This FMS eNews is devoted to the Fibromyalgia Conference held at the Chichester Park Hotel from 28th-31st March 2014. I have assembled links to the speakers' and therapists' or their organizations' web pages, where possible. I have not attempted to reproduce their lectures although I took copious notes. This blogpage directs you to their online presence where you can read more about the work they do. They are assembled in alphabetical order of the surnames of the speakers with photos when available. Quotes are, on the whole, direct from the respective websites. I hope that, whether or not you attended the conference, you will find this guide helpful.
Debbie Barnes, Healthy Hypnosis
"Welcome to Chichester Hypnotherapy
So far 2014 appears to be the year of changes. Change can be difficult, but usually it makes our lives better in the long run.
Hypnotherapy can help you to work through any difficulties in your life and release any unwanted problems, habits and symptoms.
Only a few sessions of Hypnotherapy can help you to be motivated and empower you to become the person you want to be and to create the life that you want to lead."
Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride MD,GAPS ™ - Guts and Psychology Syndrome
Her books are available from Amazon.
Prof. Trudie Chalder PhD, Cognitive behavioual Therapy and the treatment of CFS.
Her research projects are outlined here:
Her books are available from Amazon:
Dr Andrew Dilley PhD, Fibromyalgia - A Pain in the Nerves
"Research focus
The peripheral mechanisms of chronic pain. In particular how inflammation can affect the physiological properties of sensory neurons.
Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging as clinical tools to identify peripheral nerve inflammation and altered nerve dynamics in patients with chronic pain. . . . . ."
RLHIM website home page:
"Fibromyalgia syndrome service - a holistic approach.
Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a musculoskeletal condition causing chronic widespread pain and increased sensitivity to touch and pressure. Associated features include tiredness, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, headaches, irritable bowel and bladder syndromes."
Nancy Gordon (USA) Paws for Comfort
Nancy's dogs (Xolos), Toaster and Pink are a great aid to her, providing warmth and comfort as well as companionship.
"The heart-felt mission of Paws for Comfort® is two-fold:
1. To provide uplifting and comforting messages for those in challenging health situations as well as for the under recognized population of caregivers and loved ones, who play an irreplaceable role in the lives of those who are health challenged.
This is accomplished through Paws for Comfort’s greeting cards . . . .
2. To increase public awareness regarding an alternative method of muscle pain relief: the rare dog breed Xoloitzcuintli (Mexican Hairless) as the unique service dog for chronic muscle pain."
1. Friday: Autonomic nervous system, Benign Joint Hypermobility and FM
Related article:
2. Saturday: PC3 - Positional Cervical Cord Compression
For information on PC3 see
and www.PositionalCordCompression.
3. With Sue Horton (Physical Therapist): Management
4. Sunday: The Big Question?
YouTube has some of Dr Holman's lectures, not necessarily the sme as above, but worth viewing.
Fibromyalgia: A Unifying Theory"
Treatment Pearls: Fibromyalgia"
See also:
Esther Odetunde, Physiotherapist - Graded Exercise Thrapy (GET)
"Patients may be referred to physiotherapist by any of the doctors working at the RLHIM, by a consultant at UCLH or a GP."
"Occupational therapy enables people to achieve as much as they can for themselves and get the most out of life.
Occupational therapists help people of all ages who have physical, mental or social problems as a result of accident, illness or ageing, to do the things they want to do."
"He runs the Hypnosis and Cognitive Therapy Unit at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, UCLH NHS Foundation Trust, where he treats a wide variety of medical, dental and psychological problems e.g. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Anxiety Based Disorders, and Interventional Procedures.
Additional to his clinical responsibilities, he teaches medical students, doctors and dentists on various topics in relation to Medicine, Hypnosis and Cognitive Therapy."
Linda Horncastle, Alpha Stim
More Energy, Less Pain!
For many people with pain, insomnia and anxiety, medication fails to give sufficient relief. This stops them living life to the full.
There are two other alternatives to medication which have excellent results in reducing pain, anxiety and insomnia and enabling you to do the things you want.
One - Microcurrent therapy
Two – Occupational Therapy
Read more:
and Treating_pain.html
Linda is a HCPC registered Occupational Therapist who set up the MicrOTherapy clinic in February 2010 specialising in treating people with the Alpha-Stim®. She also offers Occupational Therapy where the goal is to help clients have independent, productive and satisfying lives. She has run the South Bucks Fibromyalgia Support Group since 2001.
For many people with pain, insomnia and anxiety, medication fails to give sufficient relief. This stops them living life to the full.
There are two other alternatives to medication which have excellent results in reducing pain, anxiety and insomnia and enabling you to do the things you want.
One - Microcurrent therapy
Two – Occupational Therapy
Read more:
Linda is a HCPC registered Occupational Therapist who set up the MicrOTherapy clinic in February 2010 specialising in treating people with the Alpha-Stim®. She also offers Occupational Therapy where the goal is to help clients have independent, productive and satisfying lives. She has run the South Bucks Fibromyalgia Support Group since 2001.
Roz gave a demonstration of seated exercises called Fitter Sitters. No website presence except for mention of her classes at the Selsey Centre:
"These pages will help you discover something about two passions in my life, shiatsu and qigong. If you want to find out more, there are links (see adjacent panel) to useful websites and you're most welcome to contact me directly about more specific issues."
"Qigong - Way of Life Force Enhancement
Up until the mid 1990s (in Europe and North America) you might only have heard the term Qigong mentioned in Taiji and other martial arts classes. Even in these contexts Qigong movements and postures were often considered simply as “warm ups” in preparation for the real work.
Around 1995 two phenomenon rapidly brought qigong to the attention of Western media. . . . . ."
Veronica Pettifer, Around the Neck and Shoulders
"The range of therapies work holistically to promote relaxation.
Adapted reflexology and massage techniques are used to develop a tailored session plan for you.
All these therapies should be seen as complementary to and not as an alternative to professional medical consultations and treatments.
Towards Balance Workshops offer a simple self-care routine to ease the upper-body tension often associated with office work, driving or caring."
Lisa Sturges, Laughterlines Coaching
"Welcome to Laughterlines Coaching.
Laughter Connects. It creates a bridge of understanding, playfulness and equality. It strengthens relationships, eases misunderstandings and oils the wheels of communication. Would you like to reduce stress levels in your own life, company or organisation? Would you like your employees to feel re-energised, engaged and relaxed during a conference or away day? Would you like to learn about a unique way to improve the health and wellbeing of your staff?"
Wes Wright & John Stevens, Benefits Clinic
"All about Frontline
Frontline is based mainly the South of England, and serves the community by providing expert assistance to those who are disadvantaged by the burden of debt, often through no fault of their own. We also specialise in offering independent, expert benefit advice.
Our volunteer advisors have many years experience working in this field, often liaising with government and other agencies to provide a totally confidential, free service to anyone in need, regardless of background or belief."
But it was not all work and no play. Each evening after dinner there was entertainment, with much fun and laughter. Next year's conference will be at the same place from 24-27 April, so book it in your diaries NOW! Official announcements will no doubt follow.
Best regards to all
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