Do messages always reach their destination? I often wonder. We can be reasonably certain that the postal system will deliver our birthday cards, get well cards and the occasional letter and will certainly deliver the unwanted bills (if we haven't chosen to go paperless, or even if we have!) Emails, we are assured have been sent, presumably arrive but can be ignored! I know I get a lot that I decide not to read!! I just hope my messages to those on my emailing list do not go unheeded and unread.
Maybe the old message in a bottle wasn't such a bad idea! Somebody, somewhere would read it when it landed.
WORDz for the WEEK176. Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.

Also this week, what it's like to live with unrefreshing sleep, and a look at sleep disorders that are common in us.
Take care of yourself!
Cooking With Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Keys to Kitchen Survival (1 of 9)
When you have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, cooking poses several challenges -- standing in the kitchen can cause pain and wear you out; problems with short-term memory and multi-tasking make it hard to follow the steps of even a simple recipe; and it's easy to get frustrated and overwhelmed with the whole process. It's tempting to avoid it altogether, but to eat a healthy diet, you've got to cook.
I've found some things that make cooking easier for me and I hope they help you, too. At the end of this article, there's a link to where you can share the tips that help you survive in the kitchen.
“I Think I Have A Meditation Disability” : The Last Best Cure #IVDonna’s going to start her year of using mind/body techniques and acupuncture to return joy to her life (and hopefully improve her health) with an 8-week mindfulness-based-stress-reduction (MBSR) course. First, though, she’s going to have a private meeting with a meditation instructor. It’s a good idea. She’s a bit of a mess, actually. Her mind is racing, she’s beating herself up constantly, she can’t calm down; in short, she thinks she’s probably about the last person that would benefit from this approach. She could use a little extra help.
Her meditation instructor turns out to have an interesting past. Twenty years earlier Trish Magyari turned to mind/body practices after being struck by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia.
Read more:
Are You Ready to Reimagine a Healthier You?
Introducing the new WebMD app for iPhone.

Being a healthier you just got more fun.
Brief Report From Dr. Prigden on the Fibromyalgia Antiviral Trial – and the Future Chronic Fatigue Syndrome OneIt’s not too much to say that if successful, the Pridgen antiviral trials for Fibromyalgia would be a paradigm changer – turning FM from a poorly treated central nervous system disorder to a disorder characterized by a (hopefully) treatable herpesvirus infection.
Is it a breakthrough? The results look good so far – stay tuned!
Pridgen’s approach is new in several ways. Not only has no one targeted herpesviruses in FM before, but the herpesvirus Pridgen is targeting, herpes simplex virus, is one no one has connected with either FM or ME/CFS before.
See more at:
Function restoration benefits for fibromyalgia in musculoskeletal disorders
Functional restoration programmes (FRPs) may help to suppress fibromyalgia in some patients with chronic disabling occupational musculoskeletal disorders (CDOMD), but more may need to be done to overcome longer-term related disability, research suggests.
The research team found that nearly half (41%) of 117 CDOMD patients with comorbid fibromyalgia no longer met criteria for the comorbidity at discharge from an FRP involving approximately 160 hours of physical and psychosocial rehabilitation.
Read more:
Practical Living with Fibromyalgia - By Maurice S Clarke
An insight into daily living with Fibromyalgia as experienced by sufferers, their partners and carers
Written by the founder of Fibromyalgia-Support Net web site this free book is based on the stages and experiences of Fibromyalgia as seen through the eyes of sufferers and their partners.
This unique publication sets out in 15 chapters to give you hints and tips about how to improve your life with Fibromyalgia in it.
(A long way down the page is a button which says "Apply for Free E-Book".)
OMERACT Analysis Categorizes Fibro Patients by Symptom GroupsA series of statistical analyses of data from 581 patients with fibromyalgia suggests that they can be placed into one of four groups according to the severity of core symptom domains.
The patients completed a comprehensive symptom profile guided by recommendations from the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) fibromyalgia working group. They were categorized by the investigators as having low symptom intensity, moderate symptoms with relatively little negative mood, moderate symptoms with more negative mood or high symptom intensity.
Learn more:
How To Make LAVENDER ICED TEA and why you should be drinking it
The Brain Boosting B-12: Hydroxocobalamin
Hydroxocobalamin (hi-DROX-oh-koe-BAHL-a-min) is a natural and uniquely powerful form of vitamin B-12. Clinical studies and practice have shown it can help to improve cognitive functioning, fight fatigue, promote hearthealth, and more.
Vitamin B-12 is an essential nutrient needed to make red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body, the myelin sheath that surrounds nerve cells, and various proteins. It also plays a role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Yet, despite its importance to overall health, vitamin B-12 deficiency is relatively common. It is estimated that up to 15% of the general population may be deficient in B-12 - and more among those with chronic illnesses.
Read more:
Improving Sleep: A guide to a good night's rest

A good night's sleep is essential for your health and well-being. Getting too little sleep can cause numerous problems. Lack of sleep not only affects alertness and energy, but it weakens your body's defenses against infection, increases anxiety, and boosts your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. It's also a safety issue. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that 1 in 24 adults say they have recently fallen asleep while driving.
Learn ore:
How Dangerous Is Sleep Deprivation, Really?
You know that feeling when you don’t sleep well, and you wake up feeling cranky, over-emotional, and over-tired? This is only a hint of what that sleep deprivation is doing to your body. If you don’t sleep well, it’s going to lead to health issues, both mental and physical, plain and simple.
In fact, I believe sleep is every bit as important for optimal health as healthy food, pure water, and exercise, and I’m not alone in that sentiment. While the exact mechanisms of sleep are still quite a mystery, increasing research is showing that your body’s sleep-wake cycle, or circadian rhythm, plays a central role in multiple body processes. . . .
Avocado Uses and Health Benefits Infographic
What is Epsom salt?
Epsom salt, named for a bitter saline spring at Epsom in Surrey, England, is not actually salt but a naturally occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. Long known as a natural remedy for a number of ailments, Epsom salt has numerous health benefits as well as many beauty, household and gardening-related uses.
Studies have shown that magnesium and sulfate are both readily absorbed through the skin, making Epsom salt baths an easy and ideal way to enjoy the amazing health benefits (*1). Magnesium plays a number of roles in the body including regulating the activity of over 325 enzymes, reducing inflammation, helping MUSCLE and nerve function and helping to prevent artery hardening.
Sulfates help improve the absorption of nutrients, flush toxins and help ease migraine headaches.
What are the health benefits of using Epsom salt?
Find out:
Reasons why you're always tired

you both mentally and physically, which can make getting through your day a chore. Here, experts reveal common bad habits that can make you feel tired, plus simple lifestyle tweaks that will put the pep back in your step.,,20818045,00.html?xid=mindandmood07082014
Next: You skip exercise when you're tired
How Religion and Spirituality Affect Our Health
A look at the research shows that both can help us—in different ways
Many people use the terms “religious” and “spiritual” interchangeably, but studies show that they affect our wellness in markedly different ways. There is a difference between managing your outward behavior and managing your inward emotions, and both affect your soul.
See more at:
Healing with Reiki in Hospitals

In today’s hospitals, we see a brilliant show of hands—from the dexterity of a finely trained surgeon to the strong and efficient handiwork of a nurse. Soon, more hospitals might be adding the balancing touch of a reiki practitioner to their ranks.
Pamela Miles, a reiki master with 27 years of experience, advises Western health care professionals on how they can use this Japanese practice of “laying-on hands” to help ease pain, relieve stress, and speed recovery.
See more at:
A personal note from Vicky
Here we are as promised a picture of the happy couple and me in a hat!
We had a wonderful day. There was rain but only when it didn’t matter. The Crowley family had worked so hard and it was all the little touches that really made a difference. I’d say the day was perfect and the best wedding I’ve ever been to. My daughter stood up and did a reading and paced it just right. My husband had written a poem and people said they felt like clapping after he had delivered it but of course that’s not really done in Church.
The granite worktop has been fitted into the kitchen and so apart from the splash back we are there. Not the best three months of my life but it is beautiful.
The Tuesday evening class is getting going and will be at the new time of 7.45pm from today as the Brownies have the hall before us and just need a bit go time to clear up.
- Education - Why do people stretch?
- Video of the week: The Lying Side Plank.
- Success story: Linda Stewart
Claiming Benefits
Visit our brand new up dated Benefits section for a range of advice.
Turn2us is a free service that helps people in financial need to access welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help – online, by phone and face to face through our partner organisations.
Our website can help you find financial support, quickly and easily, based on your circumstances. It features a free and easy to use Benefits Calculator, Grants Search and other information and resources.
GMI Daily: 7/05/14
GMI Daily: 7/06/14
GMI Daily: 7/07/14
Why wait another day to start growing FOOD?
GMI Daily: 7/09/14
GMI Daily: 7/10/14
Despite multitudinous computer problems, solved eventually by my son, I have managed a blog 4 U! Read, mark and learn.
Fibro hugz
Fibro hugz
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.
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