It is with great sadness that I tell you of the death of Arthur, husband of Jeanne Hambleton. Jeanne is chair of FMSSES (formerly FMSSAS) and works tirelessly for the fibromyalgia cause and search for a cure. Sincere sympathy and condolences reach out to her.
144. Hiding yourself from the world doesn't exactly hide the world from you.
Fibromyalgia and Diet
Will changing your diet help you cope with fibromyalgia?
If you have fibromyalgia, you've probably wondered if there are ways you could modify your diet to improve symptoms such as fatigue and muscle pain.
Research hasn't shown that there are specific foods that all fibromyalgia patients should avoid or add to their diets. But it may still be worthwhile to take a closer look at how foods impact the way you feel.
"There aren't many good studies that have looked at how diet can affect fibromyalgia symptoms. But I think we can gather a lot from anecdotal evidence -- from what patients tell us," says Ginevra Liptan, MD, medical director of the Frida Center for Fibromyalgia in Portland, Ore., and author of Figuring Out Fibromyalgia: Current Science and the Most Effective Treatments.
Here are some of the ways doctors say food can play a role in fibromyalgia and tips on how you can tweak your diet to support your overall health.
Living with Chronic Pain: Discovering Gratitude
It can be difficult to feel thankful when you live with chronic pain. Because pain may interfere with important areas of life, you may have suffered some difficult losses. Over time, you may have become more resentful and less thankful. But, if you take the time to notice, you may find that there are relationships, activities, and experiences to be grateful for, even though you have chronic pain. With practice, you can discover gratitude again and experience the many benefits of feeling thankful.
Positive Psychology

When was the last time you said, "I couldn't be happier..."? Happiness can be elusive. It can be fleeting. Too often, it can be lost in our modern world's swirl of stress, multitasking, and 24/7 news. Today you are already thinking about tomorrow.
Positive Psychology, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School, is a "how to" guide to greater personal happiness. It will show you how you can surmount the obstacles that disrupt and diminish your ability to enjoy life to its fullest, with awareness and connection.
20 Surprising Ways to Prevent Colds and Flu
From sleeping in to using vodka in place of hand sanitizer, check out the surprising stay-well secrets that real experts swear by.
Sniffle season strategies
You've got to act fast to fight off colds and flu. Case in point: University of Arizona scientists have found that when someone is sick in an office, it takes only four hours (!) for surfaces like coffeepot handles, copy-machine buttons and the fridge door to show traces of infectious virus. Considering that the 2012 flu season was one of the worst on record, it's well worth arming yourself against aches, cough, fever and general misery. For reality-tested tips that actually work, we turned to doctors, politicians, makeup artists and other brave souls who are exposed to viruses every day. Steal their strategies to win the war against germs this winter.,,20752945,00.html

In its simplest form it is thinking of and planning something, you can do in the form of a physical job or task and following this through to completion.
I'm not talking about grand plans that need grand rewards. There should never need to be any kind of self boost from helping someone. This isn't something you do and then plaster all over facebook to your friends, or blog about.

It features a spoonie who opens up regarding her condition.
Tai Chi/QiGong in Crawley, Horsham and Worthing
Nicola's Note
Hello everyone, we have three more weeks of classes before we break for the Christmas holidays. I cannot believe we are at the end of the year already, it has gone so fast. I'm busy planning 2014 and there will be lots more training in store. For full details on our class schedule, please view over the December calendar. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Regards, Nicola
Daily Newsletter, Nov. 23rd, 2013
Daily Newsletter, Nov. 24th, 2013
Daily Newsletter, Nov. 26th, 2013
Daily Newsletter, Nov. 27th, 2013
Daily Newsletter, Nov. 28th, 2013
Daily Newsletter, Nov. 29th, 2013
Best wishes to you all
N.B. I would like to point out to you that the information in my eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.
I previously sent out emails as FMSSAS eNews. Past issues of FMSSAS eNews can be found at and on a blog at These ceased at the end of November 2012 when I resigned as a trustee. This blog commenced on 8th December 2012.