘like’ the page.
Many thanks to Heather, Kay and Sharon for holding the fort for me. I’m sure you enjoyed experiencing other people’s teaching styles.
Vicky x
Education: Tendon Injuries Part 2: Classification of tendon injuries
Video of the week: The Roll Back.
Success Story: Trish Moram
A personal note from Vicky - 2
Things are settling down again after my amazing trip. The picture shows a little girl that I gave some crayons to. People have so little but unlike some countries were not pestering us for things. They just showed us friendliness and even allowed 15 smelly cyclists into their homes to use their toilet - though I use that title loosely. In place of an exercise video today I have included a video made for us by our tour leader. It lasts about 15 minutes. I feel very honoured to have had the opportunity to see such a wonderful country away from the tourist areas. I also feel blessed that I have the fitness to undertake this trip by bike including some horrendous hills. I travelled with ’Explore’ and they do other trips which don’t involve cycling. Do visit this country if you have a chance.
Education: Tendon Injuries Part 3:Classification of tendon injuries
Video of the week: Explore Vietnam
Success Story: Simon Edwards
Worthing & Surrounding Area’s Fibro/ME Support Group
Letter from the group: Our first meal out brought 7 members out, great meal and company. Our meals out usually bring more people to the table so hoping our next meal out will see more of you. Social interaction with others in the same boat is known to create a positive effect on our wellbeing.
The Support Group is here for you. We look forward to seeing you on 16th June 2015. The last page has been designed for you to put on your fridge or notice boards, it has all the details for the year. Meetings, coffee meets and social events.
Newsletter! April 24th, 2015
Or why would we want to 'fake it'? How will we get fibromyalgia recognized if we always pretend to be well? How often have you said 'FINE' when asked how you are? OK, you don't want to bore people with all your symptoms but a 'Fine, apart from fibromyalgia' might be more apt. If they want to know more, THEN you can tell them!
Fondest wishes to you all
N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in which case the title is in PURPLE like the dividers. This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link. If you have any navigation problems, let me know.
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.
Stella I love your newsletter and email all my contacts .
ReplyDeleteIt is so informative and we
Are so fortunate to have you write this newsletter thankyou fromx fmcppopinclub