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FMS eNews 27/06/15

2015 has half gone!  Wow! How time flies. 
Today we are visiting Haywards Heath where St Wilfrid's Church is celebrating its 150th anniversary.  My husband was Rector there from 1977-87.  A long time ago now.  It will be a nostalgic visit.


WORDz for the WEEK

226.  To triumph in life doesn't necessarily need to be the fulfillment of our curiosity.


Treating PEM & Alternative Treatments

Last week we looked at several aspects of post-exertional malaise, and now we delve into how to treat and manage this pervasive and disabling symptom.
Also this week, lots of information on alternative treatments, including which ones work and how to find qualified practitioners.
Take care of yourself!
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert


Living the Best Life with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia (fms) is a chronic neurological condition that causes widespread pain, fatigue, insomnia, cognitive impairments, and a host of other symptoms. Many patients are forced to quit their jobs, studies and life dreams due to the impact of symptoms on their lives.
In Living the best life with Fibromyalgia, Alisha Nurse shares what’s worked for her, to enable her to make the best of life with this chronic illness. Alisha continues to work, and function more than many fms patients are able to. In this short, powerful narrative, she shares her health regime consisting of long-standing family remedies, and natural sources of pain relief.
An avid blogger whose writing focuses on living with fibromyalgia and depression, Alisha fiercely encourages fms patients to fight for their lives and not give in to this condition.
Living the best life with Fibromyalgia is a must-read for any fms patient who wants to regain control over their life, and win their battle against fibromyalgia. 


Dudley Chronicle 'Letters to the Editor' features Fibromyalgia


International Day of Yoga

[This arrived too late to be included in last week's eNews.  Even though June 21st has come and gone I thought it worth including now.]
Yoga is a 5,000-year-old physical, mental and spiritual practice, with its origin in India, which aims to transform both body and mind.
On December 11 in 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 21 as the International Day of Yoga. The declaration came after the call for the adoption of 21 June as International Day of Yoga by Honourable Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi during his address to the UN General Assembly on September 27, 2014 wherein he stated: “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature.” In suggesting June 21, which is the Summer Solstice, as the International Day of Yoga, Mr. Narendra Modi had said that, “the date is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has special significance in many parts of the world.”


Treating Fibromyalgia with Diet

Fibromyalgia, or FMS is a disorder that is known for causing widespread pain and tender points on the body. These tender points hurt when pressure is applied to them. Individuals suffering from fibromyalgia also suffer from cognitive and sleep issues, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and major stiffness upon waking.
However, since a diagnosis of fibromyalgia cannot be confirmed by lab tests, physicians will typically diagnose this ailment based upon other symptoms that could also be indicative of various other conditions. Some individuals believe that their diet can either exacerbate or improve their symptoms and therefore want to know more about a diet that could possibly help them.


6 Rules for Living with Fibromyalgia (As Told By Fibromyalgia Bloggers)

As much as we may wish we could live a life free from trials, tribulations and pain – the reality is that life will deal us our fair (or perhaps unfair) share of them. They come in different forms and usually enter our lives completely unexpectedly – sometimes knocking us off our feet (usually just figuratively – but occasionally literally as well). The English historian and novelist James Anthony Froude nailed the hammer on the head when he said, “The trials of life will not wait for us. They come at their own time, not caring much to inquire how ready we may be to meet them.”
This rings especially true for those suffering from a chronic illness like fibromyalgia. Chances are fibromyalgia didn’t knock on your door and politely inquire if it would be too much of an intrusion to turn your life upside down. Instead, it entered your life without warning – forcing you to weather the storm and pick up the pieces as you go.


Depressing Consequences: The Infection Mood Disorder Connection Revealed 

We know that many cases of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) start with an infection and that those infections result in what is called “sickness behavior”.  The fatigue, pain, difficulty concentrating, problems with sleep and apathy found during an infection, are intended to force an individual to withdraw from society and stop spreading an infection. 
We know that higher than normal rates of mood disorders (for a chronic illness) are present in ME/CFS and FM and that ME/CFS, FM and depression, share many symptoms that are associated with sickness behavior. That brings up the question where the immune system fits in. Could it be causing  or contributing to the elevated rates of mood disorders seen in FM and ME/CFS?  Is it  causing mood disorders found outside of ME/CFS and FM?  Could depression in some cases, be just a case of sickness behavior that never lets up?


Renewal and Relapse: An Anti-inflammatory Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Story 

I had my coffee, read the paper, had another cup of coffee, read the computer and by 8:30 or so I was raring to go! 
Greg was a healthy and active professional until he woke up from a nap one ordinary day and could hardly move. 
A Sudden Illness 
My “life” with ME/CFS began when I was 54 in the summer of 2007.  I was a healthy, active Veterinarian, in a group private practice working four ten hour days a week. My only health problems were GERD, and a cranky lower back I’d had since my mid-twenties. I’d not had a day off from work due to illness in seven years. I worked out each day before work, spent my free days helping take care of my widowed elderly mother, taking walks with my wife and dogs, playing lots of golf and working around the house on our garden and various projects.  It was July and I was getting ready for my now annual week plus trip to Truckee to play in an invitational golf tournament with an old college friend. Then it was onto Lake Tahoe to visit old high school friends to hike in desolation wilderness. . . . . .


Social Exhaustion: An ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Dilemma 

(Thanks to Sue for allowing Health Rising to repost her poignant blog on a frustrating and common problem for people with ME/CFS/FM and their families: when social interactions – even with loved ones – turn exhausting.)
I’ve been thinking about how exactly to describe this bizarre thing where just being with other people can totally wipe me out…I guess “social exhaustion” is as good as any description, though it’s still not quite accurate. I experienced this horrible, bizarre aspect of ME/CFS again last weekend. My mom and her husband came for the weekend. I had invited them – in fact, encouraged them – to come, and I really enjoyed having them here. We had a great weekend – my sons were both home, we watched old home moves, played games, had some great meals, and talked and laughed a lot. All in all, it was a lovely weekend with family. Except…that I was totally exhausted by dinnertime Saturday – wiped out, worn out, barely keeping my head up, frazzled, and wrecked. I tried to be polite for a while. I really wanted to play a game while everyone was here (I love games!) or watch more of our home movies, but I was just…so…tired. I finally gave up at 9 pm and went upstairs to bed, while everyone else (including my kids!) stayed up well past midnight. Getting up to my room and into bed was such a huge relief! Lying down flat in a completely quiet room and reading my book felt so good. I think my mom was a bit put out the next morning, when she asked me why my light was still on an hour later. Even after 13 years, she tends to take it personally when I need a break or can’t manage being with everyone any more. I don’t blame her – it’s a hard thing for anyone to understand, how being with people you love could be harmful. . . . . .


Reflexology Hand And Foot Charts

Reflexology is the ancient art and science of massaging the feet and / or hands using a technique designed to address a system of pressure points. The idea is that specific areas of the foot or hand correspond to each part of the body, which are “mapped out” onto the hand or foot as in the charts. The theory is that by massaging the part of the hand or foot in the right way, you can provide healing benefits to the part of the body that it “represents”.
Reflexology has been practiced in the Orient for centuries and is now popular in the West – although orthodox medicine considers it to be pseudoscience and gives it no credit. Despite this, reflexology remains a very popular and enjoyable treatment for many… and one is tempted to suggest: “Why would people continue to spend their hard earned cash on it if it were giving them no benefits whatsoever?”

It is certainly relaxing and I do also think it has merit: Years ago, a girlfriend taught me a pressure point in the hand for headaches, in between the forefinger and thumb. If I had a headache, she would pinch this area in a certain way and the headache would definitely seem to be alleviated. Researching the topic, I found that reflexology was introduced to the USA by William H. Fitzgerald, M.D. (1872–1942), who claimed that applying pressure had an anesthetic effect on other areas of the body.


10 Super Tips For A Great Night’s Sleep

What are you doing up this late? Get to bed this minute!  Seriously though – a good night’s sleep is very important in maintaining your health. Sleep is the time when the body needs to rest – and interestingly, some significant “deep healing” processes take place when we are asleep. Bad sleep quality affects awareness, memory, and coordination [1] – which can ultimately affect a person’s decision making and ability to perform daily tasks at home, work, or school. Sleep deprivation can also be extremely dangerous: Fatigue has been considered a contributing factor in up to 50 percent of motor vehicle accidents in the United States. [2] Also worthy of note – sleep makes you better looking. You will be even more gorgeous when you are all rested. 
Here are 10 science-supported tips for improving sleep quality:


The Question: How can I tell if I have restless legs syndrome?

The Answer: No matter how hard you may try, there are just some nights where the quality of your sleep is downright pitiful. But if tossing and turning feels more painful than frustrating, then you might be one of the more than 3 million people in the United States who suffer from the neurological condition restless legs syndrome (also known as Willis-Ekbom disease).
We spoke with Timothy Morgenthaler, a sleep medicine doctor and past president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, to learn more about how the disease arises, what symptoms set it apart from other conditions, and what can be done about it.


The relationship between food and mood

Diet and mood have a very close relationship. This may be surprising for some, yet quite logical when considering the physiology of the human brain and how this determines our feelings of joy and excitement or feelings of sadness, despair and hopelessness. There are many mood enhancing foods out there to give the brain all that it needs to function optimally, whilst also supporting the structure of the brain. Food can affect your mood considerably; nutritional deficiencies resulting in physiological imbalances in the brain can lead to low mood and possibly even depression in severe cases.


Fibromyalgia and Itching: Understanding the Link

Fibromyalgia and itching, burning skin are well known to those who have this syndrome. These feelings can be really bad. Fortunately, there are ways in which to get some relief.
What Causes Burning, Itching Skin
Denervation is the main cause of burning skin. A nerve getting pinched or compressed by your muscles causes this. Usually this happens because the muscles are always tight and tense and this is where all of the trigger points are located. Whenever this happens, the brain loses signals from it causing the other nerves in this area to become hypersensitive. Once all of the nerves in this area become this way, your skin will begin to burn and itch.
Treatment Of Burning, Itching Skin
You can do something about your fibromyalgia and itching, burning skin. One of the first things that you will need to do is get your tight muscles to relax so that they will be able to let go of this nerve. The brain will then tell the other nerves to calm down. In order to do this you should try using a ball to give yourself a massage or you can try pressing on your muscles and squeezing all of the blood out, thus allowing fresh blood to come to the rescue. . . . . .


Benefit cuts deaths: Revealed, how Tories are trying to 'fudge' figures claiming they're too 'emotive'

The news has prompted fury after 220,000 people signed a petition to find how many people died after being found 'fit for work'
The Tories are trying to 'fudge' figures on welfare cuts deaths in a shock dossier which claims they're too 'emotive', Mirror Online can reveal.
The news has prompted fury from campaigners, 220,000 of whom have signed a petition to find how many people died after being found fit for work.
Iain Duncan Smith's department is waging a legal fight against a request for the figures, claiming it'll reveal them in its own time.
Sign the petition here 


Paresthesia Connection to Fibromyalgia

Paresthesia is a condition that results in a burning sensation, tingling, prickling, or even numbness. This condition often occurs in the hands and extremities of the body. The symptoms associated with this condition can vary in severity from mild to very severe. Depending on the reason paresthesia is present, the condition may last chronically or it will disappear after a short period of time.
With fibromyalgia, it is not uncommon for paresthesia to occur without the sensation of pain, but pain can be felt sometimes when it is present. The condition can also occur without any advanced warnings. This may cause concern in patients especially if they have never felt the sensations in the past.


Fibromyalgia Has Central Nervous System Origins

Patients Often Have Lifelong Histories of Chronic Pain
Fibromyalgia is the second most common rheumatic disorder behind osteoarthritis and, though still widely misunderstood, is now considered to be a lifelong central nervous system disorder, which is responsible for amplified pain that shoots through the body in those who suffer from it. Daniel Clauw, M.D., professor of anesthesiology, University of Michigan, analyzed the neurological basis for fibromyalgia in a plenary session address today at the American Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting, 


Drink THIS First Thing in the Morning:

This daily trick can help you detoxify, improve your digestion and boost your metabolism & energy levels - by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist
You're bombarded with toxins in today's modern world... everywhere from the polluted air you breathe, the water you drink, the shampoos and other cosmetics that lather your body with chemicals, and of course, all of the chemical additives, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and other harmful compounds in the food that you eat.
All of these TOXINS can have harmful effects on your body, harming your metabolism and hormones, impairing your digestive system, and zapping your energy levels.
If I could tell you ONE thing that you could do each morning right as you wake up to help your body eliminate some of these toxins, improve your digestion, stimulate your metabolism, and BOOST your energy, would you do it?
Of course you would... and it takes less than 1 minute!
Here's the trick. . .


Avoid Dangerous Interactions When Taking Supplements

We are better off getting our nutrients from healthy foods and beverages, but dietary supplements can fill a nutritional gap.  It’s confusing to know when you should take certain nutrients, especially the minerals which can bind or “chelate” with a lot of different medications. It’s also difficult to time your supplements around meals and medications. 

Over the years, I’ve used my own vitamin list to help me remember when and how to take supplements.
I think it could help you, especially if you have to take a lot of different things. You can download my form for free at my website and fill in the blanks with your own supplements. This cheat sheet will help you  stay on track. 

As a pharmacist, it’s kind of in my blood to ‘approach with caution’ and I don’t necessarily mean pharmaceuticals. Supplements (the high quality ones that really work) will act in your body exactly like a drug and the timing impacts efficacy.  Before you embark on any supplement regimen, I suggest you ask a holistic-minded practitioner what is right for you with consideration to your allergies, your liver, kidney function and even genetic mutations.
By learning all you can about vitamins and minerals you can make better choices about dosages. . . . .






Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.
All good wishes



N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in which case the title is in PURPLE like the dividers.  This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link.  If you have any navigation problems, let me know. 
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgements, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.
If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.

FMS eNews 20/06/15

There are lots of research reports and new ideas for you this week.  From new technology, the vagus nerve stimulation looks extremely promising as a treatment for FM, to old fashioned remedies like raw honey that can do so much good.  A plethora of information awaits you.  Don't forget that the BROWN titles are links to the relevant websites.  This blog only gives a taster of each one


WORDz for the WEEK

225. There may be silent lips but, there are no silent minds.


Post-Exertional Malaise; Other Symptoms

Exercise intolerance is one of the defining features of ME/CFS. Learn more about it, including what it means, why some doctors don't believe in it, and what physiological abnormalities may be behind it. (We'll look at treating/managing it next week.)
Also this week, a look at some of our other symptoms and how to deal with them.
Take care of yourself!
Adrienne Dellwo - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Expert


Dopamine in Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Low Dopamine: How It Makes You Feel & How to Fix It

Dopamine has different roles in different areas of your brain. In the thinking areas, it makes you able to focus your attention.
Low levels of dopamine in this area are linked with ADD/ADHD. In the movement areas, it helps you control how your body moves.
Extremely low levels here lead to Parkinson's disease, which is characterized by tremors and problems with balance and coordination.
People with fibromyalgia (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or ME/CFS) generally have low dopamine levels as well.
Symptoms of both conditions include both cognitive effects as well as movement and balance problems.
Adrienne Dellwo

See also the article by Suzy Cohen "Have You Stopped Enjoying Life? Could Be Low Dopamine" 


17 June 2015 Newsletter

ESA 8 Month Delays And Forced Psychological Testing Plus Mass DLA To PIP Migration Goes Ahead
Claiming benefits under the Conservatives involves waiting times that are, in some cases, literally illegal, even if not actually criminal. And there’s also a question mark over the legality of the increasingly common practice of forcing ESA claimants to undergo psychological testing and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) training.
But none of this stops the new minister for disabled people, Justin Tomlinson, crowing about not having to pay compensation to PIP claimants waiting over a year for vital benefits.


Publish the statistics showing how many people have died after their benefits were stopped

Ian Duncan Smith is attempting to block the publication of "death statistics" that will reveal how many people have died within six weeks of their benefits being stopped.
After a freedom of information request, The Information Commissioner’s Office has said that there is no reason not to publish these figures but Ian Duncan Smith's department - the Department of Work and Pensions - has launched an appeal to prevent the figures being made public.
I've started this petition to call on the Courts and Tribunal Service to dismiss this appeal and so prevent any further delay by the DWP in publishing these figures. Please support me.


Amitriptyline Pain Relief and Side Effects

. . . . . Unfortunately, of course, with all good pain relief medications, there are side effects. There are a range of different side effects associated with amitriptyline and, although most people only experience a couple and they are usually fairly minor side effects, sometimes they can be extremely severe. . . . .


Message from Beth Urmston re NI's booklet 'Fibromyalgia is Real' 

Polite Request: The second edition of the 'Fibromyalgia is Real' booklet will be out soon. Gemma Flood, who has published the booklet has said we can have 1,000 copies to send to GP's, Rheumatologists and any other medical professional you feel would benefit from it.

In order to do this we need you to e:mail the name and address of who you would like a booklet sent to. We will obviously incur postage charges and need envelopes to mail these out so if you can help out with any donations they will be gratefully received.
Usual e-mail address - which is also the PayPal account reference. Thanks in advance to all for helping to raise awareness and supporting us. X Beth


Beth gets publicity in Warrington Guardian

Well done Beth!


The second edition of my booklet Fibromyalgia Is Real will be launched in the Seven Oaks, Carlow, NI, on 7th July at 7 p m. I would like to thank everyone who supported me in any way in getting this out there only six months after my other one. Special thanks to Ellen Paterson, Elaine Houlden and Beth Urmston for their never ending support and patience
xxxx Gemma


Best and Worst Foods for Sleep

What to eat before bed, by Amanda Gardner
From early birds to night owls, we all can agree that when we finally lay our heads on the pillow we’d like to actually go to sleep, thank you.
Nothing is more annoying than insomnia, and the evidence is piling up that sleep is essential for good health. Although the research is a bit spotty when it comes to which foods help or harm sleep, anecdotal evidence does suggest that certain items consumed right before bedtime are more likely to be “sleep promoters” while others may be “sleep stealers,” says Russell Rosenberg, Ph.D., CEO of the National Sleep Foundation.
Here’s a list of potential good guys and bad guys when it comes to getting some shut-eye.


Tipping Point? The Stanford Chronic Fatigue Initiative’s Big Year Is Here

"We are at the tipping point in our scientific pursuit to identify the biomarkers and central abnormalities of ME/CFS.  Several treatment interventions will stem from our work and that of other institutions. We believe that by applying the appropriate methodology and technology, we will be able to conquer and defeat ME/CFS within our lifetime. The Stanford ME/CFS Initiative A Big Year for the Stanford ME/CFS Initiative" 

The Stanford Chronic Fatigue Initiative’s spring newsletter indicates that the next year is going to be a critical one for Montoya’s ambitious, multifaceted program. Five years ago an anonymous donor put enough rocket fuel (reportedly $5 million) into it, to run a greatly expanded program. Montoya took advantage of the opportunity to examine multiple areas of the body (immune system, heart, brain) and to fill up a large biobank (200 patients).


“Reborn” – Reversing Fibromyalgia with Vagus Nerve Stimulation 

“The results blew me away. I have never seen an effect as powerful as this.” Dr. Benjamin Natelson 

The ‘vagus nerve’ is actually a bundle of different sized nerves. Aptly called the “wanderer”, the tenth and longest cranial nerve enters the brain at the medulla (Look up) and extends down into the chest cavity and into the abdomen.  Eighty percent of the nerve is devoted to relaying information from the body to the brain. The “wanderer” affects the function of every organ and the immune system The autonomic nervous system’s Yin to the sympathetic nervous system’s Yang, the vagus nerve regulates the parasympathetic nervous system.  It affects everything from the swallowing to digestion to speaking to blood pressure.


The Brain Game: The Search for Neuroinflammation in ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia 

An inflammatory process (neuroinflammation) almost certainly plays a major role in the development of many neurological diseases. Andrew Lloyd has pointed out that the symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome (and fibromyalgia)  are “brain symptoms”‘; i.e. they are flu-like symptoms produced by the brain when we get ill.  That suggests, of course, that  neuroinflammatory processes are at work. The search for inflammation in ME/CFS and FM may strike gold in the brain The search for the inflammatory basis of fibromyalgia never really got off first base, but the search for the inflammatory component that many felt must be in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), has never died. The tie-in between the infectious onset that many people experience and the flu-like symptoms that have dogged many for decades has simply been too strong to give up on the idea that the immune system plays a huge role in ME/CFS.


Reborn II: Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Inflammation

(The first part of this blog is taken from an article called "Hacking the Nervous System" published by the Huffington Post)
Maria Vrind's superb level of fitness in the end offered her no protection against an insidious immune process taking place in her body. By her late forties, this former gymnast had to give up her athletic coaching job. By her early fifties she was in severe pain, couldn’t walk and her knees, wrists, ankles, elbows and shoulder joints felt like they were on fire. She had a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis.
It took a cocktail of powerful drugs (including methotrexate - a chemotherapy agent) to keep her functioning. One day - one moment, really - in 2011 the drugs mteriously stopped working. Unable to walk and in terrible pain she was rushed to the hospital where an IV dripped a chemotherapy agent into her veins.
The drug worked but she dreaded a life of disability and monthly chemotherapy treatments. As it turned out chemotherapy drugs were not in her future. A new treatment from an entirely different source offered her relief beyond her wildest dreams. . . . . .


Can’t Sleep All the Way Through the Night? Try a Little Bit of This “Ideal Liver Fuel” Before Bed

Did you know that raw honey contains “an ideal ratio of fructose to glucose” – which supports the liver, an organ that works overtime on its job of breaking down fats and toxins? Much of this “work” is accomplished during the sleep cycle which explains why sleep is so important to feeling refreshed. It literally allows the body to detox.
A spoonful of raw honey has a “dual action” for sleep:
1) restoring glycogen to the liver so that your brain doesn’t activate a stress response, which often occurs when glycogen is low (this could potentially pull you out of sleep.
2) Honey also assists with the release of melatonin – a hormone produced by the body that naturally helps with sleep.


10 Signs You May Have A Thyroid Problem (And 10 Things You Can Do About It)

The thyroid gland is a part of the endocrine system which produces and regulates hormones in the body. This small, butterfly-shaped organ can be found in the front part of the neck, only palpable when a person swallows (as the thyroid moves up and down). The thyroid produces several hormones, namely: thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH), thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). The hormones produced by the thyroid regulate growth, metabolism, and body temperature – which is why thyroid problems (either an underproduction or overproduction of hormones) usually affect weight, activity, and physical development. [1]


Top 20 Natural Painkillers In Your Kitchen

Just discovered a fantastic, fascinating list of natural painkillers that are common kitchen ingredients! What’s interesting is that the list is not just a basic list – but also gives specific information as to the type of pain that researchers have found that these natural ingredients may assist with – and the way in which the food is used (not all of the remedies involve actually eating the herb / food in question!)


26 Struggles Of Exhausted Insomniacs

Insomnia affects 48 percent of Americans occasionally and 22 percent of Americans every or almost every night, according to the National Sleep Foundation. The causes can vary from depression and anxiety disorders to the simple buildup of stress from everyday life. But what seems to remain constant is the frustration you feel when you just can't seem to drift off to dreamland and stay there for hours on end.
We reached out to HuffPost Lifestyle's Facebook community to find out what thoughts most commonly course through your mind during a typical bout of insomnia, as well as personalized ways you've tried to cope with this sleep-depriving disorder. Here are 26 thoughts and suggestions they had to share. . . . . .


Fibromyalgia: Does exercise help or hurt?

You may be reluctant to exercise for fear that it'll aggravate your symptoms, but research shows that regular moderate exercise lessens pain and improves function.
Although pain and fatigue may make exercise and daily activities difficult, it is crucial to be physically active. Research has repeatedly shown that regular aerobic exercise improves pain, function and overall quality of life.


Have You Stopped Enjoying Life? Could Be Low Dopamine

Some people feel so bad they want to die, but don’t follow through because they actually lack motivation. There is no pleasure. That must sound doesn’t it, but it holds true for many.
Why bother with anything, nothing brings you pleasure… this kind of depression is related to dopamine imbalances.
Does it sound like you?
You’ve been trained to equate depression with serotonin deficiency, not dopamine, but in fact people with serotonin-related depression don’t usually wish to die. They feel blue, they have no motivation, sometimes poor self esteem, but they don’t want to really die. They are commonly put on drugs such as Prozac, a very good one if you’re aiming to raise serotonin temporarily.
But Prozac might backfire, I’ll tell you why in a minute. It has to do with fluoride and iodine. My point right now is depression is NOT a Prozac deficiency (or Celexa, or Cymbalta, or Lexapro, or any of them).  They may be helpful, and you may rely on them but the point here is depression results from something other than a medication deficiency. There’s an important distinction I want to make, one that could potentially save your life, or someone you love.

For more information on dopomine see "Dopamine in Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" by Adrienne Dellwo in


We are extremely proud and excited to be announcing a 3 year collaboration with University of Surrey to complete a Randomised Controlled Trial (the gold standard of research) investigating the OHC approach treating ME/CFS.  To find out more about the study, and the related fundraising campaign, click play on the below video with OHC Founder Alex Howard:




I hope you have found this eNews edition helpful.  I was delighted today to receive a medal, a FIBROMYALGIA HONOUR awarded for Helping Others.  Thank you Fibromyalgia South East Support.  I am indeed honoured.
Best wishes to all




N.B. The links on this my FMS eNews blog are in the BROWN text, usually in the title of each article but occasionally elsewhere too. Some titles have no links in which case the title is in PURPLE like the dividers.  This blog gives just a taster of each article which can be viewed in full through its link.  If you have any navigation problems, let me know.
I would like to point out to you that the information in my FMS eNews blog is passed on to you mainly from other sources. Links are given to the original articles. I take no responsibility for their accuracy but freely give them publicity if I think they might be of interest to my readership. Sites I refer you to are for information only. They might conflict in their opinions, they might not even be medically sound, but I merely offer them for you to peruse and make your own judgments, accept or reject as you will. Only by reading widely can we get an overall picture of fibromyalgia syndrome and how we can deal with its symptoms, learn to cope with them and still have a life. Any advice or recommendation of a medical or legal nature should always be discussed with a qualified professional.
I also include various awareness items, benefits issues, as well as general health considerations. Anyone wishing to reproduce any of the included items in printed form should seek permission from the originators.
Wordz for the Week are from ‘Wordz for the Day’ by Donnie Kuhn, Sr. who died in May 2011.
This eNews is my personal offering to fibromyalgia sufferers and their carers and is not related to any other organisation or charity.

If you don’t already get reminders when each new FMS eNews is posted, please send an email to and you will be added to the emailing list.